Free printable left right birthday game

Looking for a great birthday party game for kids? I’ve got one that’s fun, keeps everyone involved, and celebrates the birthday boy or girl in a totally unique way! I am talking about the fun “pass the present” game known as the Left-Right Birthday Party Game! And I've created a free printable that you can download to play!

What You'll Need for Left-Right Birthday Party Game

This game can be played two ways at a birthday party:

  • You can play it where everyone will get the chance to open a small gift, in which case you’ll need a small wrapped gift for each party guest.
  • OR you can play with just one wrapped gift that gets passed around according to the directions in the story- and there’s just one winner to the game!

It’s up to you!

But it is more fun (and funny!) if most of the gifts are silly, age-appropriate “gag” gifts, and if you are playing where everyone wins- then make one or two “desirable gifts”.

But no matter how you play- all gifts should be inexpensive!

How to Play the Left-Right Birthday Party Game

Have everyone sit in a circle, and place the gifts in the center. Starting with the birthday boy or girl- each guest picks a gift.

(Or if you are playing the one winner version, have the birthday boy or girl start with the gift.)

Now read the Left-Right story aloud, passing gifts LEFT and RIGHT as the story describes.

At the end of the story- the gift or gifts get opened!

Planning a party or get together for kids?

Then be sure to check out this list of The Best Backyard Games for Tweens This is an affiliate link: MomOf6 earns a commission if you purchase, at no additional cost to you.and The Best Party Games for Tweens This is an affiliate link: MomOf6 earns a commission if you purchase, at no additional cost to you. over on my Amazon influencer page This is an affiliate link: MomOf6 earns a commission if you purchase, at no additional cost to you.!

The Left-Right Party Game Story

The magic in this whole game- is the great story about the birthday boy or girl that initiates the present-passing.

And I’ve got a fun free printable story that tells the tale of how the birthday boy or girl thought their birthday had been forgotten by all of their family and friends!

Party guests will laugh along with the story- all while focusing on hoping that the gift they want will come their way!

You can download a copy for your own party- simply sign up below to join the MomOf6 community and you'll be directed to a thank you page with access instruction!

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Looking for Some More Fun Games for Kids Parties and Get-Togethers?

These are the tried and true games my kids love to play with their friends! Click on a pic to check it out over on Amazon!

Looking for Some More Great Party Games, Crafts, & Activities for Kids?

  • “What's On Your Phone?” (free printable party game for tweens and teens!)
  • 50 Would You Rather Questions for Tweens (free printable party game!)
  • Photo Scavenger Hunt for Tweens (free printable party game!)
  • The Best Scavenger Hunt Ideas for Tweens (great games from around the web!)
  • 10 Great Birthday Party Games for Tweens (tons of ideas from around the web!)

Check out all of our Kids Birthday Party Ideas here:

How to Throw Your Own Kids Birthday Parties at Home!

Would your kids enjoy playing this Left-Right Birthday Party Game?


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