Functions of mass media in the society

We all know that mass communication is a process of sharing messages to a large number of audiences through some forms of technology at a time. And some forms of technology used to spread messages is the media.

Functions of media

Given the power of the various functions of mass communication, we need to be reflective about its presence in our lives (McLuhan & Fiore). We will now turn our attention to the study of mass communication by looking at what mass communication scholars study, and how they study it.

What are the main functions of mass media?

Primarily are four major activities or functions of mass media: surveillance, correlation- interpretation, socialization and entertainment.

What are the 8 functions of media?

The Media and its Function.
Information. Sending and sharing of information is the major function of media. ... .
Education. Media provides education and information. ... .
Entertainment. The other important function of media is the entertainment. ... .
Persuasion. ... .
Surveillance. ... .
Interpretation. ... .
Linkage. ... .

What are the four functions of the mass media for society and individuals?

Mass media has four functions: surveillance, correlation, cultural transmission, and entertainment.

What is the role of mass media in society?

Mass media is virtually a current awareness service informing people about current events and activities of human beings and also about every significant natural phenomenon and such others of public interest.


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