Getting back in shape at 30

Many women face the big 3-0 with dread and anxiety. But you don't need to enter this decade kicking and screaming. Bone mass and the growth hormones that were bursting in your twenties won't dip dramatically just yet. So don't sweat it if you're only now starting to work out—your body still is brimming with natural muscle-building, fat-fighting juices. And if you were hitting the gym regularly in your twenties, the fitness base you developed can really pay off now, especially if you have something like a marathon or triathlon on your bucket list.

There's a reason endurance athletes often peak in their thirties—it's a time when your body's strength, endurance, and coordination come together to create an optimal performance, says Barbara Bushman, Ph.D., an exercise physiologist at Missouri State University. Also, oxygen efficiency (which helps you knock off longer, harder efforts with ease) often improves with age and training, and it could give you an advantage over your juniors on the racecourse or even just in indoor cycling class.

That said, what you've heard about your metabolism stalling and muscle mass slowly shrinking in the later half of this decade is true. But buck up! Your metabolism is directly correlated to your lean muscle mass, meaning you can stop—and even reverse—the decline with regular exercise. The weight wars people often experience now aren't solely the result of some inevitable physiological process. Rather, they're commonly associated with a drop in physical activity, specifically of the endurance-and muscle-building variety, says Mark Tarnopolsky, M.D., director of the Neuromuscular and Neurometabolic Unit at McMaster University Medical Center in Ontario. With families and careers in full swing, "this is a time when a lot of women start to sacrifice their own health, putting other things and people first," says Bushman. But neglect your diet or exercise regimen for too long and the pounds will creep up—faster than the freshman 15 did.

Music to a busy woman's ears: You can stay fit at this age by working out smarter, not longer. To get the most out of your precious workout minutes, you have to focus on intensity. In one study, participants who did four to six 30-second all-out sprints on a bike (for a total exercise time of one and a half hours per week) saw fitness increases similar to those of another group who cycled at a moderate pace for a total of four and a half hours per week. Do less, gain more? Tough to argue with that.

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The Major Red Flags You Need More Exercise In Your 30s, Trainer Says

Once you address these telltale signs, you can turn things around.

By Tim Liu, C.S.C.S.

Published on January 27, 2022 | 9:22 AM

FACT CHECKED BY Alexa Mellardo


One of the most important things you can do for your health when you're in your 20s is working out regularly. A lot of people neglect their fitness when they're in their 20s and younger, and by the time they hit their 30s, it catches up to them. That's why it's critical to begin exercising as early as you can and maintain a healthy lifestyle—because it gets a whole lot more difficult as you age. After you hit 30, you start to lose 3% to 5% muscle mass every 10 years. This leads to a slower metabolism and fat gain, so you need to do everything you can in order to build and maintain it.

It can be easy to make excuses when your schedule gets booked up real quick, but carving out time for a run or hitting up the gym for a sweat sesh is necessary. You'll feel so much better mentally and physically, and will reap the long-lasting health benefits. So, if you're in your 30s and not sure about where you're at with your health and fitness, here are four major red flags showing that you need more exercise. You can turn things around and establish a better fitness routine ASAP. (Your body will thank you!) And next, be sure to check out The 6 Best Exercises for Strong and Toned Arms in 2022, Trainer Says.


You Can't Run a Mile Without Stopping


One of the first physical fitness tests we experience in PE class is the one-mile run. Love it or hate it, it's a really great measurement of how fit you are aerobically. Even if you're not a runner, you should still have a decent aerobic base to be able to run a mile without stopping. Besides endurance, you need to be able to have good cardio for your heart health.6254a4d1642c605c54bf1cab17d50f1e

If you haven't run in a while, don't fret, because you can still do this. Start with a shorter distance where you can maintain good form and a steady pace, then slowly increase your volume.

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You Can't Perform a Pushup


The pushup is a basic upper body exercise that most people should be able to perform. This movement requires upper body muscle mass and strength, as well as core strength. If you can't perform a single pushup, it's a telltale sign that you need to incorporate strength training and bodyweight movements into your routine. Begin with planks, incline pushups, and also dumbbell bench presses to build up your pushing muscles.

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You're Constantly Low Energy


If you're in your 30s and struggling with your energy levels throughout the day, it's a sign that you need to start exercising and also eating a healthier diet. Because of our modern lifestyle, many of us are sitting at a desk all day long, staring at a computer screen, and barely getting any steps.

Although you might not have much energy, you'll feel so much better and more refreshed once you get a workout in. If a full workout sounds pretty daunting, then you can begin with something as short as a 10-15 minute session just to get the heart pumping and the muscles waking up.

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Your Body Fat Percentage is too High


As statistics show, we have an obesity crisis here in the United States. Many Americans are carrying excess body fat, which can have a negative impact on their health and overall quality of life. According to Harvard Health Publishing, excess body fat is linked to high levels of "bad" cholesterol. It can also lead to extremely concerning health issues such as high blood pressure, strokes, heart attacks, diabetes, and cancer.

Men should have 15% body fat or less to be fit, and women (ages 30 to 39) should fall in the healthy range of 20% to 24%. You can get your body fat percentage checked through a DEXA (dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry) scan in order to see where you fall on that range, and for some nutrition, fitness, and health expert-approved tips, check out 44 Ways to Lose Noticeable Inches of Belly Fat.

Tim Liu, C.S.C.S.

Tim Liu, CSCS, is an online fitness and nutrition coach based in Los Angeles Read more about Tim

Filed Under

Body Health // Weight Loss Tips // Workouts

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How do I get back in shape in my 30s?

Regular Strength Training As you age, you lose both muscle tone and strength. The less muscle you have, the fewer calories you burn every day. If you want to stay in shape, it's time to start regular strength training. Cut back on the cardio, and start hitting those weights or doing more bodyweight training.

Is working out harder in your 30s?

As you approach your late 20s and early 30s, energy levels may decrease. You are likely to feel a difference in the way your body reacts to food and exercise. The metabolic rate drops two per cent per decade, so the amount of exercise required increases.


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