Google Maps as the crow flies

Knowing how to measure distance with Google Maps allows you to get even more from the world's most popular navigation service. Whether you're running the app on one of the latest and best iPhones or best Android phones, or using the website on a computer, Google Maps does more than help you navigate from one place to another.

Using the Google Maps app or website, you can measure the distance between two or more pinned locations. Why is this useful? Well, it can save you time if you're looking to quickly check the physical distance of certain locations without having to plan a route between them — or provide a fleeting moment of fun if you've ever wondered how far your house is from the North Pole or Sahara Desert.

Whatever your reason to do it, here's how to measure distance with Google Maps.

How to measure distance with Google Maps: PC and Mac

1. Open Google Maps and right-click on a starting point. On the menu that appears, click “Measure Distance.”

(Image credit: Future)

2. Click anywhere on the map to draw a line between the starting point and the destination point. The distance, in a straight line, will appear in a box at the bottom of the screen. You can click on marked points to remove them.

(Image credit: Future)

3. To draw a more complex route, click on the line and drag it into position at various points. The total distance measured, between the start and end points, will automatically adjust. Alternatively, you can draw a route by repeatedly clicking along the intended path.

(Image credit: Future)

4. To finish, click the “X” symbol in the distance measurement box.

(Image credit: Future)

How to measure distance in Google Maps: Android and iOS

1. Open Google Maps, then tap and hold on a starting point until a red marker appears.

(Image credit: Future)

2. At the bottom of the screen, tap the name of the place. This might be a specific address, but don’t worry if it’s just a town or city name — tap it anyway.

(Image credit: Future)

3. Tap “Measure distance.” You’ll be returned to the map, with a white dot surrounded by black crosshairs on the point you marked.

(Image credit: Future)

4. By pressing, holding and dragging, move the map so that the crosshair points to the next point you want to add. Once the crosshair is in place, tap the blue “+” button. The distance between the first and last points will appear in the bottom-left of the screen.

(Image credit: Future)

5. To measure a more complex route, set a new point at every turn you’d need to make. Unlike on PC and Mac, you can’t drag and move and existing line, so map out the route step by step using the “+” button. 

You can also undo points by tapping the backwards arrow symbol at the top-right of the screen.

(Image credit: Future)

Now you know how to measure distance with Google Maps, take a look at how to download offline Google Maps or our roundup of Google Maps tips and tricks. And check out how to share location on Google Maps if you want to make meeting with friends or family easier.

The Google app allows you to measure distances in a straight line between two points. Here are the steps to follow to implement it.

Google Maps is able to easily calculate a route between two points, but also has a hidden function to measure a distance in a straight line.

Read also: Deconfinement: how to calculate the perimeter of 100 km as the crow flies around your home

To use it:

  • Launch Google Maps on iOS or Android. Tap on the starting point in the map and keep your finger pressed on the screen. Then tap on the white area at the bottom of the screen which has the Route button.
  • At the bottom of the screen appears the function Measure a distance. Tap on it to start the measurement.
  • Then drag the map to the end point. The distance as the crow flies is then displayed at the bottom of the screen. To exit the measurement function tap on the cross at the top of the screen.
  • You can even accumulate distances. To do this, tap Add when you are at the end point and then select the next point.

The cumulative distance is displayed at the bottom of the screen.

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Can you do as the crow flies on Google Maps?

Trying to figure out the “as the crow flies” distance between two points using Google Maps is simple if you know where to look. With a few clicks on your computer or taps on your phone, Google Maps lets you designate two or more points and will calculate the distance for you.

How do I get an aerial distance on Google Maps?

To measure the distance between two points:.
On your computer, open Google Maps..
Right-click on your starting point..
Select Measure distance..
To create a path to measure, click anywhere on the map. To add another point, click anywhere on the map. ... .
When finished, on the card at the bottom, click Close ..

How do I measure as the crow flies on Google Maps iPhone?

Measure distance between points.
On your iPhone or iPad, open the Google Maps app ..
Touch and hold anywhere on the map that isn't a place's name or icon. ... .
Select Measure distance ..
Move the map so that the black circle is on the next point that you want to add..
At the bottom right, tap Add point ..

Is as the crow flies distance?

If you say that a place is a particular distance away as the crow flies, you mean that it is that distance away measured in a straight line. It was 150 miles inland from Boston as the crow flies.


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