Halo or no halo engagement ring Reddit

Posted byu/[deleted]5 months ago

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level 1

I also thought I wanted the normal classic solitaire look, and opted to include a hidden halo at the last minute. I think it just gives a little surprise add. And it definitely does not distract from the diamond as you can only see if from the side, not face up.

Not a fan of regular halos, but I’m on board with hidden halos all day

level 1

I love the look of a halo, I vote halo. I love being and shimmer though

level 1

When I asked my girlfriends, some of them said the halo takes away from that look, and it obstructs from seeing the main diamond. So now I'm just confused.

My opinion: hidden halos don't do that. Regular halos can do that. You can't see the hidden halo unless you view from the sides.

I would say, go with your gut feeling! I personally love a hidden halo. I think it adds a little special something to the ring. I personally believe you can still have that classic, chic, and timeless look with a hidden halo. You could go for a thinner hidden halo too.

level 1

I would vote for the halo! Only because having something to hold the basket/prongs together (either hidden halo or gallery) reduces the chance of prongs getting loose overtime. Most people have to go in occasionally to ensure prongs haven’t shift/moved. Hidden halos wont take away from a top view of a solitaire! Just adds a little side view sparkle! :)

level 1

If you’re going for the classic look, nothing is more timeless than solitaire with standard prongs and no hidden halo.

But go with your gut!

level 1

My ring is in my post history along with my band- it’s a 3.01 karat with platinum prongs! I also debated halo or no halo and ultimately decided no to the same reasons.

I did decide to get a jazzy wedding band (in post as well) and the two of them together make it feel not plain at all! I also loved that most styles went well with it since the ring was “plain”

level 1

I have a hidden halo- and no regrets. I’m left handed so I didn’t want a super intricate setting or pave band and was worried about maintenance for the same reasons as you- losing stones etc. especially being a leftie I was worried about banging it on something. I’ve been engaged since January which isn’t terribly long but I’ve had no issues. I’m also pretty careful, I bought a bunch of spare ring boxes on Amazon and have them throughout the house to make it easy to take my ring off to clean, workout etc. I’d say if you don’t have a super hands on job and are not generally hard on your jewelry it should be fine.

level 1

I love my hidden halo! It’s so pretty from the side and you can’t see it from the top so I’m not sure how it would take away from the solitaire, maybe your friends thought you meant a normal halo?

level 1

I personally like the classic solitaire look - I have a ring really similar to yours with a plain gold band, platinum prongs and old mine cut stone. I debated on the hidden halo but ultimately felt like it took away from my original vision of having a classic, simple ring with the diamond on full stage.

My piece of advice is to think about your wedding bands. When I first got my engagement ring I felt I could have added the hidden halo, but now that I have my wedding bands (two micro pave bands) I’m happy I didn’t go the hidden halo as I think everything would have been too much together.

The good news is no one but you will probably notice the hidden halo so you really can’t make a bad decision 😊

level 1

No halo BUT yes to a gallery rail! You don’t want to risk losing the stone because a prong bends.

level 1

LOVE my invisible halo. Gives my solitaire so much character. Like a little sneaky peeky of a wild side.

level 1

A simple solitaire is always classic and chic and timeless!

level 1

I’m partial but I LOVE a cheeky hidden halo. I’m a big fan of understated/private details and I think the hidden halo accomplishes that beautifully. And if you’re at all considering a gallery rail (you should - for stone safety!), all the more reason to go hidden halo!

level 1

Wow I could have wrote this myself except I am considering an emerald cut! I have been waffling by between the hidden halo or not as well. I like that it takes something simple and adds a little extra! I would do it.

level 1

I have a double halo. It really accentuates my main stone.I am always team halo, which is a blue sapphire. Really makes the stone pop

But it is not normal for halo stones to fall out.

level 1

If you want timeless, go no halo! A halo will take away from that look

level 1

I think it depends on whether the hidden halo changes the light entering the stone from the sides.

In the two designs you showed, the prongs are very open allowing maximum light input into the stones. This means the hidden halo MAY change the way the ring looks from the top since it adds a band around the outside of the stone. That said, it may also add more stability to have that band of stones. I'd say it's a toss-up.

I agree with others that the hidden halo doesn't change how classic the design is! If you love it, go for it. But note that it's not totally irrelevant to the top-down look of the ring since it adds more metal around the stone itself.

level 1

So I actually agree with your friends. One thing I LOVE about my solitaire is looking at the diamond from the side, not just the top. The side view of my stone is just so pretty and a halo there would hide it.

I really, really love hidden halos, but I think they will take away from a really amazing stone like you are getting.

level 1

Hidden halo yes. A regular halo no. Especially with that size carat! If it was smaller and you wanted to enhance the size maybe buy a 2.6 ct diamond is a big ring! When ever I see a halo I always think the center stone is not big and you are just trying to play a mind trick

level 1

Damn I'm a sucker for the hidden halo. Always like to see them

level 1

I vote halo! Adds a little cheeky something to a classic look

level 1

I don’t think a hidden halo takes anything away from the center stone. I like mine, but mines a bit different than the image above. Top down still looks super classic. From the side is added sparkle!

level 1

Love hidden halo! The not hidden kind of halo is not my thing though. I think hidden halo makes the side look more interesting. And it doesn't take away from the main stone because it's hidden!

Are halos on rings tacky?

Are Halo Engagement Rings Tacky? No. Halos are second in popularity only to the solitaire diamond engagement ring. While "tacky" remains largely a matter of personal opinion, it's safe to say halos have been in style for centuries, and they're not going out of style anytime soon.

Does a halo make a diamond look bigger?

In a halo setting, your center stone is surrounded by a shimmering ring of smaller accent diamonds. This brilliant halo optically extends the size of your center diamond, making it look much larger. The extra shimmer provided by the diamonds in a halo setting adds to this effect.

Are Halo engagement rings popular?

Though the halo engagement ring has been an emerging jewelry trend over the past few years, the setting originated in the 1920's, so it's considered a vintage setting. Though halo engagement rings are old news, they are today's hottest trend!

What does a halo engagement ring say about you?

Round or Halo: Round shaped engagement rings favor brides who have sophisticated taste but are also traditionalist at heart. Round stones are timeless, effortless, understated and never try too hard. So if she you're naturally charming and elegant, you'll love a classic solitaire or round halo.

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