How big is pluto compared to the earth

Humankind got closer to Pluto than ever before on Tuesday morning, with NASA’s New Horizons probe flying just 6,000 miles from the former planet.

The unprecedented proximity to Pluto has provided scientists with previously unconfirmed data about the dwarf planet, including its size. On Monday, NASA announced that Pluto, with a diameter of 1,473 miles, is slightly larger than previously thought. To help space enthusiasts conceptualize Pluto’s size, NASA created a graphic comparing Earth, Pluto and Charon, Pluto’s largest moon.

For more Pluto coverage, check out 9 Facts About Pluto You Need to Know.

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How big is Pluto compared to the United States?

Pluto is not very big. It is only half as wide as the United States. Pluto is smaller than Earth's moon.

How many times bigger is Earth than Pluto?

By comparison, Earth has a diameter of 7,918 miles, making it more than five times the size of Pluto.

How big is Pluto right now?

Pluto is about 1,400 miles (2,380 km) wide. That's about half the width of the United States, or 2/3 the width of Earth's moon.

How large is the moon compared to Pluto?

Differences Between The Moon And Pluto The Moon is a satellite that orbits Earth whilst Pluto is a dwarf planet that other space objects orbit. Pluto is smaller that the moon with a diameter of 2,370km which is roughly a third smaller than the Moon's diameter of 3474.8km.


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