How can i see who shared my post on Instagram business account

You open Instagram to find you have a bazillion new followers and have no idea why. Did you just wake up famous? Are you making headlines somewhere? Or, perhaps more likely, did someone with a large following share one of your posts to their Instagram story and score you some new internet friends?

If you’re curious about your surprise fame or just how fire your followers actually think your Instagram posts are, there’s a hack that allows you to see who reshared your posts so you can keep tabs on who’s giving you free publicity. (Or just how proud your mother is of the latest portrait you posted of her granddog.) Whether you’re interested to know more about your engagement on Instagram, or just dying to know who finds your posts interesting, there’s a lot to learn from your post insights.

While anyone can reshare content by taking a screenshot of a post or story and uploading it to their stories from their camera roll, the original poster won’t be linked, notified, or credited. The only way to tell if a user reshared your post to their Instagram story is by using the in-app post sharing feature, which also gives viewers a chance to tap the original post and go to the poster’s page directly. It’s a more friendly and upfront way to share other users’ content than doing so without credit.

Here’s how to find out who has shared your posts to their stories — and why you should care.

The only way you can see who shared your Instagram post to their stories is if you have a business or creator account. These kinds of accounts give you access to content insights, which can tell you a lot about who is engaging with your Instagram posts, Reels, and stories. It’s free to convert your personal account to a creator version (and easy enough to switch back), but keep in mind that creator accounts can’t be private. Once you have your account in creator or business mode, follow the below steps to see who shared your posts to their Instagram stories.

1. Go to your profile and click on the post.

2. Click “View Insights” on your Instagram post. If your post was reshared, there will be a number directly underneath the paper airplane icon. This will tell you exactly how many people reshared your post.

3. Return to the photo and click on the three dots in the upper right-hand corner of the post. There will be an option to “View Story Reshares.” Click on it. (Note: This option will only appear if your post was reshared at least once.)

5. You will be brought to a page titled “Current Public Reshares” where you can see exactly how many people reshared your Instagram post to their stories.

6. To see who shared the post, click on a reshared story in the grid, and it will take you directly to the user’s story.

7. From there, you can see the username and click on the account.

Why Does It Matter If Someone Reshared Your Instagram Post?

If engagement is important to you — think, if you’re trying to build your influencing empire — finding out who shared your Instagram post can be incredibly valuable information. By checking who reshares your posts, it can help you understand which demographic your post jives with. Is your new needlepoint hobby striking out with Gen Z? Are your social justice infographics getting circulation amongst respected Millennialpeers?

Reshare insights are also helpful if you just recently got a slew of new followers or likes on a post, but don’t know why. You can check your posts individually to see which ones might have been reshared, and then go through the users listed to see if any of them have big followings that could account for the influx of notifications.

While your friends and followers might like a post enough to double tap it, sharing a post to your story is a bit more of a commitment. Users generally don’t share posts to their stories unless they really connect with it, so it’s good to know who is spreading the love.

This article was originally published on May 10, 2021

Wondering who shared your Instagram photos on their page? Then better read this article, in which we introduce you to a super cool tool that makes it easy to track the accounts that shared your content on Instagram. So, stay tuned if you want to learn how to see who shared your Instagram post!

The digital world is getting bigger day by day. Back in the old days, people only had Facebook, but now, we all have at least three social media apps. When you’re in this fast-paced virtual world, you simply can’t stay isolated. 

And in the age when your success depends on your social media presence, it’s become much more relevant to track your activity and growth on the platform. One of the ways you can ensure your content appeals to your audience is whether they’ll share it on their story or with friends. Now, if you don’t know how to see who shared your post on Instagram, how can you track the performance of your content and get more IG followers?! 

Let’s get started and find out all about it, then! 

Not interested in the details? Start Monitoring and Managing your Instagram account with this FREE tool.

Why Learn How to See Who Shared your Instagram Post

One of the most popular social media is Instagram, especially now, when due to the Coronavirus pandemic, it saw an increase of 3.6% in daily active users in the US. In the past few years, Instagram has turned out to be a place to make friends, build a brand, promote businesses, and make money online.

People interact on this platform by likes, comments, saves, DMs, and sharing each other’s content. Actually, reposting, or as Instagrammers say it, ‘regramming,’ is an everyday activity among users. Many pages on Instagram only publish other accounts’ selected content. Among users, these pages are known as the ‘featured pages.’

Such a platform can genuinely set the ground for your business success. Now, one of the deciding factors in your organic Instagram growth is the number of times your followers repost your Instagram content or share it with their friends. Now, to track your performance, you’ll need to find out how to see who has shared your Instagram post!

So, let’s get to the main point and answer your question: ‘Can I see who shared my Instagram post?!’

How to see who shared your Instagram feed post

To those of you who ask, ‘can you see who shared your Instagram post?’ we’ll have to say that the answer is not as clear-cut as we’d hoped!

To see who shared your Instagram feed post, you need to have a business account. Unfortunately, regular users can’t see who has shared their Instagram posts. It’s worth mentioning that Instagram won’t reveal who shared your posts; it only shows how many times your post has been shared.

Note: It’s not difficult to switch your Instagram personal account to a business one. To change your type of account to business Instagram, follow the steps below:

  • First, go to settings, 
  • Then, choose ‘Account,’ 
tap on ‘Account.’
  • And tap on ‘Switch to business/professional account.’
switch to a professional IG account

To see this number, go to your business Instagram page, open one of the posts that you like, and then tap on ‘View Insights.’

view insights

As you can see, in post insights, you can check the number of people who shared your photos. Also, you can see the number of saves, profile visits, and reaches made by that specific post.

check the number of times your content was reposted

However, you can’t possibly understand how to see who shares your posts on Instagram insights!

How to See Who Shared Your Post on Instagram Story

As already discussed, learning how to see who shared your Instagram post is indeed difficult. But on Instagram, finding out how to see who shared your post or story on their own Instagram story might be trackable. 

First, in case someone re-shares your Instagram story, you will receive a notification. So, you will understand the number of people and the usernames of those who have shared your story.

Secondly, if those who are on your ‘following’ list share on their story, you will be able to view their story as well. Hence, you will realize who has reposted it.

However, if someone you don’t follow shares your IG feed post on his story, you’ll have no way of knowing. In such a situation, you can only turn to a reliable platform.

How to see all the posts that mentioned you on Instagram

Usually, Instagrammers mention the original account on their reposted content to credit them and avoid any copyright issues. You can see all the posts that you were tagged on in your profile. But sometimes, people share your photo and only mention you in their caption, and it only generates a one-time notification on your app.

Moreover, if you run a business on Instagram, say selling clothes, people may mention you a lot in their captions and even in the comments. It’s quite hard to see and manage all the posts that you were mentioned in. So, what can you do? 

Luckily, we have a great solution: using Instagram management apps such as AiSchedul.

Use AiSchedul to see who shared your content on Instagram

Several Instagrammers are now wondering how to know who shared my post on Instagram. So far, we’ve made it clear that only business accounts can see how many times their content has been reposted, and still, they won’t even know who has done it. So, how can I see who shared my Instagram post?! A reliable platform like AiSchedul comes to your rescue here!

AiSchedul is an Instagram management app that offers many tools such as a smart scheduler, a social calendar, a Bio-Link tool, and many others. It also has a new feature called ‘Repost Mention.’

With this tool, you can see all the posts you mentioned in them, all in one place. Isn’t it great? Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Register to AiSchedul

First, sign up for AiSchedul for free. It only needs your name, email, password, and the process takes you a minute.

AiSchedul sign up

Step 2: Add your account(s)

Then go to your user-friendly dashboard and add all of your Instagram accounts. 

Step 3: Use the repost mention feature to see if someone shared your photo

Now, to understand how to see who shared your Instagram post, follow the steps below:

  • Select your targeted account by clicking on ‘Manage.’
  • After that, you will see your toolbar that includes ‘Post Scheduling’ and ‘Bio-Link.’
  • Choose ‘Post Scheduling’ and under the tab ‘Scheduler,’ click on ‘Repost mention.’
AiSchedul repost mention tool

In this part, you may see your own original posts being shared or user-generated content or UGC. For example, if one of your customers bought and used your products, they might take a picture and publish it while mentioning you. Another great thing that you can do with this amazing tool is to repost this content only with a single click.

Saving time is the primary purpose of this tool; you can stop worrying about missing any mention among the list of Instagram notifications and check your AiSchedul dashboard. 

Sign up on AiSchedul right now and get immediate access to this fantastic feature!

FAQs on How to See Who Shared Your Instagram Post

Up to this point in our blog, we’ve covered how to see who shared your Instagram post Reddit solutions, and also introduced an excellent tool with which you can resolve all such issues! Now, let’s move on to your other questions.

1- How to Create Sharable Content?

Indeed, driving interaction from your followers is demanding and challenging, especially if you have no idea what appeals to them. No worries, though! An ideal Instagram growth service can come to your aid, moving all obstacles!

AiGrow, a perfectly reliable IG tool will help you get more organic followers safely, create landing pages to share multiple links in your IG bio, mass DM potential followers and customers, automate Instagram giveaways, and much more!

AiGrow features

Yet, what sets this platform apart is that it performs all the tasks through human managers! That is, from the moment you sign up, they will dedicate a professional team of human managers with whom you can share your content strategy, concerns, and problems.

It’s high time you guaranteed your success with AiGrow!

2-Why Is The Number Of Shared Posts Important Anyway

Well, first of all, it shows how much your post was popular and informative that people were willing to share it. Secondly, if people share your photo, it increases Instagram engagement

You may underestimate the power of shared posts on Instagram engagement but trust us, based on the ever-changing Instagram algorithm, shared posts are becoming more and more critical. Yet, finding out how to see who has shared your post on Instagram might prove challenging even for those who have a business account. 

In this blog, we discussed whether that’s possible and what platform can help you with how to know who shared your Instagram post. And we came to the conclusion that AiSchedul can perfectly fulfill all your needs!

Final words on how to see who shared your Instagram post

Instagram is a powerful social media. By using all the capacities of this universal platform, you can experience better management on the platform. In this case, by seeing who is interested in your content and sharing it, you can grab a better understanding of the level of your account’s popularity and much more useful information. 

However, can you see who shared your post on Instagram? Unfortunately, Instagram insights, only available to business accounts, will merely show you how many times your post has been shared, but not who has shared it. On the other hand, one of the most ideal Instagram schedulers, AiSchedul offers tools that will enable you to see who has reposted your content!

How can I see who shared my Instagram post on Instagram?

Go On The View Insights Tab Once enough time has passed after sharing your story, you can go to the tab that says “View Insights.” The tab will allow you to see how many times your story has been shared by other people. You will see the username of the person who has shared your story and how many times it was shared.

Why cant I see who shared my post?

This is based on their personal privacy setting, eg, if the post is shared by someone your not friends with on Facebook, and their privacy is set to friends only, then you might not be able to see their name.

How do I see who shared my post on Instagram 2022?

To know who shared your Instagram post, follow the given steps..
Launch Instagram on your desired device..
Click on your profile page..
Select the post you want to see the shares of..
Click on view insights at the bottom of the post..
The view insights will show you if your post has been reshared..


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