How can I treat my dogs ear infection at home?

For a concerned pet owner, there’s almost nothing more worrying than knowing that your dog may have an ear infection. Unfortunately, ear infections are one of those health concerns that many pet owners have come to recognise, especially if you have a dog with floppy ears who may be prone to them. Fortunately, there are things you can do to recognise an ear infection and to help treat it to keep your pooch as comfortable as possible.

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What is an ear infection?

Ear infections can be common in dogs due to the shape of their ear canals. There are three possible types of ear infection that can affect your dog. These infections can include otitis externa, otitis media and otitis interna. Otitis externa is the most common type of ear infection. It involves inflammation affecting the outer layer of cells that line the external portion of the ear canal.

Otitis externa is often the first sign of an ear infection affecting your dog. If the infection goes untreated, it can spread into the middle and inner ear canal, which can progress to otitis media or interna, respectively.

It’s important to get your pup treatment before it spreads to their inner ear canal.

What are the obvious signs or symptoms of an ear infection?

Some of the first telltale signs of a developing ear infection to be on the lookout for are whining, scratching at the ear and excessive shaking of the head. Symptoms of an ear infection can also include:

  • Crusting or scabs in the ear
  • Odour
  • Obvious pain
  • Itchiness
  • A dark discharge
  • Redness or swelling of the ear canal

What are some treatment options you can do at home?

There are some at-home options for you to consider if it is just a mild ear infection. In the first instance, you can use a diluted apple cider vinegar solution to clean your dog’s ears. Apple cider vinegar helps by acting as a cleanser and an anti-fungal and antibacterial agent. Dabbing this into your dog’s ears sparingly can help to clean out the inside of their ears and treat the infection.

When should you bring your pooch to the vet?

If your at-home treatments aren’t working and your dog continues to suffer from an ongoing ear infection, it’s time to bring them to the vet to be seen by a professional. Ideally, you want to start medical treatment for them before the infection moves into the inner ear canal. Generally, your vet will thoroughly clean the inside of your dog’s ears and will often prescribe medication to help fight off the infection. This may include a topical ointment or even antibiotics in severe cases.

If the treatment is successful, the infection should clear up in 1 to 2 weeks.

If you believe that your dog may be suffering from an ear infection, it’s important to get them treatment as soon as you can. Ear infections can be incredibly painful and uncomfortable for your dog. If you are worried that they may have an infection, give our veterinary clinic in Coffs Harbour a call on (02) 6651 2477 and we’ll give your dog the care and attention it deserves.

Many pets are prone to ear infections — especially those with long, floppy ears. Because of this, many dog owners are familiar with the symptoms of dog ear infections. Common symptoms of dog ear infections include:

  • Excessive itching and scratching at the ear
  • Head shaking, particularly when it looks awkward or unnatural
  • Swelling and redness around the ear canal
  • Unusual discharge and odor
  • Scabs or crusted over the skin in the ears

The ear canal of dogs is much more vertical than the human ear canal. This L-shape makes it more susceptible to holding fluid and disruption from bacteria, yeast, or ear mites — all of which are causes of infection. There are three types of dog ear infections:

  • Otitis externa, the most common one that typically affects the outer portion of the ear
  • Otitis media, affecting the middle part of the ear canal and usually a secondary development in up to 50% of chronic otitis externa cases
  • Otitis interna, referring to inner ear infections that can result in neurological damage

Dog ear infections can be a serious condition, which may result in hearing loss or facial paralysis. These serious complications make it imperative to prevent infection and seek treatment as soon as symptoms arise in your pet.

Caring for and managing dog ear infections involve cleaning, medication, and aftercare.

Remedies and Treatments for Dog Ear Infections

Up to 16.5% of dogs will experience at least otitis externa, and complications may involve further development into more serious dog ear infections. Fortunately, there are straightforward steps you can take to alleviate symptoms and minimize the severity of such infections in your dog.

Immediate Care

Once your vet has determined the severity and type of ear infection your dog is experiencing, they will clean your dog’s ear thoroughly to remove debris, discharge, and ear wax. They may use a medicated ear cleaner or apply a topical medication.

In more severe cases, the vet may prescribe anti-inflammatory medications or oral antibiotics for your pet.

Long-Term Care

Your vet will likely prescribe a topical medication to your dog. It is important for you to carefully follow your veterinarian’s exact directives and instructions. You may make the application process easier by:

  • Keeping your dog relaxed with affection and treats.
  • Relying on a partner's help to hold and comfort your pet while you apply medication to the ear.
  • Ensuring that you place the applicator safely outside of the dog’s ear when dispensing medication.
  • Gently massaging the medication into the affected area.

Always finish the full course of the medication, even if your pet seems to be feeling better. Lapses or errors in treatment can prolong your pup’s illness.

Maintenance and Prevention

Whether it’s to prevent an infection from starting or to manage the healing of a dog ear infection that’s already in progress, ear cleaning is an important part of your dog’s hygiene. Cleaning your dog’s ears can:

  • Make it easier for you to examine your dog’s ear canal
  • Remove microbes and other small foreign objects that may cause dog ear infections
  • Clean and expose the ear canal for possible topical medication applications

Ear infections are often caused by excess moisture. Take care to thoroughly dry your dog’s ears after a swim or a bath. If your dog experiences chronic infections, talk to your vet about underlying causes such as allergies. 

Managing your dog’s hygiene is an effective way to prevent future ear infections. Clean your dog’s ears by:

  • Gently wiping the ear with an absorbent gauze. Never use a washcloth or paper towel.
  • Avoiding cotton swabs, which can push debris deeper into your dog’s ear. 
  • Cleaning the external portions of your dog’s ears.

For many dogs, ear infections are a recurring problem. Be proactive about keeping your dog’s ears clean and dry to prevent future ear-related health issues.

When to See a Vet

As soon as you notice symptoms of an ear infection in your faithful friend, you should contact your veterinarian. Prompt and proactive treatment will ensure your dog’s comfort and happiness. 

Can I treat my dog's ear infection myself?

Never put anything in your dog's ear without veterinary instruction. Your veterinary team can help you find the ideal treatment to treat the infection and give your dog much-needed relief. Itchy, uncomfortable ears can be caused by everything from ear infections to allergies and ear mites.

What kills ear infection in dogs?

Treating ear infections in dogs usually consists of your vet cleaning your dog's ear with a medicated cleanser and prescribing any antibiotics or anti-inflammatory medications required. Your veterinarian may also prescribe a topical medication and instruct you on how and when to apply it to your dog's ear at home.

How can I get rid of my dogs ear infection fast?

They may use a medicated ear cleaner or apply a topical medication. In more severe cases, the vet may prescribe anti-inflammatory medications or oral antibiotics for your pet. Your vet will likely prescribe a topical medication to your dog.

What can I put in my dog's ears to soothe them?

Olive Oil. Olive oil can soothe irritation, suffocate ear mites, and help float debris out of your dog's ear. Warm-up some olive oil to about the same temperature as your dog's skin (can be any kind of olive oil) and apply a few drops to your pup's ear. Massage for a minute and repeat with the other ear.


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