How did the development of the factory system encourage urbanization Quizizz?

How did the development of factory system encourage urbanization?

“Cities grew because industrial factories required large workforces and workers and their families needed places to live near their jobs. Factories and cities attracted millions of immigrants looking for work and a better life in the United States.”

How did the development of the factory system contribute to the Industrial Revolution?

The factory system of the Industrial Revolution introduced new ways of making products. Products could be made cheaper, faster, and in larger volume.

How did the factory system contribute to the rapid industrialization of the United States Quizizz?

How did the factory system contribute to the rapid industrialization of the United States? By using slave labor to mass-produce goods.

How did industrialization contribute to urbanization?

Industrialization is the process that takes an agricultural economy and transforms it into a manufacturing one. Mass production and assembly lines replace manual and specialized laborers. The process has historically led to urbanization by creating economic growth and job opportunities that draw people to cities.


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