How do you capture a explosive Puffer in raft?

To craft Net Canisters for taming Livestock or Fireworks for celebration, Raft survivors will need a material known as Explosive Powder. Net Canisters are the projectile ammunition for Net Launchers and can be used to capture passive mobs such as Llamas, Goats, and Cluckers. Fireworks are regarded as tools for visual entertainment; however, they can be used as weaponry for killing pesky creatures like Seagulls. Therefore, if Raft players wish to have tamed animals aboard their drifting home or shoot off Fireworks with their friends, they must procure Explosive Powder. To get this resource, survivors must search for a particular fish called the Poison-Puffer.

Crafting Explosive Powder in Raft

To craft Explosive Powder in Raft, players must acquire a resource known as Explosive Goo, a substance dropped by the Poison-Puffer. This angry-looking fish is easily distinguishable by its round, yellow body, bulging eyeballs, and protruding spikes. Survivors can find this species of fish near Large Tropical Islands, the Caravan Island, Shipwreck Island, Plane Crash Island, and Desert Biome island.


Raft: How To Get A Bow

To find a Poison-Puffer in Raft, players can search the underwater areas surrounding the island biomes mentioned above. The fish will usually appear near the water’s surface, emitting tiny bubbles that rise and pop at the surface. Furthermore, there’s a good chance it will spawn close to a school of fish. After detecting a player, Poison-Puffers will pursue after the survivors until the trespasser has left its aquatic territory. If the hostile fish gets close enough, it will explode into a large cloud of poison, dealing significant damage to the player and poisoning them in the process. Those who have played Subnautica can compare the behavior of Poison-Puffer to exploding Crashfish. Therefore, using close-ranged weaponry such as Machetes or Swords is not recommended.

The best way to kill a Poison-Puffer before it explodes is with a Metal Spear or Bow. The Spear gives players enough space to attack it by kiting and swimming away, and the Bow is an excellent ranged option to slay the Poison-Puffer from a safe distance. Accordingly, the strategy would be to attack the fish, swim slightly away, and repeat. If this is too difficult, players can also lure it to shallow water and leap onto land to escape. As the fish turns around and swims away, dive back into the sea and attack. Once the Poison-Puffer is dead, it will drop one to two globs of Explosive Goo. Take this goop and 

Explosive powder in Raft is a material that is used to create Net Canisters. You can easily use this to capture and tame all kinds of livestock in the game. Apart from this, the explosive powder is also used to craft firework rockets in the game. This powder is very useful and finding it is of utmost priority. In this guide, you will find out how to get and use explosive powder in Raft.



Raft: How to Get and Forge Explosive Powder?

Here is how you can get and forge explosive powder in Raft.

How to Get Explosive Powder

To get your own explosive powder in Raft, you will need to get and kill pufferfish. You can do this by using a net launcher or a melee weapon in the game. It will take around four successful hits to kill with a net launcher or melee weapon.



There are a couple of locations where you may have a high chance of finding pufferfish. These are as follows:

  • Islands that show up as green on the receiver.
  • Below debris floating on the reef around big islands that have animals on them.
  • Below debris floating around shipwrecks.

Using a regular melee weapon like a spear is difficult. Getting too close to a full-blown puffer will lead to it exploding and damaging you instead. The distance to maintain between you and the puffer is hard to determine and so, you should probably just go with a net launcher instead.



How to Forge Explosive Powder

Once you get the pufferfish, you will also get explosive goo that you can forge explosive powder with. To do this, you will have to go to the raft. There, you must go to your furnace/smelter. Just like with iron, copper, and seaweed, you will need to keep it on the furnace till it becomes explosive powder.

Just like with everything else in the game, you will need to first research the item before you can use it. This will mean that your first set of explosive goo will go as research material. And so, you will need to kill two pufferfish to actually get your first set of explosive powder.



This was your guide on how to get explosive powder in Raft. While you’re here, why don’t you check out this guide on how to build a successful beehive in Raft.

How do you catch explosive fish in the raft?

Since Pufferfish will self-destruct, players should keep their distance while hunting the creature. Because of that, a bow is highly recommended for this task. After killing the fish, it will make a motion as if it's going to explode, but it won't. Watch it flip upside down, then quickly collect the loots.

How do you pick up a puffer fish raft?

Lure the fish to shallow water and exit the water. The fish will turn around and start to swim away. Once the fish is a safe distance, re-enter the water. The fish will swim either left or right to turn around to attack you. ... Strategies..

How do you pick up explosive goo raft?

How do you get explosive powder in Raft? Explosive powder comes from the poison puffer fish. Take down one of those, and you're guaranteed a bit of explosive goo. There's a much lower chance that the fish will drop a second bit of goo as well.

How many arrows does it take to kill a pufferfish raft?

You need 3 metal arrows to kill him and 5 metal spear stabs. Again you can do it 2+2 or 6-2.


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