How do you get Blu Tack residue off?

If there’s some residue left behind, try blotting it with the piece of Blu Tack you have removed. A great tip is to roll the Blu Tack into a small ball and place in the freezer for a few minutes until its rock hard, then blot away! The softer Blu Tack will stick to the harder ball and lift away. This is a lot easier than trying to remove it with your own hands which will only create more work for you. Just remember to be firm, not fast, so you don’t rip the wall paint or wallpaper off.

Use a citrus-based stain remover

There’s a good chance the oil from the Blu Tack might leave a stain on your wall. If that’s the case try a citrus-based stain removal spray — you can make a homemade version with just white vinegar, dishwashing liquid, water and lemon — to get rid of the mark. Use a sponge to apply the stain removal solution onto the stain, leave for a few minutes, then wipe clean with a damp cloth.

Meanwhile, a pea-sized amount of dishwashing detergent on a bristled scrubbing brush can also do the trick — consider using a dish detergent with a citrus base. If you don’t have a cleaning brush on-hand, a toothbrush works just as well.

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Got adhesive putty on your partitions? You'll want to know how to get Blu Tack off walls pronto if it's causing damage to your paint or wallpaper. Typically, this sticky substance is excellent for attaching wall art without needing to drill nails into your concrete or plasterboard walls. On the flip side, however, it can leave an oily stain, or if not removed with care, can deface your wall coverings.

So if you're wondering how to clean walls, we'll show you how to detach this pressure-sensitive solidity off of decorated surfaces and clean up any grubby remains.

1. Remove Blu Tack with Blu Tack

(Image credit: Bostik)

Nope, not a copy error. The same tacky material that's causing trouble, can come to your rescue when you want to save your best peel-and-stick wallpaper. If rolling the gummy matter with your fingertips hasn't worked, Bostik (opens in new tab) (the creators of Blu Tack) have come up with a simple video on how to get sticky tack off the wall and clean up those grease-like patches that might get left behind. 

How to:

  1. Simply roll away the old Blu Tack remnants, apply a small amount of your chosen cleaning product (Goo Gone (opens in new tab)is our fave) to a section of the microfiber cloth or kitchen paper (opens in new tab), and dab (don't rub!) the affected area. Do a patch test on an inconspicuous area first, to ensure that your chosen product will not mark the wall.
  2. Finally, with a clean and dry piece of cloth or kitchen roll, dab over the same area - the oily mark is dissolved and your stain has been lifted.

Tip: The best cleaning products like Goo Gone, can also help to get makeup out of clothes and gum off of the carpet, so it's worth buying a few bottles for all your needs.

2. Wipe it away with white vinegar 

We all know the benefits of cleaning with vinegar to remove stains on clothes, fabrics, and upholstery. But did you know you can also use acetic acid to get blobs of blu tack off of your walls?

Whether you're looking to take the tack off your teen's dorm walls, or your kids' tastes in music have changed, this natural, non-toxic cleaner will quickly take care of the oleaginous evidence left behind by poster putty.

Asides from being a super-affordable cleaner, white vinegar (opens in new tab) won't lift emulsion, so you needn't worry about any touch-up work when cleaning a painted wall. All you need to do is lightly saturate the affected area with a vinegar-soaked rag, allow it to work its magic, and then wipe gently with a clean cloth. Or if you want to target a specific area you could use a spray bottle (opens in new tab) (filled with vinegar), or a vinegar-doused cotton bud (opens in new tab).

3. Dissolve it with a citrus-based cleaner

While rubbing lemon or orange on a wall might not get rid of stubborn Blu Tack stains off walls, using a citrus-based cleaner might. According to FBC Chemical (opens in new tab): 'Citrus degreasers are powerful and effective cleaners. Limonene (commonly called d-limonene or citrus terpenes) is a naturally occurring solvent found in the oils of citrus fruits. Commonly processed from orange peel oils, d-limonene is a biodegradable and eco-friendly cleaning product.'

ADVANTAGE the Wonder Cleaner 20X Multi-Purpose Ultra Concentrated Formula (opens in new tab)(available on Amazon) is an ideal product if you want to get sticky tack off the wall, and you live with young children or pets.

Alternatively, if you run out of citrus-based stain remover, you can make a DIY homemade version with white vinegar, dish soap, water, and lemon. The advantage of cleaning with lemon is that it'll counter the mild vinegar odor and your walls will smell zesty and fresh.

'Blu tack can be a bit of a nightmare because if it’s been left on the wall for a while then they can leave a stubborn stain behind.' explains Nic Shaklock, head of marketing and brand development, (opens in new tab)

'One way to get rid of this is to use a little bit of washing up liquid and scrub away the stain gently in circular motions with a small scrubbing brush or even a toothbrush. I’d advise testing this on a small area of the wall that’s not in direct sight, perhaps pick a spot behind some furniture just to make sure it doesn’t damage your paint.'

4. Use a magic eraser

A melamine sponge aka Magic Eraser (available from Amazon) (opens in new tab) is a miracle tool when it comes to stain removal. And all you have to do is add water.

'One of the most common reasons for deductions to be made from a deposit at the end of a tenancy are scuff and Blu-Tack marks on walls,' says Stephen Haigh, head of property sales, Purple Frog Property (opens in new tab).

'While magic sponges may not have come from Hogwarts, they'll certainly help you make marks and dirt disappear! But, don't get too carried away when using the sponges on walls, especially where they are textured or have wallpaper. If you rub too hard you may damage the wall.'

Does Blu Tack rip paint off walls?

Knowing how to rent often means understanding your tenancy agreement inside-out. More often than not, a landlord will have rules in the contract about how you can (and cannot) decorate your walls, and which fittings and fixtures are permitted. Should you choose to go against these formal instructions, or haphazardly remove Blu Tack, you risk losing all or part of your deposit, which can be a costly mistake to make, as one housing expert explains:

'Blu Tack can pull the paint and even the wallpaper off the walls,' warns Cate Fairbanks, Jack Ojari, press officer at My Deposits (opens in new tab).

'It can also leave grease marks and in some cases, the tack dries so hard, that it can’t easily be removed without causing some damage. You don’t want a deduction from your deposit for redecoration at the end of the tenancy because of the damage removing the blu-tack has caused.'

'Remember it is your responsibility to return the property in the same condition it was in at the start of the tenancy, as recorded in the check-in inventory. Although reasonable wear and tear cannot be deducted from your deposit, blu tack marks do not count as reasonable wear and tear. ‘White tack’ may seem like an alternative, but you should still avoid using this as it can also leave grease marks.'

How do you remove tack residue?

To remove a sticky tack stain from your wall, start by mixing a few drops of dish soap with warm water. Then, dip a sponge in the soapy water and dab the stain with it until it comes off. If that doesn't work, try rubbing dish soap directly into the stain. Alternatively, you can use vinegar to remove the stain.

Does anything dissolve Blu Tack?

White vinegar is a great remedy for carpet and rug maintenance. Its mild acidity is capable of removing blu tack from your flooring material.

Does WD 40 Remove Blu Tack?

To remove blue tac from a varnished door, try spraying it with WD-40. It's a good solvent for many things like old masking tape and sticky labels.

Does vinegar remove Blu Tack?

Vinegar has multiple cleaning uses as we at Maid Service Potomac know only too well, and removing Blu Tack stains is another one of those uses. Take distilled white vinegar and heat it in the microwave. Pour the warm vinegar over the stain and leave it for a few minutes. Scrape off the Blu Tack with a plastic knife.


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