How do you make sage bundles with fresh sage?

Spring is usually thought of as cleaning season, but fall is often just as good, if not better, for fresh starts. As leaves start to fall and temperatures cool, it’s the perfect time to clear out the proverbial cobwebs and prepare your home for winter. One of my favorite ways of honoring the changing seasons and welcoming good energy into my home is with smudge sticks.

Smudging uses handheld bundles of dried herbs and flowers, which are then bound in twine and burned. The smoke is said to help purify the air and invite good energy into the home. It’s also a great way to put those herbs leftover from the summer growing season to use.

DIY Smudge Sticks

When burned, smudge sticks give off a resinous smoke, which is said to burn up toxic energy and bring things back into balance. While frequently used to cleanse places, smudging can also be used to cleanse people and objects. Aside from an increased sense of calmness, the benefits also include increased well-being, clarity, optimism and physical energy.

There are lots of different herbs traditionally used for smudging, but some are easier to find than others. Some of my favorite easy-to-find herbs include:

Sage – Considered one of the most prized and sacred herbs, sage instills peace and tranquility.

Cedar – Often used for renewal, protection and grounding.

Rosemary – Great for promoting mental acuity and purification.

Rose – Usually burned in love, luck, grief, and healing rituals.

Lavender – Cultivates peace of mind and restfulness.

Frankincense – Often used to send prayers and intentions to the gods.

Eucalyptus – Gives any room a relaxing, spa-like feel.

It’s best to use smudge sticks after having just cleaned and sanitized your home. Once you’ve gotten rid of physical impurities like dirt and dust, walk through each room with your smudge stick to cleanse the energies and leave your home feeling fresh both physically and spiritually.

Sage Sticks. Smudge Sticks. Smudgies. If you're like us, you had never heard of such a thing until, well mid 2020, global pandemic & the world was searching for inner peace and exploring home rituals as a way to connect with both themselves and to create a sense of calm within their space.

Fast forward two years and here we are, turning sage sticks into a new dreamy shade of our everyday Linen wear! Quite an inspiration the old Sage huh? 

Smudge sticks (and the act of 'smudging') comes from Native American culture where they are used in ceremonies to cleanse a space, bless people and places as well as clearing the air. Smudge sticks aka Sage Sticks are created from a range of dried herbs and flowers, tightly woven together with a thin piece of grass / string or cotton. Smudge sticks can include a range of herbs of flowers depending on how you want them to look or smell. From Rosemary to Sage, Lavender to Thyme... whatever you choose to pop in your Sage stick will be the delightful aroma that you will then burn off through the act of 'Smudging'.

Oh, and not just pretty delicious smells but Science has now proven that 'Smudging' (the act of burning your sage stick) literally cleanses the air and acts as an antiseptic - NO WONDER the world turned to Sage sticks in 2020!

In fact, a 2007 scientific study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology found that medicinal smoke could almost completely eliminate bacteria in the air within a confined space. One hour of burning medicinal smoke reduced airborne bacteria by 94%, and the purifying effects lasted for 24 hours in a closed room - SAY WHAT!?

If you havn't been smudging already with your fresh sage... now's the time! Here's how to make your own Sage stick in 3 easy steps. 

Smudge sticks can be made from both dried and fresh flowers and herbs. For a pretty finish you could pop a couple of cute daisies on there, for more rustic look, go all dried lavender, rosemary and sage. And remember, whatever herbs you choose to use will be the smell that your smudge stick gives off. 

Some traditional smudging herbs are:

  • Lavender
  • Frankincense
  • Cedar
  • Myrrh
  • Palo Santo
  • Sweetgrass
  • Juniper
  • Yarrow
  • Lemon balm
  • Sage

Some other herbs that smell & look great are:

  • Rosebud
  • Rosemary
  • Thyme
  • Cinnamon stick
  • Spruce
  • Bay leaves

The purpose of smudging is to cleanse and freshen a space so choose a selection of these that feels right to you.

You will also need some twine or 100% cotton thread. 


Gather your herbs / flowers and your twine. To make my latest Sage stick I used Sage, very dry Lavender (that I had forgotten to water!) some Rosemary and a couple of daisies for visual effect. 


Casually cut your pieces to a 'similar' length no longer than 15cm (smaller is fine) Start your bundle by placing all your herbs & flowers together with their bases aligning.


Grab your Twine / Cotton and cut the length to be 4 times the length of your longest stalk. 


Wrap your twine around the base of all your sticks and tie a knot. From here, with the long end of the twine, start to tightly wrap your herbs / flowers by wrapping the twine around and around up the herbs / stick. It doesn't need to be evenly spaced (As you can see in the photos) but the tighter the better for burning.  

Once you reach the top of the bundle, continue wrapping, crisscrossing the twine as you head back down toward the base. Tie the loose end to the original knot at the base of the stick.

STEP 5. 

For best results, hang your DIY smudge sticks upside down in a sunny spot (I secure the twine to a windowsill), and allow at least 3 weeks drying time.


Then comes the act of smudging and getting to use your Sage sticks! 

When you're ready and feeling like a cleanse of your space, light one end of your sage bundle with a match (not a gas lighter). Blow out the flame, and let the end of the Sage stick continue to lightly simmer and burn away.

Hold the base of the Smudge stick and wave it around your space. In Native American Culture, the smoke from the herbs is said to represent your prayers, wafting out into the universe and calling on the energy of spirit animals and the elements of earth, water, air, and fire. Once you are done cleansing the physical areas you can place the still-burning stick into shell, small vase or incense holder. 


After you smudge your space, open the windows to help get rid of any negative energy. Keeping windows locked tight traps both stale toxins and negative energy inside the room. So open up those windows and let the breeze refresh your home and fill it with clean, positive energy, ready for a new start!


 - Moving into a new space (new home, office, room etc)

 - After a break up or fight in the space

 - Weekly (Or Monthly) as a ritual to start to new week/month afresh

 - When you're feeling upset or emotional to re-set the space.

So friends, what do you think? Time for a Sage-fest? 

If you're looking for a cute outfit to wear while smudging with your Sage stick... Check out our new Sage Hue in our Organic-dyed Linen wear over HERE.

How do you dry sage to bundle?

In the open air: Bundle your sage leaves together in groups of five or ten using twine or a rubber band. Cover the bundles with a perforated paper bag and hang them until dry. Depending on the humidity, this could take several days.

Can you burn fresh sage for smudging?

You can make DIY smudge sticks using bundles of both dried and fresh herbs and flowers. It's a little easier to work with fresh because the stems are less brittle, so you can work it into any shape you like—but dried have their benefits too!

Does sage need to be dried before burning?

After cutting the sage, gather it in a bundle, tie it, and hang it in a dry place. It is dry enough when it crackles when squeezed.

How do you dry sage for smudge stick?

The best way to dry it is to gather it together in a bundle, tie it together, and hang it in your garage or another place so it will dry evenly. If you can only place it outside, just remember to bring it inside or cover it at night so it doesn't get any dew on it.


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