How do you say pool in spanish

pool [puːl]


1 (natural) charca (f); (artificial) estanque (m); (swimming pool) piscina (f); alberca (f); (Méx) pileta (f) (de natación); (S. Cone) (in river) pozo (m)

2 [of spilt liquid] charco (m); [of light] foco (m)

The lamps threw warm pools of light on the polished wood


pool attendant (n) encargadoaencargada (m) (f) de la piscina;a encargada

pool [puːl]


1 (common fund) fondo (m) (común); (Cards) polla (f)

2 (supply, source) reserva (f); [of genes etc] fondo (m); reserva (f)

an untapped pool of ability una reserva de inteligencia no utilizada


the pools (Britain) (football pools) las quinielas; (Esp) to do the (football) pools hacer las quinielas

4 (form of snooker) billar (m) americano

to shoot pool (US) jugar al billar americano

that's dirty pool (US) eso no es jugar limpio

5 (Comm) fondos (m) comunes; (US) (monopoly, trust) consorcio (m)

coal and steel pool comunidad (f) de carbón y acero

transitive verb

juntar; poner en común


pool hall pool room (n) sala (f) de billar

pool table (n) mesa (f) de billar

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