How does New Game Plus work Yakuza?

Once you’ve beaten the main story of Yakuza: Like A Dragon, you’re probably going to want to do it again to grind out character stats and abilities. Thankfully there’s a New Game Plus option waiting for you on the menu, and it’s the best way to get your characters to the max level and ensure you complete every sub-story. 

To unlock New Game + you simply need to beat all 15 chapters of Yakuza: Like A Dragon. Doing so will unlock the option on the main menu, and will allow you to start the game fresh with your stats being carried over. The things that are carried over in New Game+ are level, money, gear, items and quest completion. The two major missing elements are substories and bonds, so you’ll sadly need to re-do those sections of the game.  

What does Yakuza 0 New Game Plus do?

There is two modes after you beat the game; Premium Adventure (where you use the complete game load to continue playing in the sandbox, able to switch between characters at safehouse and use those cosmetic clothes) and New Game Plus (which starts the story/substory's over again but keeps your money/unlocks/equipment).

What is New Game Plus Yakuza?

Named the Premium Masters Pack, the expansion includes New Game+ options for every difficulty mode, new Trophies, a rare item shop, a bunch of costumes, and premium items.

What happens when you beat Yakuza: Like a Dragon?

Ichiban will get all his money, level, gear, and items from the last story with all new difficulties available for those brave enough to take the challenge. Forcing fans to play through the first story on normal, it will be a relief to the most skilled that Hard and Legendary will be an option in the new game.

Is there a point of no return in Yakuza: Like a Dragon?

When you approach Millennium Tower, it will prompt you one last time to make sure you're ready to go. Again, this is the point of no return for Yakuza: Like a Dragon and once you enter Millennium Tower there's no going back. Most of the enemies you'll face are in the high Lv.


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