How far is Grand Junction from Aspen

Grand Junction to Aspen by bus

Got time for exploring attractions? Just 132 miles separate you from Aspen. Catch a bus and hit the road! A 3-hour trip separates these places. A bus ticket will cost you on average 22 USD. Also, cheaper fares are available from 19 USD. 2 rides everyday connect two cities. Bustang offers routes to Aspen.

Trains from Grand Junction to Aspen

How long is a train journey to Aspen from Grand Junction?

Driving directions from Grand Junction to Aspen

128 miles is a driving distance from Grand Junction to Aspen. Traveling to Aspen will take you around 2 hours. It's about 16 USD to refuel your car on this route. Uber is a convenient service between the two cities that will cost you 210 USD.

The distance between Grand Junction (Grand Junction Regional Airport) and Aspen (Aspen–Pitkin County Airport) is 89 miles / 144 kilometers / 78 nautical miles. The estimated flight time is 40 minutes.

Driving distance from Grand Junction (GJT) to Aspen (ASE) is 124 miles / 199 kilometers and travel time by car is about 2 hours 38 minutes.

Grand Junction Regional Airport – Aspen–Pitkin County Airport






Nautical miles

40 min

Flight duration

0 h

Time difference

38 kg

CO2 emissions

Calculate Distance

Search by airport name, city or IATA airport code.



Third Airport

Fourth Airport

+ −

Distance from Grand Junction to Aspen

There are several ways to calculate the distance from Grand Junction to Aspen. Here are two standard methods:

Vincenty's formula (applied above)
  • 89.298 miles
  • 143.711 kilometers
  • 77.598 nautical miles

Vincenty's formula calculates the distance between latitude/longitude points on the earth's surface using an ellipsoidal model of the planet.

Haversine formula
  • 89.081 miles
  • 143.362 kilometers
  • 77.409 nautical miles

The haversine formula calculates the distance between latitude/longitude points assuming a spherical earth (great-circle distance – the shortest distance between two points).

How long does it take to fly from Grand Junction to Aspen?

The estimated flight time from Grand Junction Regional Airport to Aspen–Pitkin County Airport is 40 minutes.

What is the time difference between Grand Junction and Aspen?

There is no time difference between Grand Junction and Aspen.

Flight carbon footprint between Grand Junction Regional Airport (GJT) and Aspen–Pitkin County Airport (ASE)

On average, flying from Grand Junction to Aspen generates about 38 kg of CO2 per passenger, and 38 kilograms equals 84 pounds (lbs). The figures are estimates and include only the CO2 generated by burning jet fuel.

Map of flight path and driving directions from Grand Junction to Aspen

Shortest flight path between Grand Junction Regional Airport (GJT) and Aspen–Pitkin County Airport (ASE).

The distance between Aspen (Aspen–Pitkin County Airport) and Grand Junction (Grand Junction Regional Airport) is 89 miles / 144 kilometers / 78 nautical miles. The estimated flight time is 40 minutes.

Driving distance from Aspen (ASE) to Grand Junction (GJT) is 124 miles / 200 kilometers and travel time by car is about 2 hours 37 minutes.

Aspen–Pitkin County Airport – Grand Junction Regional Airport






Nautical miles

40 min

Flight duration

0 h

Time difference

38 kg

CO2 emissions

Calculate Distance

Search by airport name, city or IATA airport code.



Third Airport

Fourth Airport

+ −

Distance from Aspen to Grand Junction

There are several ways to calculate the distance from Aspen to Grand Junction. Here are two standard methods:

Vincenty's formula (applied above)
  • 89.298 miles
  • 143.711 kilometers
  • 77.598 nautical miles

Vincenty's formula calculates the distance between latitude/longitude points on the earth's surface using an ellipsoidal model of the planet.

Haversine formula
  • 89.081 miles
  • 143.362 kilometers
  • 77.409 nautical miles

The haversine formula calculates the distance between latitude/longitude points assuming a spherical earth (great-circle distance – the shortest distance between two points).

How long does it take to fly from Aspen to Grand Junction?

The estimated flight time from Aspen–Pitkin County Airport to Grand Junction Regional Airport is 40 minutes.

What is the time difference between Aspen and Grand Junction?

There is no time difference between Aspen and Grand Junction.

Flight carbon footprint between Aspen–Pitkin County Airport (ASE) and Grand Junction Regional Airport (GJT)

On average, flying from Aspen to Grand Junction generates about 38 kg of CO2 per passenger, and 38 kilograms equals 84 pounds (lbs). The figures are estimates and include only the CO2 generated by burning jet fuel.

Map of flight path and driving directions from Aspen to Grand Junction

Shortest flight path between Aspen–Pitkin County Airport (ASE) and Grand Junction Regional Airport (GJT).

Is Grand Junction close to Aspen?

There are 93.30 miles from Grand Junction to Aspen in east direction and 128 miles (206.00 kilometers) by car, following the I-70 E route. Grand Junction and Aspen are 2 hours 24 mins far apart, if you drive non-stop .

What city is closest to Aspen Colorado?

Most employees in the Aspen area commute from the many neighboring towns and communities below:.
Snowmass Village – 15 minutes..
Woody Creek – 15 minutes..
Old Snowmass – 20 minutes..
Basalt – 25 minutes..
Willits – 30 minutes..
El Jebel – 30 minutes..
Carbondale – 35 to 45 minutes..
Glenwood Springs – 50 to 60 minutes..

How many days should I spend in Aspen?

One week in Aspen feels like the most ideal amount of time (at a minimum) if you want to indulge in the many different activities Aspen has to offer.

How long is the car ride from Denver to Aspen?

From Denver, it is about a 3-hour-and-45-minute drive to Aspen. Depending on the season, there are two different routes you can take. Both involve stunning scenery and climbing over multiple mountain passes.


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