How far is Henderson nevada from Los Angeles


3 miles
3 minutes

264 miles to go
3 hr 59 min

El Monte

18 miles
16 minutes

249 miles to go
3 hr 45 min


21 miles
19 minutes

246 miles to go
3 hr 42 min


27 miles
24 minutes

240 miles to go
3 hr 37 min


45 miles
41 minutes

222 miles to go
3 hr 21 min


60 miles
54 minutes

207 miles to go
3 hr 7 min


72 miles
1 hour, 5 minutes

195 miles to go
2 hr 56 min

Wild Crossing

96 miles
1 hour, 27 minutes

171 miles to go
2 hr 34 min


102 miles
1 hour, 32 minutes

165 miles to go
2 hr 29 min


126 miles
1 hour, 54 minutes

141 miles to go
2 hr 7 min


129 miles
1 hour, 57 minutes

138 miles to go
2 hr 5 min


132 miles
1 hour, 59 minutes

135 miles to go
2 hr 2 min


139 miles
2 hours, 6 minutes

128 miles to go
1 hr 56 min

New Dunn

144 miles
2 hours, 10 minutes

123 miles to go
1 hr 51 min


147 miles
2 hours, 13 minutes

120 miles to go
1 hr 48 min


150 miles
2 hours, 16 minutes

117 miles to go
1 hr 46 min


162 miles
2 hours, 26 minutes

105 miles to go
1 hr 35 min


168 miles
2 hours, 32 minutes

99 miles to go
1 hr 29 min

Yucca Grove

189 miles
2 hours, 51 minutes

78 miles to go
1 hr 10 min


219 miles
3 hours, 18 minutes


223 miles
3 hours, 21 minutes


228 miles
3 hours, 26 minutes


231 miles
3 hours, 29 minutes


240 miles
3 hours, 37 minutes


243 miles
3 hours, 40 minutes


246 miles
3 hours, 42 minutes


249 miles
3 hours, 45 minutes

The fly or drive score is an estimate of the true cost of travel. A lower score is better. Our score includes factors like airline prices and fuel costs, but it also takes into account the value of your time spent traveling. If you're taking time off work because you have to drive an extra day, it might be better to fly even if driving is technically cheaper. Tap on a blue or green value to customize it.

Number of travelers = 1 person

Enter the total number of travelers. This will be used to calculate the sum of plane tickets for everyone, as well as the number of cars you need if you're planning a road trip. We assume a max of 4 passengers per car, but you can change the number of cars if your situation is different.

Cheapest airfare = $200.00 round trip

We estimated the cheapest price for a round trip plane ticket from LAS to LAX at $200.

To change the price for your flight, enter it here:

Total airfare for all travelers = $200.00
Extra costs (transportation) = $0.00

Enter the total amount you're planning to spend on extra costs for local transportation at your destination. This might include a rental car to drive around the area, or the cost of a cab or airport shuttle to get to your hotel. You could also include an extra cost for food at the airport, and any other miscellaneous spending along the way. Enter your total estimate below.

Number of passengers = 1 person
Number of cars = 1 car

Enter the total number of cars you'll be taking on the road trip. This will be used to calculate the total cost of driving for everyone. The default is a max of 4 passengers per car, but you can adjust the number of cars to fit your situation.

Gas for each car = $121.63 round trip
Fuel efficiency = 25 mpg

Enter the fuel efficiency of your vehicle in miles per gallon (mpg). If you're unsure of the exact number, you can look it up on the site.

Vehicle fuel efficiency: mpg

Current gas price = $5.53

Enter the average fuel price for your trip in U.S. dollars. If you're taking a long road trip, the gas price in each state may vary. Remember to adjust for premium or diesel fuel prices.

Total fuel costs for all cars = $121.63

Flight distance = 230 miles one-way

Driving distance = 275 miles one-way

Driving is usually cheaper, but it takes a lot longer. So in order to get a better comparison, we include a special "value of time factor" that estimates how much your time is worth. If you take a day off work for a long road trip instead of a quick flight, you might add up your lost earnings. The default we use is $10/hr but you can enter any value you want below. If there are multiple travelers, you can enter the sum of everyone's value.

Value of time factor: $ per hour

Cost to fly or drive

You can adjust any of the settings above to customize the calculation for your exact trip. We assume some simple default values to get a quick answer to start.

The Fly Score is an estimate of how much it would cost you to take a flight, including factors to account for the value of your time getting to the airport, checking in, and waiting for the plane to take off and land. The default fly score is 232 from Henderson to Los Angeles.

The Drive Score is a comparable calculation that estimates the total cost of doing a road trip. You might spend less on gas than the price of airfare, but it could take you longer to get there if you're driving. So we include the value of your time spent in the car, as well as additional costs for things like hotel, tolls, food, and whatever else you want to include. The default drive score from Henderson to Los Angeles is 218.

So in this case, it's better to drive from Henderson to Los Angeles. It's really only slightly better to drivein this case, so you could choose either option based on your specific needs.

These results are based on the actual driving distance from Henderson to Los Angeles, which is 275 miles or 443 kilometers. You can also check the cost of driving from Henderson to Los Angeles.

How far is Henderson Nevada for LA?

The total driving distance from Henderson, NV to Los Angeles, CA is 275 miles or 443 kilometers. The total straight line flight distance from Henderson, NV to Los Angeles, CA is 230 miles. This is equivalent to 370 kilometers or 200 nautical miles.

Is Henderson Las Vegas a good place to live?

Considered to be one of the best places to live in Nevada and ranked among the top 50 Best Places to Live in America by Money Magazine as of August 2021, Henderson is an excellent place to live.

How long is Henderson to Las Vegas?

Distance between Las Vegas and Henderson is 21 kilometers (13 miles). Driving distance from Las Vegas to Henderson is 26 kilometers (16 miles).

How longs the drive from Vegas to LA?

Driving from Las Vegas to Los Angeles is a 270 mile trip. If traffic is on your side, the journey should take you about 4 hours and 2 minutes. If you've got concerns about what it'll cost you in gas—prepare to spend somewhere in the vicinity of 92.13 for the round-trip.


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