How far is San Marcos from Escondido

OriginEscondido, Ca, United StatesDestinationSan Marcos, Ca, United StatesDriving Distance10 kms or 6.2 miles or 5.4 nautical milesDriving Time

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It takes 12 minutes to travel from Escondido to San Marcos. Approximate driving distance between Escondido and San Marcos is 10 kms or 6.2 miles or 5.4 nautical miles . Travel time refers to the time taken if the distance is covered by a car.

On the table above you can see driving distance in various units namely kilo metres, miles and nautical miles.

1 Mile is about 1609 metres. 1 Nautical Mile is exactly 1852 metres.

You can view the route map below. Click and zoom on the map to understand the route better and plan better for your trip.

San Marcos to Escondido by bus

Being set 5 miles from Escondido, San Marcos offers a lot of convenient bus trip options. A ticket for one trip will cost on average 5 USD. Also, most fares are quite reasonable, from 1 USD one-way. 17 stopovers separate you from your destination city. Buses on this route are operated by North County Transit.

Driving directions from San Marcos to Escondido

There is a 6 miles distance to drive from San Marcos to Escondido. An estimated trip duration is 7 minutes. You'll have to spend 1 USD to refuel your car on this route. Use a taxi at a fare of 27 USD to get from one city to another.

Select an option below to see step-by-step directions and to compare ticket prices and travel times in Rome2rio's travel planner.

Tram  •  11 min

  1. Take the tram from Escondido Transit Center to San Marcos Civic Center Station Sprinter

$3 - $9

Cheapest option

Line 305 bus  •  18 min

  1. Take the line 305 bus from Escondido Transit Center Stall 6 to Mission Rd & Pico Av 305

$2 - $8

2 alternative options

Taxi  •  6 min

  1. Take a taxi from Escondido to San Marcos 9.5 km

$30 - $40

Drive  •  6 min

  1. Drive from Escondido to San Marcos 9.5 km

$1 - $3

Quickest way to get there Cheapest option Distance between

Questions & Answers

What is the cheapest way to get from Escondido to San Marcos?

The cheapest way to get from Escondido to San Marcos is to drive which costs $1 - $3 and takes 6 min.

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How do I get from Escondido to San Marcos the fastest?

The fastest way to get from Escondido to San Marcos is to taxi. Taking this option will cost $30 - $40 and takes 6 min.

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Is there a direct bus between Escondido and San Marcos?

Yes, there is a direct bus departing from Escondido Transit Center Stall 6 and arriving at Mission Rd & Pico Av. Services depart every 30 minutes, and operate every day. The journey takes approximately 18 min.

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Is there a direct train between Escondido and San Marcos?

Yes, there is a direct train departing from Escondido Transit Center and arriving at San Marcos Civic Center Station station. Services depart hourly, and operate every day. The journey takes approximately 11 min.

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How far is it from Escondido to San Marcos?

The distance between Escondido and San Marcos is 8 km. The road distance is 9.5 km.

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How do I travel from Escondido to San Marcos without a car?

The best way to get from Escondido to San Marcos without a car is to tram which takes 11 min and costs $3 - $9.

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How long does it take to get from Escondido to San Marcos?

The tram from Escondido Transit Center to San Marcos Civic Center Station takes 11 min including transfers and departs hourly.

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Where do I catch the Escondido to San Marcos bus from?

Escondido to San Marcos bus services, operated by North County Transit, depart from Escondido Transit Center Stall 6 station.

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Where do I catch the Escondido to San Marcos train from?

Escondido to San Marcos train services, operated by North County Transit, depart from Escondido Transit Center station.

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Where does the Escondido to San Marcos bus arrive?

Escondido to San Marcos bus services, operated by North County Transit, arrive at Mission Rd & Pico Av station.

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Launch map view

  • Distance: 7.9 km
  • Duration: 11 min

What companies run services between Escondido, CA, USA and San Marcos, CA, USA?

North County Transit operates a vehicle from Escondido Transit Center to San Marcos Civic Center Station hourly. Tickets cost $3 - $9 and the journey takes 11 min. Alternatively, North County Transit operates a bus from Escondido Transit Center Stall 6 to Mission Rd & Pico Av every 30 minutes. Tickets cost $2 - $8 and the journey takes 18 min.

Train operators

How far is San Marcos from Escondido

North County Transit

Tram from Escondido Transit Center to San Marcos Civic Center Station
Ave. Duration11 minFrequencyHourlyEstimated price$3 - $9Schedules

How far is San Marcos from Escondido

Train exterior

How far is San Marcos from Escondido

Train exterior

Bus operators

How far is San Marcos from Escondido

North County Transit

Bus from Escondido Transit Center Stall 6 to Mission Rd & Pico Av
Ave. Duration18 minFrequencyEvery 30 minutesEstimated price$2 - $8Schedules

How far is San Marcos from Escondido

Bus exterior

How far is San Marcos from Escondido

Bus exterior

How far is San Marcos from Escondido

Bus exterior

Other operators

Taxi from Escondido to San Marcos

Ave. Duration6 minEstimated price$30 - $40

Yellow Cab of North County
Craig's Cabs
Coastal Cab

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Rome2rio's Travel Guide series provide vital information for the global traveller. Read our range of informative guides on popular transport routes and companies - including Need to know: Jadrolinija, French strikes 2018: What are my alternative transport options? and What documents do I need to cross Niagara Falls? - to help you get the most out of your next trip.

More Questions & Answers

Where does the Escondido to San Marcos train arrive?

Escondido to San Marcos train services, operated by North County Transit, arrive at San Marcos Civic Center Station.

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Can I drive from Escondido to San Marcos?

Yes, the driving distance between Escondido to San Marcos is 10 km. It takes approximately 6 min to drive from Escondido to San Marcos.

What is San Marcos CA famous for?

Home to Palomar College and California State University San Marcos, the City has also become the heart of education in San Diego North. Additionally, San Marcos works diligently to maintain its low crime rate and consistently ranks as one of the safest cities in California.

Is San Marcos CA a good area?

San Marcos was picked as one of the Fortune 25 Best Places to Live for Families. The North County city was chosen out of a group of nearly 2,000 cities and towns across the country that had 25,000 to 750,000 residents. San Marcos, with a population of roughly 95,000, was ranked as No. 20.

How far is San Marcos from the beach?

San Marcos is located about 6 miles inland from the ocean and about 30 miles from downtown San Diego.

Is Escondido close to San Marcos?

There are 4.92 miles from Escondido to San Marcos in northwest direction and 6 miles (9.66 kilometers) by car, following the CA 78 W route. Escondido and San Marcos are 8 minutes far apart, if you drive non-stop .