How far is schaumburg from elgin

There are 10.22 miles from Schaumburg to Elgin in west direction and 12 miles (19.31 kilometers) by car, following the IL 58 route.

Schaumburg and Elgin are 20 minutes far apart, if you drive non-stop .

This is the fastest route from Schaumburg, IL to Elgin, IL. The halfway point is Streamwood, IL.

Schaumburg, IL and Elgin, IL are in the same time zone (CDT). Current time in both locations is 9:37 pm.

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Gas Consumption and Emissions

A car with a fuel efficiency of MPG will need 0.48 gallons of gas to cover the route between Schaumburg, IL and Elgin, IL.

The estimated cost of gas to go from Schaumburg to Elgin is $2.05.

During the route, an average car will release 9.44 pounds of CO2 to the atmosphere. The carbon footprint would be 0.79 pounds of CO2 per mile.

  • Average USA gas price used for calculation is $4.25 per gallon of regular gas. Price last updated on November 11, 2022.
  • Read more about our CO2 calculation.

Best Hotels In or Near Elgin, IL

Do you have where to stay when you arrive to Elgin, IL? Check out our hotel recommendations:

Halfway Point Between Schaumburg, IL and Elgin, IL

If you want to meet halfway between Schaumburg, IL and Elgin, IL or just make a stop in the middle of your trip, the exact coordinates of the halfway point of this route are 42.045910 and -88.178162, or 42º 2' 45.276" N, 88º 10' 41.3832" W. This location is 6 miles away from Schaumburg, IL and Elgin, IL and it would take approximately 10 minutes to reach the halfway point from both locations.

Closest City or Town to Halfway Point

The closest town to the halfway point is Streamwood, IL, situated 6 miles from Schaumburg, IL and 7 miles from Elgin, IL. It would take 12 minutes to go from Schaumburg to Streamwood and 11 minutes to go from Elgin to Streamwood.

Weather in Schaumburg and Elgin

Compare the weather today and the next four days in Schaumburg, IL and Elgin, IL:

Lowest Price Rental Cars in Schaumburg, IL

Planning on renting a car to go from Schaumburg, IL to Elgin, IL? Here there are some offers to rent a car in or near Schaumburg, IL:


From $14


From $18


From $24


From $28


From $40

Compare rental car prices in Schaumburg »

Distance conversions

Checkout the distance in miles, kilometers and nautical miles between Schaumburg, IL and Elgin, IL in this table:

Distance typeMilesKilometersNautical miles
Straight line distance 10.22 mi 16.45 km 8.88 nautical mi
Driving distance 12 mi 19.30 km 10.42 nautical mi

Road Trip Tips

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There are 10.22 miles from Elgin to Schaumburg in east direction and 14 miles (22.53 kilometers) by car, following the I-90 E route.

Elgin and Schaumburg are 19 minutes far apart, if you drive non-stop .

This is the fastest route from Elgin, IL to Schaumburg, IL. The halfway point is Streamwood, IL.

Elgin, IL and Schaumburg, IL are in the same time zone (CDT). Current time in both locations is 9:37 pm.

Any questions or tips to share?

Share with fellow travellers any question or tips about the route from Elgin, IL to Schaumburg, IL:

Gas Consumption and Emissions

A car with a fuel efficiency of MPG will need 0.57 gallons of gas to cover the route between Elgin, IL and Schaumburg, IL.

The estimated cost of gas to go from Elgin to Schaumburg is $2.41.

During the route, an average car will release 11.12 pounds of CO2 to the atmosphere. The carbon footprint would be 0.79 pounds of CO2 per mile.

  • Average USA gas price used for calculation is $4.25 per gallon of regular gas. Price last updated on November 11, 2022.
  • Read more about our CO2 calculation.

Best Hotels In or Near Schaumburg, IL

Do you have where to stay when you arrive to Schaumburg, IL? Check out our hotel recommendations:

Halfway Point Between Elgin, IL and Schaumburg, IL

If you want to meet halfway between Elgin, IL and Schaumburg, IL or just make a stop in the middle of your trip, the exact coordinates of the halfway point of this route are 42.045872 and -88.178223, or 42º 2' 45.1392" N, 88º 10' 41.6028" W. This location is 7.06 miles away from Elgin, IL and Schaumburg, IL and it would take approximately 9 minutes to reach the halfway point from both locations.

Closest City or Town to Halfway Point

The closest town to the halfway point is Streamwood, IL, situated 7 miles from Elgin, IL and 6 miles from Schaumburg, IL. It would take 11 minutes to go from Elgin to Streamwood and 12 minutes to go from Schaumburg to Streamwood.

Weather in Elgin and Schaumburg

Compare the weather today and the next four days in Elgin, IL and Schaumburg, IL:

Lowest Price Rental Cars in Elgin, IL

Planning on renting a car to go from Elgin, IL to Schaumburg, IL? Here there are some offers to rent a car in or near Elgin, IL:


From $14


From $18


From $24


From $28


From $40

Compare rental car prices in Elgin »

Distance conversions

Checkout the distance in miles, kilometers and nautical miles between Elgin, IL and Schaumburg, IL in this table:

Distance typeMilesKilometersNautical miles
Straight line distance 10.22 mi 16.45 km 8.88 nautical mi
Driving distance 14 mi 22.74 km 12.28 nautical mi

Road Trip Tips

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How far is Elgin Illinois from Schaumburg?

The distance from Schaumburg to Elgin is 11 miles. The road distance is 14 miles.

Is Elgin IL a suburb of Chicago?

The economic vitality the money is always welcome. Elgin, in fact, owes a great debt to the rapid suburban growth pumping investment into the region. Yet Elgin as its natives insist really isn't a suburb. Elgin was its own city way back when Chicago was a two-day ride.

What is Elgin Illinois known for?

The city is known for its historic architecture and landmarks from the Victorian era, including some fine examples of homes in the Queen Anne style. Many of the most remarkable homes once belonged to National Watch Company executives.

Is Elgin IL a small town?

In 2021, the estimated population for Elgin was 113,912. Unless inside a mega city, typically Elgin would be considered by some to be a large city or borough, as it has a population in excess of 100,000.

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