How far is shreveport from dallas texas

Compare travel options and prices to find best route from Dallas to Shreveport

Dallas to Shreveport by bus

Buses from Dallas to Shreveport are a great option for those on a tighter budget or those who want to be more flexible with their plans. The distance between two cities is 5 miles.

Trains from Dallas to Shreveport

How long is a train journey to Shreveport from Dallas? The distance between Shreveport and Dallas is 12 km.

Shreveport to Dallas distance

 driving distance = 187 miles

The distance by car is 303 km.  Follow the Shreveport to Dallas driving route along IH-20 W.  Get driving directions from Shreveport to Dallas.

 flight distance = 178 miles

The straight line distance between Shreveport and Dallas is 287 kilometers.

 Travel time from Shreveport, LA to Dallas, TX


How long does it take to drive?

2 hours, 36 minutes


How long does it take to fly?

51 minutes

This is estimated based on the Shreveport to Dallas distance by plane of 178 miles.

 Shreveport, Louisiana

What's the distance to Shreveport, LA from where I am now?

 Dallas, Texas

How far is Dallas, TX from me?

Dallas to Shreveport distance

 driving distance = 188 miles

The distance by car is 303 km.  Follow the Dallas to Shreveport driving route along IH-20 E.  Get driving directions from Dallas to Shreveport.

 flight distance = 178 miles

The straight line distance between Dallas and Shreveport is 287 kilometers.

 Travel time from Dallas, TX to Shreveport, LA


How long does it take to drive?

2 hours, 40 minutes


How long does it take to fly?

51 minutes

This is estimated based on the Dallas to Shreveport distance by plane of 178 miles.

 Dallas, Texas

What's the distance to Dallas, TX from where I am now?

 Shreveport, Louisiana

How far is Shreveport, LA from me?

How far is Dallas from Shreveport?

There are several ways to calculate distances between Los Angeles and Chicago. Here are two common methods:

Vincenty's formula (applied above)

  • 189.774 miles
  • 305.411 kilometers
  • 164.909 nautical miles

Vincenty's formula calculates the distance between latitude/longitude points on the earth’s surface, using an ellipsoidal model of the earth.

Haversine formula

  • 189.401 miles
  • 304.811 kilometers
  • 164.585 nautical miles

The haversine formula calculates the distance between latitude/longitude points assuming a spherical earth (great-circle distance – the shortest distance between two points).

How long does it take to fly from Shreveport to Dallas?

Estimated flight time from Shreveport Regional Airport to Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport is 51 minutes.

What is the time difference between Shreveport and Dallas?

There is no time difference between Shreveport and Dallas.

Flight carbon footprint between Shreveport Regional Airport (SHV) and Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport (DFW)

On average flying from Shreveport to Dallas generates about 53 kg of CO2 per passenger, 53 kilograms is equal to 117 pounds (lbs). The figures are estimates and include only the CO2 generated by burning jet fuel.

Map of flight path and driving directions from Shreveport to Dallas

Shortest flight path between Shreveport Regional Airport (SHV) and Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport (DFW).

Airlines flying from Shreveport (SHV) to Dallas (DFW)

There are 178.09 miles from Shreveport to Dallas in west direction and 189 miles (304.17 kilometers) by car, following the I-20 route.

Shreveport and Dallas are 2 hours 59 mins far apart, if you drive non-stop .

This is the fastest route from Shreveport, LA to Dallas, TX. The halfway point is Recycle, TX.

Shreveport, LA and Dallas, TX are in the same time zone (CDT). Current time in both locations is 2:24 pm.

Any questions or tips to share?

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Gas Consumption and Emissions

A car with a fuel efficiency of MPG will need 7.60 gallons of gas to cover the route between Shreveport, LA and Dallas, TX.

The estimated cost of gas to go from Shreveport to Dallas is $29.21.

During the route, an average car will release 148.96 pounds of CO2 to the atmosphere. The carbon footprint would be 0.79 pounds of CO2 per mile.

  • Average USA gas price used for calculation is $3.84 per gallon of regular gas. Price last updated on October 22, 2022.
  • Read more about our CO2 calculation.

Best Hotels In or Near Dallas, TX

Do you have where to stay when you arrive to Dallas, TX? Check out our hotel recommendations:

Halfway Point Between Shreveport, LA and Dallas, TX

If you want to meet halfway between Shreveport, LA and Dallas, TX or just make a stop in the middle of your trip, the exact coordinates of the halfway point of this route are 32.453060 and -95.278969, or 32º 27' 11.016" N, 95º 16' 44.2884" W. This location is 94.66 miles away from Shreveport, LA and Dallas, TX and it would take approximately 1 hour 29 mins to reach the halfway point from both locations.

Closest City or Town to Halfway Point

The closest town to the halfway point is Recycle, TX, situated 98 miles from Shreveport, LA and 98 miles from Dallas, TX. It would take 1 hour 45 mins to go from Shreveport to Recycle and 1 hour 34 mins to go from Dallas to Recycle.

Major City Closest to Halfway Point

The major city closest to the halfway point between Shreveport, LA and Dallas, TX is Tyler, TX, situated 98 miles from Shreveport, LA and 99 miles from Dallas, TX. It would take 1 hour 45 mins to go from Shreveport to and 1 hour 34 mins to go from Dallas to Tyler.

Major Cities Along the Route

The only major city along the route is Mesquite, TX.

Weather in Shreveport and Dallas

Compare the weather today and the next four days in Shreveport, LA and Dallas, TX:

Lowest Price Rental Cars in Shreveport, LA

Planning on renting a car to go from Shreveport, LA to Dallas, TX? Here there are some offers to rent a car in or near Shreveport, LA:


From $14


From $18


From $24


From $28


From $40

Compare rental car prices in Shreveport »

Distance conversions

Checkout the distance in miles, kilometers and nautical miles between Shreveport, LA and Dallas, TX in this table:

Distance typeMilesKilometersNautical miles
Straight line distance 178.09 mi 286.61 km 154.76 nautical mi
Driving distance 189 mi 304.68 km 164.51 nautical mi

Road Trip Tips

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What is halfway between Dallas and Shreveport?

Halfway between Dallas, TX and Shreveport, LA The town that marks the exact halfway point is actually Sand Flat, Texas. The closest zip code to the midpoint is 75706. The exact latitude and longitude coordinates are 32° 27' 10" N and 95° 17' 0" W.

How far is Shreveport Louisiana from the Texas border?

Shreveport, located about 20 miles from the Texas border and 40 miles from the Arkansas border, is in Louisiana's “other side.” The city is bisected by a north-south and an east-west interstate highway, making it and other popular destinations within an easy drive.

How far apart is New Orleans and Shreveport?

Distance between Shreveport and New Orleans is 451 kilometers (280 miles). Driving distance from Shreveport to New Orleans is 527 kilometers (327 miles).

How long is the ride from New Orleans to Shreveport?

Driving directions from New Orleans to Shreveport The distance between New Orleans and Shreveport is 342 miles. The travel time is 6 hours. The average price of fuel on this trip is 41 USD.


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