How far was Frodos journey to Mordor?

Apparently earlier in the books, Sauron was still operating secretly, so the Wraiths went as black horsemen.

Shortly after Helm’s Deep, a winged Nazgul flies overhead, and Gandalf exclaims something like “The Nazgul have come West of the River! War is upon us!” So, apparently a Winged Nazgul was a Great Portent or something, where 9 evil Black Riders was something you saw every day.

Let's get straight to the point: Lord of the Rings is better than Harry Potter and Star Wars, and the majority of other films for that matter.

Despite its popularity, I reckon that very few people hold the main protagonist, Frodo, as their favourite character.

I've got quite a problem with Frodo. I mean, Samwise Gamgee was there every step of the way alongside Mr Baggins. He cooked for him, saved him on countless occasions, kept him sane, and even applied some wisdom here and there, but no one gave a shit.

At the Black Gate, right before Aragorn was about to lead the remaining men of Middle-Earth to their inevitable doom, he turns around, tear in his eye, and says: "For Frodo."

What about Sam, you thoughtless bastard?! While Gollum tries his best to kill the hobbits and take the ring, Frodo continuously forgives him. He thinks Sam eats a bit of bread and tells him to fuck off home. Why is he getting such a grim time?! He left Rosie Cotton and his steady gardening job in The Shire for all of this. Give him some credit.

Anyway, now we've got that out of the way, it's time we talk about Frodo and Sam's journey. Frodo (understandably) became a little bitch during the hike, given the ring's power slowly destroying him. But how long did the famed journey take?

According to LOTR Project, on T.A. 3018, September 23, the two Shire folk left Hobbiton, heading towards the Prancing Pony, where they were supposed to meet Gandalf. Along the way they pick up Meriadoc Brandybuck and Peregrin Took, who gleefully join the journey.

Eventually they're taken under the wing of Aragorn, known then only as 'Strider', and he takes them to Rivendell. There, on T.A. 3018, December 18, the Fellowship of the Ring is created.

It's a little known fact that on Christmas day the nine of them had to leave for Mordor. Christmas fucking Day. Anyway, it's fair to say that the Fellowship was pretty shit, because two months or so later, with very little achieved, they'd lost two members and the two most vulnerable and inexperienced travelers were left to finish the quest alone.

Somehow the two plucky hobbits manage it, acquiring the help of Smeagol, who acts as their guide.

They pass through the Dead Marshes, reaching the Black Gate, but then choose another path before being captured by Faramir and taken to Henneth Annûn. Eventually, after holding back from the power of the ring, he lets the three of them take the Morgul-road to pass through Shelob's lair.

On T.A. 3019, March 15, Sam and Frodo officially enter Mordor having escaped the Tower of Cirith Ungol, after the ring bearer was stabbed by Shelob.

It then takes them 10 days to trek across the plains of Mordor, posing as Orcs, and finally reaching Mount Doom, according to LOTR Project.

On T.A. 3019, March 25, when Gollum bites off Frodo's finger, the ring is finally destroyed when it falls into the fires of the mountain.

From leaving The Shire, it took the two hobbits six months to complete their quest. Frodo eventually bitched out of Middle Earth because he was ill - resigning as Deputy Mayor of The Shire and sailing West to the Undying Lands.

Meanwhile, Samwise Gamgee fulfilled a long, three-year graft and marries Rosie Cotton. They had 13 children together and he was eventually named Mayor of The Shire, surpassing Frodo's previous role.

Ever wonder just how far Frodo and Sam walked in The Lord of the Rings trilogy? Thanks to one Middle-earth fan on TikTok by the name of DonMarshall72, we know. They estimate that from the Shire to the fires of Mount Doom spans an enormous 2,765.6 kilometers. Or, about 1,718.5 miles. And Frodo and Sam both walked barefoot. So if these halflings could do it, what is your excuse not to? Why not get motivated to walk like a Hobbit, so to speak?


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Well, as with most things these days, there’s an app for that. And it’s named, appropriately enough, “ Walk to Mordor.” The existence of this app comes to us via a story on CNET. The author used the Hobbits’ journey in the films to motivate herself to get back up on that treadmill and start exercising again. The Walk to Mordor app actually outdoes the journey in the films. It accounts for the longer distance recorded in Tolkien’s book.

Stopping off at Tom Bombadil’s house factors into the app’s trip. And the films famously omitted that section of the books. Ultimately, via the app, the novel’s version of the journey is a total of 3,109.17 kilometers. So about 1,931.95 miles. As with most book-to-film adaptations, they chopped off a lot of the extra mileage. Quite literally.

New Line Cinema

As the original article points out, other pop culture apps exist to motivate one to get off the couch. Particularly, a whole mess of zombie ones. Not sure yet if we have an “escape from a slasher” exercise app, but we should. In the end though, what is more motivating than imagining oneself as Frodo or Sam, needing to walk that pesky One Ring into the volcano to its destruction? Time to exercise like the fate of Middle-earth is counting on you. When it comes to your personal exercise journey, you bow to no one.

How far did Frodo walk to Mordor?

If you are a fan of the “Lord of the Rings” you may know that the walk to Mordor is 1,779 miles.

How long was Frodo's journey to Mordor?

In total, the journey takes just over six months. The startlingly short timespan — particularly once you cut out the two-month stint in Rivendell — is shocking to many viewers.

How many miles did Frodo and Sam travel to Mordor?

Whole journey: 1,350 miles In all, the whole journey end-to-end is the same as walking from London to Niš in Serbia, 1350 miles and 440 hours on foot.

How long was the trip from the Shire to Mordor?

Search Google Maps for walking directions and even that site will tell you: "One does not simply walk into Mordor." In The Lord of the Rings, Frodo and Sam walk all the way from the Shire to Mount Doom – a six month journey.


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