How high can an alligator jump

Crocodiles do not leap out of the water like dolphins, which approach the surface at speed from several feet under the water and leap several feet into the air. Rather, crocodiles start the leap while stationary at the water's surface - they need to be able to see their target before they start to leap, and if the target is above them they'll tip their head upwards to get a better view.
Crocodiles can judge the distance to their target very accurately - they have binocular vision in front of their heads (i.e. the visual fields of left and right eyes overlap - see right), so they can use parallax to estimate distance. Once ready, the crocodile immediately starts to use powerful sinusoidal undulations of its tail to literally push itself upwards out of the water. In under a second, the crocodile can raise itself several feet into the air.

If its feet are in contact with the substrate (e.g. in the shallows near the bank, see left), they can act like spring-loaded pistons to push the crocodile's body forward at high speed. This "lunge" is used by several species to surprise and capture prey on the bank - brought to fame by footage of C. niloticus snatching animals which have come to drink at African waterholes.
Crocodiles are well-known for this ability to "explode" out of the water to grab animals standing on the bank (see right), but vertical leaping tends to be slower. To be most effective, the vertical leap takes place in slightly deeper water so that the crocodile can position its body at a steep angle as the tail pushes the crocodile upwards.

Any animal that tries to flee these giants will almost certainly be caught. At rest, alligators are capable of leaping up to six feet in the air! Jumping out of the water isn’t the only thing an alligator is capable of doing. These apes have been observed to jump to reach a higher perch from which they can attack their prey.

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Table of Contents

  • Can crocodiles jump high?
  • Can an alligator jump a fence?
  • Can a car run over an alligator?
  • Can alligators jump onto a boat?
  • Can crocodiles and alligators mate?
  • Can crocodiles jump in the air?

Can crocodiles jump high?

In a viral video, a crocodile can be seen leaping high to catch its prey. When it comes to a pet’s overall health and well-being, the tail plays an important role.

Can an alligator jump a fence?

There is nothing they can use to support their weight as they climb an aluminum or wooden fence with a smooth surface if it’s high enough.

Can a car run over an alligator?

A gator’s bursts of speed can reach 11 mph, so keep an eye out for one as you drive. How do you know who has the right of way if a gator is about to cross the road? For your own safety, allow the animal to take the lead. Damage could be done to your vehicle by an enormous gator.

Can alligators jump onto a boat?

If you’ve ever wanted to see gators up close and personal while vacationing in Daytona Beach, you’ll have to look elsewhere.

Can crocodiles and alligators mate?

In addition, there is no way for crocodiles and alligators to cross.

Can crocodiles jump in the air?

It can take off from a stationary position and reach great heights in a short period of time. Crocodiles can use their feet like spring-loaded pistons to help launch an attack quickly while hunting near the water’s edge. In order to “leap” vertically, a fish needs to be in deeper water and rely more on its tail.

Alligators can jump out of the water, on land, and out of trees. The height and distance to power jumps vary. They can jump up to 6 feet vertically straight out of the water, and lunge several feet horizontally on land. Alligators use their tails and powerful musculature to propel themselves up and forwards.

Alligators have multiple ways of moving to capture prey and navigate their habitats.  

This article will go on to further explain why and how alligators jump as well as factors and statistics about their abilities.

Table of Contents

  • Why Alligators Jump
  • How Do Alligators Jump?
  • How High Can An Alligator Jump?
  • Where Do They Jump?
  • 6 Factors That Affect How An Alligator Jumps
    • 1. Size & Weight
    • 2. Surface
    • 3. Angle
    • 4. Age
    • 5. Species
    • 6. Intelligence
  • Alligator Jumping Vs. Other Animals
    • Humans
    • Kangaroos
    • Dogs
  • Other Alligator Movements & Facts
    • Climb
    • Swim 
    • Highwalk
    • Run
    • Belly Crawl
    • Stand
  • Summary

Why Alligators Jump

Alligators belong to the Crocodilia order, and the family Alligatoridae. Alligators can be found moving in swamps, wetlands, and rivers.  

Much like their cousin crocodiles, alligators jump, leap, and lunge for the following reasons:

  • Hunt and capture prey
  • Fight for dominance
  • Defense
  • Mating
  • Propulsion onto land for thermoregulation (cold-blooded ectotherm)

Alligators can jump both in and out of the water (more on that below). Keep in mind that alligators most often perform jumping, leaping, and lunging motions that propel them forward horizontally, rather than upward most of the time. 

This is because they are typically targeting something within range.

If they jump vertically, it is to obtain something overhead such as tree-dwelling mammals or birds. Vertical jumping can occur when leaping from an overhanging tree branch down into the water as well.

How Do Alligators Jump?

Alligators jump using their powerful tails, legs, and muscular bodies. 

If the alligator is fighting or catching prey, they use their powerful jaws to bite as they lunge. An alligator’s bite force is over 2,000 pounds per square inch, making them a deadly threat with the ability to kill on the first bite.

Alligators are unlike dolphins in that they do not come to the surface of the water with speed. Instead, they remain at the surface of the water waiting for prey. 

They have binocular vision, which allows them to see around obstacles and with sensitivity to contrast in their field of vision to estimate distances.

An adult alligator’s tail is proportional, about 60% to 70% of its body length.

Once a target is obtained, the alligator will move its tail in a wave-like motion (sinusoidal undulations) to push itself upwards out of the water, much like an explosion. The alligator flexes its neck and body to further power its motion.  

If the alligator’s legs are touching the substrate or something it can leverage off of, it will also use its legs to spring it forward. This allows the alligator to jump or lunge at a faster speed and higher height.

This video shows a crocodilian reptile jumping and undulating its tail to leap vertically out of the water:

How High Can An Alligator Jump?

The height of an alligator’s jump is largely based on observational data

Depending on factors related to where the alligator is jumping from and the physical characteristics of an individual alligator, it can jump vertically up 5 to 6 feet out of the water.

On land, alligators can jump up a few feet but tend to lunge horizontally towards prey. They typically cannot go as far or as high, since they are not undulating their tails in the water for propulsion.

Where Do They Jump?

Alligators can jump over and on different kinds of surfaces, including water, land, fences, boats, and trees.

The following table provides more information about these: 

LocationInformationOut of and in water

  • An alligator uses water in motion with its tail to propel it up, out, and through the water.

  • For shallow water jumping, the alligator uses its legs to push off a surface.

  • Young (lightweight) alligators can fully jump and exit out of water.

  • Alligators can also lunge from land into the water.

On land

  • Young, lightweight alligators can jump vertically on land, but not as high as in water.

  • Jumping, or lunging forward is more often seen on land and onto water banks.

Over fences

  • Alligators will use their tails, claws, and muscular bodies to grip fences and climb over them. 

    • Jumping action may be used to propel the alligator up. 

    • Then as it climbs over, the alligator jumps down to the other side.

  • Alligators cannot climb fences with smooth surfaces. 

    • It would be difficult for them to jump over one like this since the fence is likely higher than it can jump. 

    • However, the jumping motion could be used to push against a fence and topple it.

Into boats

  • An alligator could jump out of the water and land on a boat. 

    • Generally speaking, it would need to be a boat that has sides that are low to the water’s surface such as a motor boat, canoe, or kayak.

Out of trees

  • Alligators can climb trees to sit on branches extending over the water. 

    • Here they can jump, or fall, down from the branches into the water.

6 Factors That Affect How An Alligator Jumps

Several factors come into play on how high or far an alligator can jump.

Read on to learn more about these in detail.

1. Size & Weight

Smaller and lightweight alligators generally can jump higher since they weigh less. Larger alligators have more muscle mass and weight.

Small and young alligators can leap more easily vertically due to their size to catch small prey such as insects, small birds, or flying mammals, such as flying fox bats (Pteropus).

2. Surface

If an alligator can undulate its tail in water or push off of a surface it can jump or lunge higher and farther.

In captivity, alligators can push off of walls to propel themselves further.

3. Angle

The angle that an alligator jumps at affects how high or far it goes. 

A shallow or small angle of a jump will not go as high but could go farther if it can push off of something. 

Deeper water allows an alligator to fully undulate its tail, propelling it up higher at a perpendicular angle.

4. Age

Aging alligators will have reduced bones and muscle mass. Joints become less flexible. 

Aging affects an alligator’s ability to generate power and jump as high as it did in its youth.

5. Species

There are 24 species of crocodilians, with 8 Alligatoridae, 14 Crocodylidae, and 2 Gavialidae.

Species will vary in their length of legs and body shape. Muscular and structural factors affect jumping abilities. 

6. Intelligence

Alligators are smart. They use tools, collective hinting, and observe patterns to make hunting plans. 

The element of surprise paired with jumping can give alligators neededfood.  

Alligator Jumping Vs. Other Animals

The information below compares alligator jumping abilities with humans, kangaroos, and dogs.


The Guinness World Records states the highest human standing jump at 7 feet in 1989. Generally, humans can jump from a standing position up to approximately 5 feet. 

People use their arms and legs to propel motion and use power. Humans also have bones and muscles designed for coordinated movement in flexible ways.

Even though alligators can also jump 5 to 6 feet, their jumping can be more powerful in bursts of movement. This is because they use their tails and have a better center of gravity for balance.


Kangaroos jump in a bouncing manner, whereas an alligator is propelling itself forward or up. 

Kangaroos can leap in one bound over 25 feet and at over 6 feet high. Kangaroos use their tails or balance as they hop and can move at speeds up to 35 miles per hour. 

This makes kangaroos much farther and faster jumpers than alligators.


Dogs tend to leap or jump horizontally rather than from a standing position. Their front legs thrust them forward and their back legs add propulsion. 

The height and distance a dog can jump depend upon its species and size. Typically, they can jump 1 to 3 times their height. Healthier and fit dogs can jump farther than aging or ill ones.

Alligators seem to have an advantage when it comes to dogs. Often dogs are victims as prey to alligators.  Alligators rely on the element of surprise and attack as they lunge toward a dog.

Other Alligator Movements & Facts

Alligators have a range of movements in addition to jumping.

These movements allow an alligator to navigate water and land, gain dominance, thermoregulate, or catch prey.


Alligators can climb trees. 

They typically use their tails to push themselves up and grab a textured surface with claws and powerful musculature. 

They then move at a somewhat horizontal angle to sit on an extending branch up to 6 feet high.


Since alligators spend much time in the water, they are effective swimmers. They can swim quietly, only exposing the top of their snouts at the surface. 

They use the water to hold and submerse caught prey as they attack it.

Alligators can swim up to 20 miles per hour and hold their breath for up to 2 hours when resting underneath the water’s surface.


To move on land, an alligator will move in a walk in a highwalk fashion. Highwalking is done on all four legs, with the belly and tail lifted off of the ground. 

This allows them to walk faster while using less energy.


Highwalking is at a strolling pace for alligators, but it can transition into a run. 

Alligators can run up to approximately 30 miles per hour for short bursts, and 9 to 11 miles per hour for longer periods.

4-legged creatures can run faster than 2-legged creatures. For example, on average, humans run around 8 miles per hour.

Belly Crawl

Alligators also move in belly crawls, dragging their bellies and tails along the ground as it moves forward. 

Generally, they do this for thermoregulation, nesting, and socializing, and not when pursuing prey or defending territory.


While not the first mode of movement, alligators can stand. They use their hind legs and tails for balance. 

Standing is often done in conjunction with climbing.


Alligators are powerful jumpers, capable of overpowering and outjumping other creatures.  

They are capable of jumping out of the water, on land, into boats, over fences, out of trees, and onto water banks.

Often jumping is used with an element of surprise and a powerful bite force to capture prey. 

Their powerful tails undulate underwater to propel them, and on land their powerful musculature and legs allow them to lunge and leap.

How high can alligators jump out of water?

Animals thinking about hanging out on low-hanging branches above the water may want to think again. That's because alligators can leap up to five feet out of the water to snag their dinner. They do this by pushing themselves up with their tails.

How high can alligators jump land?

Even from a state of rest, alligators can jump up to six feet into the air! An alligator's jump isn't just limited to jumping out of the water. They've been known to jump so they can get up to a tree branch faster and then climb to their prey.

Can alligators jump into boats?

And with that, the gator quickly turns and leaps into their boat, sending the adventurers into a frenzy as they scramble to get out of the way. Once they're at a safe distance, the reptile is seen squeezing through the boat's railing and splashing down into the water.

Can an alligator jump a fence?

Yes, alligators can climb fences. Just in case you were wondering. Florida television station WJAX-TV in Jacksonville on Sunday posted a video of a large gator climbing over a fence at Naval Air Station Jacksonville.


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