How is the weather in Puerto Rico in February?

So you're interested in going to San Juan, Puerto Rico in February

February is a hot and very rainy time for sunbathing in San Juan. February is an excellent month for swimming in San Juan with very warm sea temperatures. Consider visiting San Juan in the months of January, February, March, April, for the best beach weather. Also consider one of our other suggestions for February.

Temperature in San Juan in February

The average maximum temperature in San Juan in February is 29°. The average maximum temperature is 28° in the previous month and 29° in the next month.

The average temperature in San Juan in February is 26°. The average temperature ranges is 25° in the previous month and 26° in the next month.

The average minimum temperature in San Juan in February is 22°. The minimum temperature is 22° in the previous month and 23° in the next month.

Sunshine in San Juan in February

The average day light hours per day in San Juan in February are 11.5 and there are 8.2 hours of sunshine per day on average during February making it a sunny month with few clouds.

The ultraviolet index in San Juan in February is typically 10.1 during February. An ultraviolet index reading of 8 to 10 indicates a very high risk of harm from unprotected sun exposure. Unprotected skin risks burning in less than 15 minutes. Take extra precautions because unprotected skin and eyes will be damaged and can burn quickly. Tanning will be safest before 10am and after 4pm but only with a good application of sun screen. For those with sensitive skin stay in the shade and wear protective clothing, a wide-brimmed hat, and UV-blocking sunglasses. Generously apply broad spectrum SPF 30+ sunscreen every 2 hours, even on cloudy days. Watch out for relections from water that may increase ultraviolet exposure.

Sea Temperature in San Juan in February

The average sea water temperature in San Juan in February is 26.2° which is very warm and ideal for relaxing and swimming for the whole day.

Rainfall in San Juan in February

The average total rainfall in San Juan in February is 70cm and on average there are 20.4 rainy days in February making it a very wet time to visit the beach.

Humidity in San Juan in February

The maximum dew point (an indicator of humidity) in San Juan in February is 21° which is very humid and quite uncomfortable for most unless you are on a beach. At night you would most likely require a fan. The dew point is 22° in the previous month and 21° in the next month.

The average maximum relative humidity in San Juan in February is typically 87.6%. The maximum relative humidity is 89.7% in the previous month and 84.7% in the next month.

The average relative humidity in San Juan in February is typically 73.5%. The average relative humidity is 76.4% in the previous month and 70.6% in the next month.

Wind Speed in San Juan in February

The average maximum wind speed in San Juan in February is typically 31kmh. The average maximum wind speed is 30kmh in the previous month and 30kmh in the next month.

The average wind speed in San Juan in February is typically 13kmh. The average wind speed is 13kmh in the previous month and 13kmh in the next month.

The average wind direction in San Juan in February is from the East.

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Puerto Rico weather Weather in Puerto Rico in February 2022. Travel guide and advices. Read an overview of the climate.

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population: 166,327

How does the weather look like in February in Puerto Rico?

Is it raining a lot in Puerto Rico in February?

At that time of year you can expect 83 mm of atmospheric precipitation during the whole month in Puerto Rico.

Brief description of weather conditions in Puerto Rico in February 2022

February in Puerto Rico is influenced by Tropical Monsoonal climate. When you travel to Puerto Rico in February you can expect: almost every day rain and expect hot and sunny weather.
Note to heat waves! Throughout the February be sure to be ready for the heat wave with heatedweather and average temperature above 30℃. Hot weather is very dangerous for children and elderly people. very high Here is an UV Index, which is (8) in February and you should take precautions: Use SPF 30+ lotion with ultraviolet filter, a shirt, dark glasses, and a wide-brimmed hat or similar. Do not stay in the sun too long! Usually second week is the hottest in February. , but you should remember about Rain.
Weather events that may occur during the trip to Puerto Rico: 12 times

Puerto Rico in February experiences hot days with heavily overcast sky. Typically temperature fluctuates around 29℃ and wind is gentle breeze.

Temperature Map of Puerto Rico in February - Daytime temperature (average)

What time does the sun set in February in Puerto Rico?

The sun sets between 6:21 PM and 6:33 PM in February in Puerto Rico.

Best time for vacation in Puerto Rico 2022. Check monthly temperature chart in February:

This chart shows the data from the last 10 years. You can compare how the temperatures are shaped. This is important if you want to decide when to go for a vacation.

Does it rain much in February?

Precipitation, humidity, cloudiness and overcast weather:

During February the median cloud cover is 33%. February is actually deprived of rain month.

February is one of the best months of the year in terms of weather in Puerto Rico. If the weather is important to you, February will be a good month to travel. This will be best season to hike around the area and explore main attractions. Everyone should be prepared for rain too.
The relative humindex typically ranges from 32 (Noticeable discomfort) to 34 (Noticeable discomfort) over the course of a typical February. Dew point is often one of the best measure of how comfortable are the weather conditions for a wayfarer. When you travel to Puerto Rico you should know that lower dew point feel more dry and higher dew point feel more humid. In a standard February dew point is about 20 (Somewhat uncomfortable for most people at upper edge).

How many sunny hours is in February? How long are days in February?

In February length of day is gradually starting to increase by approximately 25 minutes.
The shortest day is 1 February and offers 11 hours 20 minutes of daylight, sunrise is 7:00 AM and sunset is 6:21 PM and the longest day is 28 February with 11 hours 45 minutes of daylight, sunrise is 6:48 AM and sunset is 6:33 PM. For a traveler, number of sunhours is very important. This month provide on average 12 daylight hours.

How windy is February?

In February, the speed of the wind vary from 10 km/h to 14 km/h. This means that be ready for that the wind rustles clearly.

Puerto Rico Weather Conditions

The appellation that actually best describes weather in February is nicely and the sunny.

Puerto Rico Temperature


in February be sure to be ready for mid temperature: 29℃ so it is hot.

Puerto Rico Real feel temperature


Real feel temperature is around 32℃ in February

Puerto Rico UV Index

UV in February is VERY HIGH. Put on SPF 30+ lotion with ultraviolet filter, a shirt, dark glasses, and a wide-brimmed hat or similiar. D not stay out under the sun for too long

pressure (hPa)


the best air pressure for blood circulation is 1016 hPa. In February air pressure is a little lower.

Puerto Rico Humidity


The best wetness when people feel preferably at a relative humidity of 45 percent. In February be sure to be ready for noticeably higher wetness. These are emphatically unfavorable for a wandering. You tend to feel ponderosity.

Puerto Rico HumIndex


HumIndex is thither staple thing, telling us about level of or awkwardness based on temperature and wetness combined. HumIndex value for Puerto Rico is 38 , which means that you tend to feel: Evident discomfort

Visibility (km)


when you visit Puerto Rico for certain you want to enjoy attractive views and landscapes. In February you can expect great visibility about 15 km

Wind (km/h)


Beaufort: 3 - Gentle breeze. Balloon remain in motion. You can hear the rustling leaves.

Puerto Rico Water temperature


If you will travel to Puerto Rico remember that the water temperature in February is 27℃ and it means that the water is very warm, despite this swimming is a respite from heated weather. *

Puerto Rico - When To Go Puerto Rico - Facts and numbers Puerto Rico - Crime and safety Puerto Rico - Traffic problems Puerto Rico - Health Care

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Top luxury hotels in Puerto Rico

Precise daily weather forecast for Puerto Rico in February (based on archive weather data):

Weather in Puerto Rico in February

February 1 -


max 31

The day lasts: 11
Sunny hours: 7
Sunrise: 7:00 AM
Sunset: 6:21 PM

February 2 -


max 31

The day lasts: 11
Sunny hours: 7
Sunrise: 7:00 AM
Sunset: 6:21 PM

February 3 -


max 32

The day lasts: 11
Sunny hours: 8
Sunrise: 7:00 AM
Sunset: 6:22 PM

February 4 -


max 31

The day lasts: 11
Sunny hours: 8
Sunrise: 7:00 AM
Sunset: 6:22 PM

February 5 -


max 31

The day lasts: 11
Sunny hours: 7
Sunrise: 6:59 AM
Sunset: 6:23 PM

February 6 -


max 32

The day lasts: 11
Sunny hours: 7
Sunrise: 6:59 AM
Sunset: 6:23 PM

February 7 -


max 32

The day lasts: 11
Sunny hours: 7
Sunrise: 6:59 AM
Sunset: 6:24 PM

February 8 -


max 32

The day lasts: 11
Sunny hours: 7
Sunrise: 6:58 AM
Sunset: 6:24 PM

February 9 -


max 31

The day lasts: 11
Sunny hours: 8
Sunrise: 6:58 AM
Sunset: 6:25 PM

February 10 -


max 32

The day lasts: 11
Sunny hours: 8
Sunrise: 6:58 AM
Sunset: 6:25 PM

February 11 -


max 32

The day lasts: 11
Sunny hours: 8
Sunrise: 6:57 AM
Sunset: 6:26 PM

February 12 -


max 32

The day lasts: 11
Sunny hours: 7
Sunrise: 6:57 AM
Sunset: 6:26 PM

February 13 -


max 32

The day lasts: 12
Sunny hours: 8
Sunrise: 6:56 AM
Sunset: 6:27 PM

February 14 -


max 32

The day lasts: 12
Sunny hours: 7
Sunrise: 6:56 AM
Sunset: 6:27 PM

February 15 -


max 32

The day lasts: 12
Sunny hours: 8
Sunrise: 6:55 AM
Sunset: 6:28 PM

February 16 -


max 33

The day lasts: 12
Sunny hours: 7
Sunrise: 6:55 AM
Sunset: 6:28 PM

February 17 -


max 32

The day lasts: 12
Sunny hours: 8
Sunrise: 6:54 AM
Sunset: 6:29 PM

February 18 -


max 32

The day lasts: 12
Sunny hours: 7
Sunrise: 6:54 AM
Sunset: 6:29 PM

February 19 -


max 31

The day lasts: 12
Sunny hours: 7
Sunrise: 6:53 AM
Sunset: 6:29 PM

February 20 -


max 31

The day lasts: 12
Sunny hours: 7
Sunrise: 6:53 AM
Sunset: 6:30 PM

February 21 -


max 31

The day lasts: 12
Sunny hours: 7
Sunrise: 6:52 AM
Sunset: 6:30 PM

February 22 -


max 31

The day lasts: 12
Sunny hours: 7
Sunrise: 6:51 AM
Sunset: 6:31 PM

February 23 -


max 32

The day lasts: 12
Sunny hours: 8
Sunrise: 6:51 AM
Sunset: 6:31 PM

February 24 -


max 31

The day lasts: 12
Sunny hours: 7
Sunrise: 6:50 AM
Sunset: 6:31 PM

February 25 -


max 32

The day lasts: 12
Sunny hours: 7
Sunrise: 6:50 AM
Sunset: 6:32 PM

February 26 -


max 32

The day lasts: 12
Sunny hours: 7
Sunrise: 6:49 AM
Sunset: 6:32 PM

February 27 -


max 33

The day lasts: 12
Sunny hours: 7
Sunrise: 6:48 AM
Sunset: 6:32 PM

February 28 -


max 33

The day lasts: 12
Sunny hours: 7
Sunrise: 6:48 AM
Sunset: 6:33 PM

Puerto Rico Weather February 2022

Puerto Rico weather

February 1, 2021


sky is clearmin: 18℃ max: 27℃Night: 20℃
Evening: 22℃
Morning: 18℃

Cloud cover: 6%


Real feel temperature

Puerto Rico weather

February 2, 2021


light rainmin: 19℃ max: 26℃Night: 19℃
Evening: 22℃
Morning: 19℃

Cloud cover: 26%
Rain: 0.11


Real feel temperature

Puerto Rico weather

February 3, 2021


light rainmin: 18℃ max: 27℃Night: 19℃
Evening: 22℃
Morning: 18℃

Cloud cover: 1%
Rain: 0.3


Real feel temperature

Puerto Rico weather

February 4, 2021


moderate rainmin: 18℃ max: 28℃Night: 20℃
Evening: 22℃
Morning: 18℃

Cloud cover: 7%
Rain: 4.61


Real feel temperature

Puerto Rico weather

February 5, 2021


light rainmin: 19℃ max: 26℃Night: 19℃
Evening: 23℃
Morning: 19℃

Cloud cover: 22%
Rain: 0.22


Real feel temperature

Puerto Rico weather

February 6, 2021


scattered cloudsmin: 18℃ max: 27℃Night: 19℃
Evening: 22℃
Morning: 18℃

Cloud cover: 35%


Real feel temperature

Puerto Rico weather

February 7, 2021


scattered cloudsmin: 18℃ max: 27℃Night: 18℃
Evening: 22℃
Morning: 19℃

Cloud cover: 25%


Real feel temperature

Puerto Rico weather

February 8, 2021


light rainmin: 17℃ max: 27℃Night: 18℃
Evening: 22℃
Morning: 18℃

Cloud cover: 57%
Rain: 1.11


Real feel temperature

Puerto Rico weather

February 9, 2021


light rainmin: 17℃ max: 27℃Night: 18℃
Evening: 21℃
Morning: 18℃

Cloud cover: 98%
Rain: 1.17


Real feel temperature

Puerto Rico weather

February 10, 2021


light rainmin: 18℃ max: 26℃Night: 18℃
Evening: 22℃
Morning: 18℃

Cloud cover: 42%
Rain: 2.16


Real feel temperature

Puerto Rico weather

February 11, 2021


light rainmin: 18℃ max: 27℃Night: 19℃
Evening: 21℃
Morning: 18℃

Cloud cover: 5%
Rain: 0.63


Real feel temperature

Puerto Rico weather

February 12, 2021


moderate rainmin: 18℃ max: 24℃Night: 18℃
Evening: 21℃
Morning: 18℃

Cloud cover: 53%
Rain: 5.34


Real feel temperature

Puerto Rico weather

February 13, 2021


few cloudsmin: 18℃ max: 27℃Night: 18℃
Evening: 22℃
Morning: 18℃

Cloud cover: 11%


Real feel temperature

Puerto Rico weather

February 14, 2021


light rainmin: 17℃ max: 27℃Night: 19℃
Evening: 22℃
Morning: 17℃

Cloud cover: 28%
Rain: 0.78


Real feel temperature

Puerto Rico weather

February 15, 2021


light rainmin: 18℃ max: 26℃Night: 18℃
Evening: 22℃
Morning: 19℃

Cloud cover: 35%
Rain: 1.17


Real feel temperature

Puerto Rico weather

February 16, 2021


few cloudsmin: 17℃ max: 27℃Night: 18℃
Evening: 22℃
Morning: 17℃

Cloud cover: 21%


Real feel temperature

Puerto Rico weather

February 17, 2021


light rainmin: 18℃ max: 25℃Night: 20℃
Evening: 22℃
Morning: 19℃

Cloud cover: 59%
Rain: 2.43


Real feel temperature

Puerto Rico weather

February 18, 2021


light rainmin: 18℃ max: 27℃Night: 18℃
Evening: 21℃
Morning: 18℃

Cloud cover: 17%
Rain: 0.48


Real feel temperature

Puerto Rico weather

February 19, 2021


light rainmin: 18℃ max: 26℃Night: 18℃
Evening: 22℃
Morning: 18℃

Cloud cover: 11%
Rain: 0.11


Real feel temperature

Puerto Rico weather

February 20, 2021


light rainmin: 17℃ max: 27℃Night: 19℃
Evening: 23℃
Morning: 17℃

Cloud cover: 2%
Rain: 0.63


Real feel temperature

Puerto Rico weather

February 21, 2021


light rainmin: 18℃ max: 26℃Night: 18℃
Evening: 22℃
Morning: 18℃

Cloud cover: 3%
Rain: 0.61


Real feel temperature

Puerto Rico weather

February 22, 2021


light rainmin: 18℃ max: 26℃Night: 18℃
Evening: 23℃
Morning: 18℃

Cloud cover: 27%
Rain: 0.11


Real feel temperature

Puerto Rico weather

February 23, 2021


light rainmin: 18℃ max: 27℃Night: 18℃
Evening: 23℃
Morning: 18℃

Cloud cover: 13%
Rain: 0.35


Real feel temperature

Puerto Rico weather

February 24, 2021


few cloudsmin: 17℃ max: 26℃Night: 18℃
Evening: 23℃
Morning: 17℃

Cloud cover: 12%


Real feel temperature

Puerto Rico weather

February 25, 2021


light rainmin: 17℃ max: 26℃Night: 17℃
Evening: 23℃
Morning: 17℃

Cloud cover: 58%
Rain: 0.11


Real feel temperature

Puerto Rico weather

February 26, 2021


scattered cloudsmin: 17℃ max: 27℃Night: 19℃
Evening: 22℃
Morning: 17℃

Cloud cover: 49%


Real feel temperature

Puerto Rico weather

February 27, 2021


light rainmin: 18℃ max: 27℃Night: 19℃
Evening: 22℃
Morning: 18℃

Cloud cover: 58%
Rain: 0.58


Real feel temperature

Puerto Rico weather

February 28, 2021


scattered cloudsmin: 18℃ max: 27℃Night: 19℃
Evening: 22℃
Morning: 18℃

Cloud cover: 30%


Real feel temperature

* Water temperature data is measured for the closest sea/ocean, which is Ponce (distance is 23 km)

Is February a good time to visit Puerto Rico?

While the rest of the northern hemisphere is bundling up, February in Puerto Rico is warm and usually pretty sunny. You can expect almost perfect weather. Although the weather is warm, it can get pretty humid on the island, and rain isn't uncommon.

Is it rainy in Puerto Rico in February?

Puerto Rico's rainy season lasts from April to November and the driest season is December to March. Because of the island's topography, rainfall varies greatly across the island, average ranges from 29.32 inches (745 mm) in Magueyes Island to 171.09 inches (4,346 mm) in Pico del Este averages of rainfall a year.

Can you swim in the ocean in Puerto Rico in February?

In february, swimming is ideal on the beaches around San Juan! With water reaching 81°F at most and 79°F on average, spending time in the water is very pleasant. Note also that in february, the climate is perfect with an average outside temperature of 78°F, 1.6in of precipitation (over 2 days) and 79.65 % humidity.

Is San Juan warm in February?

San Juan Temperatures in February The average high temperature for San Juan in February is almost 84 degrees Fahrenheit or about 29 Celsius, the U.S. National Weather Service says. The average high is only slightly more than January. The two months have the coolest temperatures of the year.


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