How long after a root canal until it stops hurting?

The process of getting a root canal won’t hurt at all, but while you begin to heal and recover after your endodontic surgery, you may feel some pain and discomfort. If you’re experiencing tooth pain after a root canal in Port Orange, you may be wondering if you should be worried about your tooth, and what level of pain is normal. Find out now in this blog from Smillie Dental

Why Would My Tooth Hurt After Root Canal Therapy? Is This Normal?

If you have recently had your root canal at Smillie Dental, a little bit of pain and discomfort is normal as you heal. Usually, this will be quite minor. Your tooth may feel sore and tender, and you should be able to mitigate the pain with over-the-counter medication like acetaminophen or naproxen. 

There are a couple of reasons this may happen. First, though the nerve-filled “pulp” is removed from your tooth, there are still other nerves and sensitive tissues near the canal of your tooth, and these can be irritated and become swollen or inflamed after your endodontic treatment, causing some minor discomfort.

In addition, because sharp dental instruments are used to clean out the tooth, it’s possible for a little bit of minor trauma to occur to the surrounding gum tissue while the root canals are cleaned out by Dr. Joseph Smillie.

Overall, though, you don’t need to worry. If you feel some minor pain and sensitivity for a few days, this is normal, and will fade over time as your mouth recovers from your root canal treatment.

Severe, Long-Lasting Pain Is Not Normal After A Root Canal – Call For A Follow-Up

So, when should you start to worry if you’re experiencing pain and discomfort after a root canal? If you feel severe, sharp pain, your toothache persists, or your pain continues to last for more than 1 week after your root canal has been performed at Smillie Dental, you should get a follow-up with Dr. Joseph Smillie.

If you continue to experience severe pain, it’s likely that the original infection was not completely removed during the initial root canal treatment. This usually happens if a tooth was cracked or damaged and this was not noticed during the treatment, or if it has a hidden root canal that was not cleaned out during the initial treatment.

If your tooth really hurts, make sure to schedule a follow-up right away. Dr. Smillie will likely recommend root canal retreatment to open the tooth back up and clean it out even more thoroughly. In the vast majority of cases, this will resolve your pain and keep your tooth healthy.

Don’t Ignore Your Pain – Get Help If You Need It!

Pain is your body’s way of telling you that something is wrong. So whether you’ve gotten a root canal at Smillie Dental or at another dental office in Port Orange, it’s important to get follow-up care as soon as you can if you are feeling a lot of pain in your tooth.

It's unlikely that you'll be aware of the fact that a root canal isn't nearly as unpleasant as you'd believe. That's just one of the numerous misconceptions about root canals, though. It is unusual to experience excruciating pain after having a root canal. If you're not feeling 100% after your root canal treatment, that's perfectly normal. Some discomfort is to be expected.

It's important to point out that the objective of root canal treatment isn't to cause you discomfort, but rather to alleviate pain brought on by tooth decay and infection. If you experience sever pain after a root canal, it might be an indication that the tooth or the treatment has failed. Let your general dentist or endodontist know so they can rule out any complications an give it the attention needed to help you recover.

The pain or discomfort you may experience after your treatment will depend on what type of anaesthesia was used during your procedure; what other procedures were done in conjunction with it; what medications you take for any side effects; and how long ago the procedure was performed. We'll go over what pain to expect after a root canal so that you can be prepared for what happens next!

What is a root canal?

A root canal is a dental procedure that removes the nerve and pulp tissue within the tooth's root. Root canal surgery is a common treatment for the symptoms of tooth decay and infection.

Root canals are commonly performed to save what would otherwise be lost teeth, but they do come with some recovery time. Keep reading to find out what pain to expect after a root canal and find out how much discomfort should be expected during each stage of recovery.

What pain to expect after a root canal?

After a root canal, you should expect some mild to moderate pain or soreness . The use of anaesthesia during the procedure will numb any discomfort you feel while your dentist is working. Once it wears off, however, you may experience some soreness and other sensations in the area where your tooth used to be or near your cheekbone/jaw line.

How you care for your tooth and the rest of your mouth after a root canal may make a significant difference in how much discomfort you experience. Following up with your dentist to restore the tooth that has undergone root canal therapy is essential after your root canal. A crown or filling might be used by your dentist to protect the treated tooth.

Until the crown is in place, don't chew on the treated tooth. When your dentist tells you it's OK to clean your teeth again, use a soft-bristled toothbrush. It's also essential to wait at least 24 hours after receiving any anaesthesia during a root canal before eating and drinking. If you consume anything while your teeth and gums are numb, there is a risk that you could accidentally bite your inner cheek or tongue.

How much pain is too much pain after a root canal?

How can you tell if you're experiencing too much pain as your body repairs after a root canal? There are several ways to identify this. If the discomfort is so bad that you cannot fulfil your daily responsibilities, contact your dentist immediately.

After a root canal, complications may occur. Pain, swelling, an uneven bite (when you bite down, the treated tooth feels too "high"), or sickness are all signs of problems. It's critical to rule out infection before assuming it's a consequence of the treatment.

Although root canal therapy is generally successful, some root canal therapy cases require retreatment, usually due to recurrent bacterial infection. In these situations, your dentist will determine the source of the infection and rule out tooth or root cracks or fractures. Retreatment is typically sufficient to relieve discomfort and pain, but there are times when removing the tooth is the best option. Your dentist can thoroughly explain each alternative.

What are the symptoms of a failed root canal?

Root canals fail when the original treatment does not remove all the infection, or the tooth becomes infected again. It can take weeks, months or even years for a failed root canal to surface. You may recognise the symptoms of infection, such as tooth discoloration, pimples on the gum or swelling because you already went through root canal treatment once.

If you do not receive further treatment, the infection may be carried to other teeth. If you visit your endodontist right away, saving your tooth becomes more difficult, but it is still possible.

Symptoms of a failed root canal include the following:

  • Sensitivity when biting
  • Discolouration of the tooth
  • Tenderness in the gum tissue
  • Pimples or boils on the jaw
  • Severe pain in the treated tooth
  • Pus-filled abscesses around the treated tooth
  • Swelling near the treated tooth or in the face or neck

If you are experience any of the above symptoms, contact your dentist immediately.

What does an infection after a root canal feel like?

A continual dull ache or a sharp pain that gets worse when biting down are typical symptoms of root canal infection. When eating or sipping anything cold, some individuals experience significant tooth sensitivity. Get in touch with your dentist if you have any concerns following your root canal treatment.

Is it normal to be in pain after root canal?

Root canal therapy isn't something to be afraid of, and while you may feel discomfort, it is uncommon to experience severe pain. If you are experiencing unusual pain several days after your root canal, contact your general dentist or endodontist right now. If you're in severe discomfort for many days after receiving a root canal treatment, contact your dentist as soon as possible.


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