How long does house window tint last

There are many good reasons to install window films for your home or office. They offer a range of functional benefits, such as privacy, security, and cost-efficiency.

The biggest question is: how long will the window films last? Truth be told, deterioration is bound to happen over time. However, there are ways you can ensure they will last for as long as possible.

In the following section, we’ll cover the signs and causes of window film deterioration that you should know about. Keep on reading to learn how to maximize the longevity of your window film.

Signs of window film deterioration

When window films deteriorate over time, chances are that you might see one of these signs, or several of them in any combination. When the film gets old, expect the following:


The fading of the window tint is the most apparent sign of deterioration. This can be caused by sun exposure, heat exposure, low-quality film, and poor installation, among others.

Turning purple:

The dye used in window films is a mixture of red, blue, and yellow dye. Yellow tint has a more unstable compound than red and blue ones. When exposed to UV rays, it leaves behind the red-blue combination, resulting in the purple film.

Bubbles forming:

The adhesive used to attach the film to the window is chemically broken down by the sun’s heat over time. As a result, this causes the bubbles to form between the window and the film.


Sun exposure leads to window damage that can cause the film to turn brittle over a long time. This makes it susceptible to cracking if it is hit by anything.


The exposure to the sun’s heat causes the adhesive attached to the film and window to wear off. This results in the edges of the film starting to peel away from the window.

Causes of window film deterioration

Although it’s inevitable that the window film will deteriorate over time, its deterioration can even be sped up by a handful of factors, such as:

Poor installation:

This can be caused when the installer uses low-quality adhesive or doesn’t know how to install films at all. It can also happen if you take the DIY route and do not perform the installation effectively.

Excessive sun exposure:

The sun’s UV rays can break down the chemicals in the dye used in window films. As a result, it can cause the film to fade, turn purple, or peel over time.

Constant heat:

The extreme heat can break down the dye in your window film as well as the adhesive used to attach the film.

Practical tips for window film deterioration

Know that some window films can start showing signs of deterioration in as little as three months. Professionals, however, say that window films can actually last between 10 and 25 years, only if you ensure that:

  • They are of higher quality window films.
  • They have been professionally installed.
  • They are properly looked after and maintained, you can read our article on taking care of window film by clicking the link.

In conclusion

Now that you know the signs of window film aging and what causes them, you can do your part in delaying such deterioration. Follow some of the practical tips outlined above to make a significant difference in the aesthetic value, functionality, and longevity of your window films.

If you’re looking for window film in Sydney to replace your current film, get in touch with us today! We’re happy to help.

Window film that has been professionally installed is a great solution for lowering your energy costs and making your windows much more energy efficient. However, here at Meridian Window Tint, many of our customers ask us how long window film will last.

We're happy to answer that and other key concerns about the durability and expected longevity once our team professionally installs window film on the windows of your home or office building to protect your property against solar heat gain and UV rays.

Longevity Affected by Certain Factors

Under the right conditions, window film can last for 20 years or more. This longevity depends upon a number of factors. These include the condition of the window on which the film has been placed, the quality of the materials used, the directional position that the windows are facing, and the local climate. One of the most important factors affecting window film longevity is whether or not it has been installed by professionals who have years of experience working with window film.

How Professional Installation Affects Longevity

The right type of window film and its proper placement on your windows is designed to provide UV protection that either absorbs or reflects solar heat and glare in order to improve energy efficiency. Customers can enjoy a higher rate of return on investment by having their window film professionally installed.

Professional installation ensures that the right type of window film is used on your windows. It also ensures the best quality of adhesion for longer performance in addition to obtaining the most comprehensive warranty protection. Our window film applications often pay for themselves via energy savings in lower electricity and natural gas bills within 3 to 5 years.

How To Clean Window Film After Installation to Make it Last

Since improperly cleaning window film is one of the major reasons it degrades, post-installation care of window film plays plays a vital role in longevity. Follow these tips when cleaning our window film:

  • Avoid the use of alcohol or ammonia-based cleaners on tinted glass (Windex is not recommended)
  • Do not use abrasive cleansers
  • Do use a mild dish soap and water solution mixed in a household spray bottle. Apply like normal glass cleaner and wipe with a squeegee or microfiber towels.
  • You can also purchase Sprayway glass cleaner (available in an aerosol can) to use in cleaning tinted glass windows.


The high quality commercial and residential window films installed by Meridian Window Tint typically are backed by a warranty of 10 years or more against any defect or performance failure. There are some window films in today's marketplace that come with a limited lifetime warranty. This is good news for the customer, who can call their installer should they experience any problems with their window film for repair or replacement.

If you have more questions about window film, we'd be happy to help answer them. Contact Meridian Window Tint for a free 


Does home window tint fade over time?

A lower quality film may start to show signs of fading within a few months. Local climate: Excessive heat, wind or other weather conditions can wear on your window film over time. Meanwhile, exposure to sunlight can cause window tinting films to fade, albeit slowly.

Is it worth getting house windows tinted?

Blocks Up to 99% of Harmful UV Rays Tinting your house windows will block these harmful UV rays, providing extra protection for you and your family. What's more, window tinting can also help to protect your furnishings and floors from fading and sun damage.

What window tint lasts the longest?

Ceramic window tints are one of the most durable types of dyes that you can have on your vehicle. They might be quite expensive, but they can last for five or more years. They also provide a clear vision despite its properties of reducing heat.

Can you see through tinted house windows?

While you can usually see through window film, the visibility can rely heavily on the lighting inside and outside. For instance, if a building has a tinted or reflective film installed, someone on the outside would not be able to see inside during the day.


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