How long does it take to get windows tinted

How Long Does It Take to Tint Car Windows?

The most common question asked by anyone considering having their car windows tinted for the first time is how long it will take. And with a number of factors to consider, it is a question that doesn’t have standard answer. Let’s look at some of those factors.

How Many Windows Are Being Tinted

As with many things in life, the more there is, the longer it takes. A big influence on the amount of time needed to tint your car windows is how many windows your car has, and how many of them you are having tinted. Having all the windows on a typical four-door sedan type vehicle tinted could take as little as 90 minutes to two hours to complete, while SUVs and minivans could take four hours or longer to complete if you’re having all the windows tinted. However, some smaller vehicles could take a lot longer to tint if the windows are larger than normal, or the vehicle is quite compact and doesn’t have a lot of room for the installers to work in.

The Windows Are Already Tinted

If the windows of your car are already tinted and you’re either switching to a different tint range or replacing damaged or scratched tinting film, this could mean it takes a little longer than normal to apply the new tint. The reason for this is that the tint installers first need to remove the old tint and clean the glass to ensure all adhesive residue is properly removed. Only once the glass is clean and dry can they begin applying the new tint. The age of the old tint and the number of windows that need tinting replaced will influence how much longer than normal it will take to complete.

The Time of Year

Even when working in a covered or enclosed area or workshop, the time of year can significantly influence how long it takes to tint your car windows. Depending on the area you live in, spring and autumn are generally the best seasons for car window tinting. This is because the temperature is milder, and humidity is also usually lower. High temperatures don’t make window tinting more difficult to install, but high levels of humidity do, while extremely low temperatures result in longer curing times for the tint. There are two components to curing time for newly applied window tints; the first is some curing time immediately after the film has been applied, which means waiting a few minutes before you can drive your car. The second is waiting two to three days for the film to fully cure. You can drive the car during this time, but you cannot open any windows that have just been tinted during this time. In very cold weather both curing times will increase, meaning you will need to wait longer before you can drive your car, and you won’t be able to open the windows for longer than three days. None of this affects your ability to have your car windows tinted in the middle of summer or winter, it just means you need to factor in additional time for the installation to be completed.

The best way to determine how long it will take to tint your car windows is to visit an Instant Windscreens & Tinting branch or service centre near you and speak to one of our professional automotive tint installers. They will be able to consider all of the factors mentioned above before giving you a more accurate time estimate, allowing you to properly plan when to bring your car in for tinting.

At We Tint Windows, we know that time is precious to you. We also know that every minute without access to your car could cause scheduling issues in your life. That’s why we work as quickly as possible to tint your car, while maintaining our very high standards of work.

We have many customers ask us, ‘How long does it take to tint a car?’ So we thought we’d write about it in some more detail for you. In most cases it takes us between 2–3 hours to tint a car. But, of course, there are a number of contributing factors that affect the time frame.


Below is a list of factors that affect how long it takes us to tint your car windows.

What type of windows does your car have?

The type of windows that your car has will affect the overall time needed to tint your car. Different makes and models of cars have different windows in terms of shape, size and materials used, etc.

To find out how long your type of car windows will take to tint, contact us. We can tell you if your windows are easy and quick or whether they’ll take a little bit longer.

What size windows does your car have?

The size of your windows will affect how long it takes to tint your car. Larger windows mean more time is needed to make sure everything is perfect—whereas, smaller windows are often much quicker.

Contact us to discuss the size of your windows and how they may affect the time it takes to tint your car.

How much of your car do you want tinted?

Obviously, the amount of window tinting you want will affect the time it takes to tint your car. Some people want the whole car done (rear windscreen, all side windows, and a strip on the front windscreen), while other people just want one or two surfaces tinted.

If you’re concerned about time, contact us to discuss how much of your car you want tinted and how long this will take.

What kind of tint do you want on your car?

Generally speaking, most of our tints take a similar amount of time to apply. However, if you’d like to find out if any tints are quicker to apply than others, give us a call.


If you are in a hurry and need your windows tinted as quickly as possible, make sure you let us know when you book in so that we can give you an accurate estimate of how long it will take. Some jobs take longer than others, and some days we have more bookings than others, so if we know you’re in a hurry, we can try to prioritise your car.

Once we have your car, you can decide if you want to go back to work or go and grab a coffee and some food locally. And we’ll let you know as soon as your car is ready for collection.


We always do everything we can to get the job done as fast as possible, but we also want to make sure we do a fantastic job on your tinting.

After all, a job done fast is no good if it’s inferior. So we’ll take the time to get it right the first time—that way you’ll be guaranteed to be happy with the finished product.

See examples of our work on Houzz and Pinterest.

How long should I wait to roll down windows after tint?

Do I need to wait to roll my windows down? We recommend that you leave your vehicle windows rolled up for at least 24 hours after window film has been installed. This allows the film to cure and adhere to the glass before the window is moved.

How long does it take to tint a car all around?

A complete car can take 2 to 4 hours. Full-sized trucks generally take between an hour and an hour and a half. A set of front doors usually only takes 30-45 minutes. If old aftermarket film has to be removed, that can add anywhere from 30 minutes to half a day.

Can I roll my windows down after 2 days?

As a thumb rule, wait for four days after installing the tint before rolling your windows down.

Does tint get darker after a few days?

It might be noticeable to some people, but it might not be a visible change. If you notice the shade of the tinted window regularly, it might change after a few days of getting tinted.


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