How long is the worlds longest hand?

The world's tallest living woman is 24-year-old Rumeysa Gelgi from Turkey. Anadolu Agency via Getty Images

The world’s tallest living woman is raising the roof by earning three more Guinness World Records titles.

Rumeysa Gelgi — who stands at 7-feet-.7 — has now scored the honors of having the world’s longest measurements for her hands, fingers and back.

The Turkish native’s longest finger measures 4.4 inches long and has won her the record for the longest finger on a living person (female).

The 24-year-old’s right hand measures 9.81 inches long and her left one comes to 9.55 inches. She holds the distinction for largest hands on a living person (female).

Gelgi’s back, meanwhile, estimates to be 23.58 inches in length and earned her the record for longest back on a living person (female).

The Guinness World Records organization awarded Gelgi with the accolade for being the globe’s tallest living woman in October 2021.

The Turkish native now holds the records for longest back, longest fingers and largest hands.Guinness World Records
Gelgi’s height measures 7-feet-.7.Anadolu Agency via Getty Images

“I was born with extreme physical uniqueness, and wanted to have as much of them recognized and celebrated as possible, hoping to inspire and encourage others with visible differences to do the same thing and be themselves,” she shared on social media.

Gelgi may have some competition for being as tall as a tower. Maci Currin, who tops out at 6-foot-10, scored the Guinness World Record for the longest female legs and longest teenage legs recently.

The 19-year-old’s right leg measures 53.26 inches and her slightly shorter left leg comes in at 52.87 inches.

The Texas teen has grown a massive following on TikTok and OnlyFans. She has garnered nearly 2 million followers on the video clip platform in the last two years.

On OnlyFans, subscribers pay $35 a month for her content that doesn’t really contain nudity.

“I just want to prove that tall girls like myself can be as conventionally attractive as anyone else,” she told the Sun about her work on the adult content website last month.

“I just want people to accept themselves for who they are and embrace their uniqueness,” she continued. “Through posting, I learned self-love, self-acceptance and I wanted to try to show that being tall isn’t as bad as people make it out to be.”

How long are the longest fingers in the world?

Gelgi's longest finger, measuring 4.4 inches long, earned her the record for longest finger on a living person (female). The Turkish woman's right hand measures 9.81 inches long, and her left hand measures 9.55 inches long, earning her the record for largest hands on a living person (female).

Is your thumb your longest finger?

Which finger is the longest? You might say your middle finger, but if you include all 5 fingers, your thumb is actually the longest! It looks like it has only 2 bones, but the third is inside your hand — look at how far down it reaches.


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