How long should pain last after dental implants?

If you’re considering dental implants to restore your smile then it’s only natural to question whether the procedure will hurt, and what sort of dental implant pain to expect. So let’s start by answering your first question.



Are Dental Implants Painful?

Yes, there is likely to be some pain associated with getting a dental implant, but this should only occur once the surgery is over. Generally speaking, the level of pain depends on the complexity of the dental implant procedure and how many implants were placed. The longer the procedure and the more implants, the more pain a patient may feel afterward.


How Long Does Tooth Implant Pain Last?

You could experience some pain for up to 10 days after surgery, but each patient is different. There may also be some swelling, but this should ease after 2 to 3 days. Usually, your dentist will prescribe medication to ease any teeth implant pain.

There are several things you can do to manage and minimise any implant pain including one or more of the following options:


Tips For Dental Implant Pain Management

  • Follow post-op instructions – It’s crucial to your health and the success of your dental implant that you follow post-op instructions to the letter
  • Over-the-counter painkillers – Usually painkillers such as Ibuprofen will help to ease any discomfort
  • Saltwater – Rinsing your mouth gently with warm salt water can ease discomfort and fight bacteria that could cause infection

Even though there will be some teeth implant pain to cope with, remember it’s only for a short while (no more than 10 days) after which you can look forward to a lifetime of new teeth and a beautiful smile.

If you need more information about dental implants please call Beyond 32 Dental on 02 9158 6334 or schedule your free consultation online.

Thinking about getting a dental implant in West Bend? Wondering what you can expect after your implant placement surgery? In this guide from Oakbrook Dental, we’ll take a look at what is (and isn’t) normal when it comes to pain and discomfort after dental implant surgery. Let’s get started.

You Won’t Feel Any Pain Immediately After Your Treatment

Immediately following your treatment and for several hours afterward, your mouth will still be numb from the anesthetic used during the surgery. In addition, you may still be under the effects of sedation if you chose to be sedated during your treatment. You won’t feel any pain or discomfort at this time.

Pain Will Usually Peak Within 48-72 Hours After Your Surgery

Once your numbing and sedation wear off, you’ll begin to experience some minor pain and discomfort. This is to be expected, and it’s normal. Your pain may be accompanied by swelling, inflammation, bruising, and tenderness near the treatment site(s).

For most patients, this pain will peak sometime between 48-72 hours after surgery, and will then begin to fade relatively quickly. Overall, the pain you’ll experience is relatively minor. Compared to a tooth extraction, for example, dental implant surgery is much less invasive and much less painful.

It’s Normal To Feel Some Minor Discomfort Up To A Week After Surgery

Although you should not feel much pain, you may still experience some tenderness and discomfort near the surgical site(s) for up to a week after your surgery.

During this time, it’s important to continue following your post-op instructions from Dr. Patel and Dr. Major. Make sure you’re eating a diet of mostly soft foods, cleaning your surgical site properly, and following all other relevant instructions.

Your Mouth Should Feel Normal After 2 Weeks Post-Surgery

Most patients are able to completely recover from their surgery within 1-2 weeks. Once your mouth heals, you shouldn’t feel any severe pain or tenderness near the implant site, and you should be able to go back to your normal diet without any complications.

Around this time, you may also be asked to come back to Oakbrook Dental to see Dr. Patel or Dr. Major and get a quick checkup to ensure that your mouth is healing properly. This is also when your stitches will be removed if non-dissolving stitches were used during your procedure.

If you experience any severe pain or discomfort 2+ weeks after your implant surgery, this is not normal. You should contact Oakbrook Family Dental right away for a consultation so that Dr. Patel or Dr. Major can determine the source of the problem and provide you with the appropriate treatment.

See If Dental Implants Are Right For You – Contact Oakbrook Dental Today!

Dental implants are a great way to permanently restore missing teeth, and if you’re interested in the benefits of dental implants in West Bend, Dr. Patel and Dr. Major are here to help. Contact us online or give us a call at (262) 335-0822 to schedule an implant consultation, and learn more about your options for restoring your smile.

How long after dental implant does it stop hurting?

After about 1-2 weeks, the area around your implant will be completely healed. You should feel no serious pain or discomfort, and there will be no bleeding and little to no swelling or bruising around the area. By this time, you can resume strenuous physical activities like running and resume your normal diet.

Is it normal to have pain 10 days after dental implant?

2 weeks after surgery – Some pain may persist up to 10-14 days after your surgery. After about two weeks, though, you should no longer feel any serious pain. The implant site may feel tender if you put pressure on it, but it should feel normal otherwise.

Why does my dental implant still hurt?

Pain and discomfort likely indicates infection below the dental implant, which may be causing inflammation around the site. If your implant is causing you oral pain, call or come in right away to have the implant site assessed by an expert.

How can I stop my dental implant from hurting?

Use over-the-counter pain medication after dental implant for short-term relief from soreness and discomfort. Apply an ice pack to the sore area as needed to reduce swelling and ease the pain. Eat soft, cold foods, such as yogurt, rather than hard foods or hot foods that could increase your discomfort.


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