How lucky I am to have something meaning

I hereby resign my position as a Head of MRU LegalTech Centre. It has been an honor to lead MRU LegalTech Centre since 2018 June. I am proud of what we have accomplished: two new master programs Legaltech LLM and Master of Laws "Law, Technology and Business", series of events, such as Legaltech meetups, annual Legaltech@Vilnius conference, legal hackathons, one-week international bootcamp Access2Justice4Refugees; we had trainees from Turkey, Italy, France, Belarus, Lithuania, and Moldova; our supervised Ph.D. student made the first research, which was presented at IRIS 2020; we created a legaltech ecosystem around the Centre to support Legaltech LLM program; our trainee has won 3 awards at LEXI AI GENERATION – powered by IBM Watson; we have launched two AI powered chatbots to support legal registration process and marketing of Legaltech LLM; we organized a lot of legaltech promotion events at local schools, and even school kids and teachers came to MRU from 5 countries for gamified legaltech&enterprenship lecture; we have presented at Legaltech Lab of Helsinki university, also Tartu university and Vytautas Magnus university, also at Association of Local Authorities in Lithuania (ALAL), Prosecutor General‘s Office and Chamber of notaries; we tried our unicorn idea challenges at Startup Fair, LOGIN, MITA “Looking for innovator” competition and Startup Summit Kaunas 2018.

Moreover, we did it with empty pockets but a hudge enthusiasm ;)

Thank you for the opportunity to serve as a Head of MRU LegalTech Centre.

With gratitude and warm regards,

Ph.D. Martynas Mockus


lucky (old) you/me etc


used for saying that something good has happened or will happen. This expression often shows that, in fact, you think something is bad

thank God/goodness/heaven(s)


used for saying that you are lucky to have something

fortune smiles on someone/something


used for saying that someone or something is lucky and successful

there but for the grace of God (go I)


used for saying that if you were less lucky you might be in the same bad situation as someone else

luck is on someone’s side


if luck is on your side, things happen the way that you want them to

some people have all the luck


used for saying that someone has more success than they deserve

(it’s) all right for someone


mainly spoken used for saying that someone is lucky because they do not have the same problems as you

(it’s) all right for some (people)


mainly spoken used for saying that you think someone is very lucky

third time lucky


you say this when someone is successful the third time that they try something, after they failed the first two times

(it’s a) good job


used for saying that it is lucky that you did something, or lucky that something happened

More synonyms

third time’s the/a charm


you say this when someone is successful the third time they try something, after they failed the first two times

     ( luckier    comparative)   ( luckiest    superlative  )

1       adj   You say that someone is lucky when they have something that is very desirable or when they are in a very desirable situation.  
oft ADJ to-inf   (=fortunate)  
I am luckier than most. I have a job..., He is incredibly lucky to be alive..., Those who are lucky enough to be wealthy have a duty to give to the hungry.     

2       adj   Someone who is lucky seems to always have good luck.  
Some people are born lucky aren't they?..., He had always been lucky at cards.     

3       adj   If you describe an action or experience as lucky, you mean that it was good or successful, and that it happened by chance and not as a result of planning or preparation.  
They admit they are now desperate for a lucky break..., He was lucky that it was only a can of beer that knocked him on the head.     

4       adj   A lucky object is something that people believe helps them to be successful.  
usu ADJ n  
He did not have on his other lucky charm, a pair of green socks.     

6    If you say that someone will be luckyto do or get something, you mean that they are very unlikely to do or get it, and will definitely not do or get any more than that.  
sb will be lucky      phrase   V inflects, usu PHR if, PHR to-inf  
You'll be lucky if you get any breakfast..., Those remaining in work will be lucky to get the smallest of pay increases...     

7    If you strike lucky or strike it lucky, you have some good luck.  
  (mainly BRIT)  
strike lucky/strike it lucky      phrase   V inflects  
You may strike lucky and find a sympathetic and helpful clerk, but, there again, you might not.     

Someone who is happy-go-lucky enjoys life and does not worry about the future.      adj   (=easy going)  

lucky dip        ( lucky dips    plural  ) a lucky dip is a game in which you take a prize out of a container full of hidden prizes and then find out what you have chosen.  
  (BRIT)      n-count  
in AM, use grab bag     

Translation English Cobuild Collins Dictionary  

Collaborative Dictionary     English Cobuild

so am I


me too


I feel queer


I feel weird

adj Depuis plusieurs ans, "Queer" n'est plus commun pour se sentir mal. Ça veut dire "gai" ou homosexuel. Weird est beaucoup plus simple sans avoir deux sens.

I rest my case


Phrase used when someone has brought all the evidences to support his point of view; "I'm done with explanations"

I can't take it


I can't understand it, I can't believe it, I can't accept it




a relocator refers to a person or company reponsible for the moving or relocating or one or more objects from one place to another. used in a sentence as "I am looking to hire some furniture relocators to move my items from one place to another."


abbr. acron.

I don't give a fuck



a model or example that shows how something works

I like to read books that are a paradigm of human life because I can learn from them.

population distribution


How the population is spread over an area.

[Geo.] High populations live near the coastline.


abbr. acron.

Short for "today I learned".

[Fam.];[Slang] When you learn about information that isn’t new but is novel for you, share it with the world by adding a “TIL”.


abbr. acron.

Short for "I love you".



abbr. acron.

Short for "I don't know".



peeling the onion


Peeling the onion means going back in stages find out how a problem actually started.




used to describe a person. i.e this is the qua am telling you about or he is a fantastic qua




look for, looking for, nearly looking for, am, is, are, was, were, will, will be pifiu; verb pifiu, (pifed)




look for, looking for, nearly looking for, am, is, are, was, were, will, will be pifiu; verb pifiu, (pifed)

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How lucky I am have something that makes?

“How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” A.A. Milne (Winnie-the-Pooh)

How lucky am I in a sentence?

Your sentence is an exclamatory sentence expressing the joy of being lucky. This sentence should be written in this way: How lucky I am!

How lucky I am meaning in English?

1 adj You say that someone is lucky when they have something that is very desirable or when they are in a very desirable situation. I am luckier than most.

Did Winnie the Pooh say how lucky am I?

"How lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard" - Winnie the Pooh.


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