How many days does it take to drive from New York to Colorado?

There are 1,627.40 miles from New York to Denver in west direction and 1,786 miles (2,874.29 kilometers) by car, following the I-80 route.

This is the fastest route from New York, NY to Denver, CO. The halfway point is Sheffield, IL.

Please note the time difference between New York, NY and Denver, CO is 2 hours. The current time in New York is 10:17 pm and the current time in Denver is 8:17 pm.

There are 1,633.14 miles from New York to Colorado Springs in west direction and 1,802 miles (2,900.04 kilometers) by car, following the I-80 route.

This is the fastest route from New York, NY to Colorado Springs, CO. The halfway point is Greenville, IL.

Please note the time difference between New York, NY and Colorado Springs, CO is 2 hours. The current time in New York is 10:17 pm and the current time in Colorado Springs is 8:17 pm.

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Direct routes for travel from New York to Colorado Springs

The bus offers routes from New York City to the most remote corners of Colorado Springs as well as different services. Direct buses depart from New York, Ny and arrive at Colorado Springs, Co. Services operate 3 buses daily and 23 buses per week. The journey takes approximately 49 hours and costs from 197 USD. To get from New York City to Colorado Springs, you can take the direct flight, which takes 5 hours and costs from 90 USD. There are 144 direct flights per day and 1008 flights per week.

New York to Colorado Springs by bus

Obviously, there are many advantages of bus trips, so we suggest that you travel to Colorado Springs from New York City using this means of transportation. The distance between two cities is 1974 miles. It takes 49 hours to get from one place to another. Traveling by bus will cost you on average 273 USD. Also, you can easily buy one-way ticket from 197 USD. You will have 20 stops during your trip. Greyhound USA operates buses from New York City.

Trains from New York to Colorado Springs

How long is a train journey to Colorado Springs from New York City? The distance between Colorado Springs and New York City is 3322 km. The train from New York Penn Station station to Denver Union Station station takes 43 hours.

Flight from New York to Colorado Springs

To get to Colorado Springs you can take a flight from Newark. 1619-mile distance separates two destinations. The distance between two cities can be reached in 6 hours of flight. Typically, tickets cost about 130 USD. The cheapest tickets cost 120 USD. It is convenient to travel from New York City to Colorado Springs by plane with flight departing at 06:00 and arriving at 10:23.

Driving directions from New York to Colorado Springs

1778 miles is a driving distance from New York City to Colorado Springs. You will be in Colorado Springs in a 29-hour drive. The average price of fuel on this route is 214 USD.

Select an option below to see step-by-step directions and to compare ticket prices and travel times in Rome2rio's travel planner.

Fly Newark to Colorado Springs

  1. Fly from Newark (EWR) to Colorado Springs (COS)

8h 4m

$345 - $498


Train to Philadelphia, fly to Denver

  1. Take the train from New York Penn Station to Philadelphia

  2. Fly from Philadelphia (PHL) to Denver (DEN)

8h 57m

$137 - $767

Fly New York JFK to Denver

  1. Fly from New York JFK (JFK) to Denver (DEN)

7h 35m

$162 - $518

Fly Newark to Denver

  1. Fly from Newark (EWR) to Denver (DEN)

7h 37m

$151 - $474

Fly New York La Guardia to Denver

  1. Fly from New York La Guardia (LGA) to Denver (DEN)

7h 53m

$144 - $385

Fly Newark to Montrose, drive

  1. Fly from Newark (EWR) to Montrose (MTJ)

  2. Drive from Montrose to Grand Junction

7h 44m

$259 - $854


  1. Take the train from New York Penn Station to Chicago Union Station

  2. Take the train from Chicago Union Station to Denver

38h 47m

$272 - $383

Bus via Newark

  1. Take the bus from Newark to Denver

43h 44m

$317 - $431


  1. Take the bus from New York to Denver

44h 25m

$240 - $340


  1. Drive from New York to Denver

28h 29m

$430 - $650

Quickest way to get there Cheapest option Distance between

Questions & Answers

What is the cheapest way to get from New York to Colorado?

The cheapest way to get from New York to Colorado is to fly which costs $140 - $390 and takes 7h 53m.

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What is the fastest way to get from New York to Colorado?

The fastest way to get from New York to Colorado is to fly which takes 7h 35m and costs $160 - $550.

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Is there a direct bus between New York and Colorado?

Yes, there is a direct bus departing from New York and arriving at Denver. Services depart once daily, and operate every day. The journey takes approximately 44h 25m.

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Is there a direct train between New York and Colorado?

No, there is no direct train from New York station to Colorado. However, there are services departing from New York Penn Station and arriving at Denver via Chicago Union Station. The journey, including transfers, takes approximately 38h 47m.

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How far is it from New York to Colorado?

The distance between New York and Colorado is 2698 km. The road distance is 2860.8 km.

Get driving directions

How do I travel from New York to Colorado without a car?

The best way to get from New York to Colorado without a car is to train which takes 38h 47m and costs $270 - $390.

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How long does it take to get from New York to Colorado?

It takes approximately 8h 4m to get from New York to Colorado, including transfers.

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Where do I catch the New York to Colorado bus from?

New York to Colorado bus services, operated by Greyhound USA, depart from New York station.

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Where do I catch the New York to Colorado train from?

New York to Colorado train services, operated by Amtrak, depart from New York Penn Station.

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Train, bus or fly from New York to Colorado?

The best way to get from New York to Colorado is to fly which takes 8h 4m and costs $340 - $500. Alternatively, you can train, which costs $270 - $390 and takes 38h 47m, you could also bus via Newark, which costs $310 - $440 and takes 43h 44m.

Mode details

Launch map view

  • Distance: 2697.8 km
  • Duration: 8h 4m

What companies run services between New York, NY, USA and Colorado, USA?

American Airlines, United Airlines and Delta fly from New York to Colorado Springs hourly. Alternatively, you can take a train from New York to Denver via Chicago Union Station in around 38h 47m.


How many days does it take to drive from New York to Colorado?

United Airlines

Flights from Newark to Colorado Springs via Denver
Ave. Duration6h 33mWhenEvery dayEstimated price$290 - $410
Flights from Newark to Colorado Springs via Chicago O'Hare
Ave. Duration6h 33mWhenMonday to FridayEstimated price$290 - $410
Flights from Newark to Colorado Springs via Houston
Ave. Duration7h 39mWhenEvery dayEstimated price$290 - $410
Flights from Newark to Colorado Springs via Washington Dulles, Denver
Ave. Duration7h 55mWhenMondayEstimated price$290 - $410
Flights from Newark to Denver
Ave. Duration4h 27mWhenEvery dayEstimated price$170 - $700
Flights from Newark to Denver via Kansas City
Ave. Duration6h 5mWhenMonday to FridayEstimated price$170 - $700
Flights from Newark to Denver via Washington Dulles
Ave. Duration6h 8mWhenMondayEstimated price$170 - $700
Flights from Newark to Denver via Detroit
Ave. Duration6h 16mWhenMonday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and SundayEstimated price$170 - $700
Flights from Newark to Denver via Toronto
Ave. Duration6h 16mWhenEvery dayEstimated price$230 - $600
Flights from Newark to Denver via St. Louis
Ave. Duration6h 22mWhenEvery dayEstimated price$170 - $700
Flights from Newark to Denver via Pittsburgh
Ave. Duration6h 27mWhenMonday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday and SundayEstimated price$170 - $700
Flights from New York La Guardia to Denver
Ave. Duration4h 31mWhenEvery dayEstimated price$140 - $500
Flights from New York La Guardia to Denver via Chicago O'Hare
Ave. Duration6h 17mWhenEvery dayEstimated price$140 - $500
Flights from New York La Guardia to Denver via Washington Dulles
Ave. Duration6h 21mWhenEvery dayEstimated price$140 - $500
Flights from Newark to Montrose
Ave. Duration5h 2mWhenEvery dayEstimated price$220 - $800
Flights from Newark to Montrose via Denver
Ave. Duration6h 43mWhenEvery dayEstimated price$220 - $800
Flights from Newark to Montrose via Chicago O'Hare
Ave. Duration6h 52mWhenThursdayEstimated price$220 - $800
Flights from Newark to Montrose via San Francisco
Ave. Duration10h 26mWhenMonday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and SundayEstimated price$280 - $950
Flights from Philadelphia to Denver
Ave. Duration4h 18mWhenEvery dayEstimated price$250 - $1,000

How many days does it take to drive from New York to Colorado?

Southwest Airlines

Flights from New York La Guardia to Denver
Ave. Duration4h 40mWhenEvery dayEstimated price$180 - $290
Flights from New York La Guardia to Denver via Kansas City
Ave. Duration6h 7mWhenMonday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and SundayEstimated price$180 - $290
Flights from New York La Guardia to Denver via Chicago Midway
Ave. Duration6h 10mWhenSaturday and SundayEstimated price$180 - $290
Flights from New York La Guardia to Denver via St. Louis
Ave. Duration6h 20mWhenMonday to FridayEstimated price$180 - $290
Flights from Philadelphia to Denver
Ave. Duration4h 21mWhenEvery dayEstimated price$180 - $650
Flights from Philadelphia to Denver via St. Louis
Ave. Duration6hWhenMonday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and SundayEstimated price$190 - $650
Flights from Philadelphia to Denver via Chicago Midway
Ave. Duration6h 5mWhenMonday to SaturdayEstimated price$180 - $650

How many days does it take to drive from New York to Colorado?

American Airlines

Flights from Newark to Colorado Springs via Chicago O'Hare
Ave. Duration6h 16mWhenEvery dayEstimated price$290 - $650
Flights from Newark to Colorado Springs via Dallas/Ft.Worth
Ave. Duration8h 10mWhenEvery dayEstimated price$290 - $650
Flights from New York JFK to Denver
Ave. Duration4h 24mWhenEvery dayEstimated price$140 - $650
Flights from New York JFK to Denver via Charlotte
Ave. Duration7h 18mWhenEvery dayEstimated price$150 - $650
Flights from New York JFK to Denver via Dallas/Ft.Worth
Ave. Duration7h 21mWhenEvery dayEstimated price$150 - $650
Flights from New York JFK to Denver via Chicago O'Hare
Ave. Duration7h 47mWhenEvery dayEstimated price$150 - $650
Flights from Newark to Denver via Chicago O'Hare
Ave. Duration6h 20mWhenEvery dayEstimated price$220 - $950
Flights from New York La Guardia to Denver
Ave. Duration4h 33mWhenEvery dayEstimated price$140 - $750
Flights from Newark to Montrose via Dallas/Ft.Worth
Ave. Duration9h 6mWhenEvery dayEstimated price$220 - $850
Flights from Philadelphia to Denver
Ave. Duration4h 23mWhenEvery dayEstimated price$260 - $900

How many days does it take to drive from New York to Colorado?


Flights from Newark to Colorado Springs via Atlanta
Ave. Duration7h 37mWhenEvery dayEstimated price$320 - $1,100
Flights from New York JFK to Denver
Ave. Duration4h 40mWhenEvery dayEstimated price$310 - $950
Flights from New York JFK to Denver via Detroit
Ave. Duration6h 34mWhenEvery dayEstimated price$310 - $950
Flights from New York JFK to Denver via Minneapolis
Ave. Duration6h 55mWhenEvery dayEstimated price$310 - $1,000
Flights from New York JFK to Denver via Atlanta
Ave. Duration7h 11mWhenEvery dayEstimated price$320 - $1,100
Flights from New York La Guardia to Denver
Ave. Duration4h 45mWhenEvery dayEstimated price$300 - $950
Flights from Newark to Montrose via Atlanta
Ave. Duration7h 12mWhenEvery dayEstimated price$340 - $1,300
Flights from Philadelphia to Denver via Minneapolis
Ave. Duration6h 6mWhenEvery dayEstimated price$320 - $1,000
Flights from Philadelphia to Denver via Detroit
Ave. Duration6h 16mWhenEvery dayEstimated price$320 - $1,000

How many days does it take to drive from New York to Colorado?

JetBlue Airways

Flights from New York JFK to Denver
Ave. Duration4h 24mWhenEvery dayEstimated price$140 - $650
Flights from New York JFK to Denver via Boston
Ave. Duration7h 14mWhenEvery dayEstimated price$140 - $650
Flights from New York La Guardia to Denver
Ave. Duration4h 33mWhenEvery dayEstimated price$140 - $750

How many days does it take to drive from New York to Colorado?

Air Canada

Flights from Newark to Denver via Detroit
Ave. Duration6h 16mWhenMonday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and SundayEstimated price$170 - $700
Flights from Newark to Denver via Toronto
Ave. Duration6h 16mWhenEvery dayEstimated price$230 - $600
Flights from Philadelphia to Denver
Ave. Duration4h 18mWhenEvery dayEstimated price$250 - $1,000

How many days does it take to drive from New York to Colorado?

Frontier Airlines

Flights from Philadelphia to Denver
Ave. Duration4h 27mWhenEvery dayEstimated price$100 - $850

Train operators

How many days does it take to drive from New York to Colorado?

Amtrak Acela

Amtrak is a rail service that connects the US and three Canadian provinces. Covering 21,000 route miles (34,000km) Amtrak operates more than 300 trains daily. These medium and long distance intercity services operate at speeds of up to 240km/h, to more than 500 destinations. Founded in 1971, it is based in Washington, D.C. and offers four classes of travel: First Class, Sleeper, Business and Coach. Ticket fares are divided into five subclasses: Saver, Value, Flexible, Business and Premium. Amtrak trains are known for their wide seats, plug-in power, big windows and storage capabilities.

Rome2rio's guide to Amtrak Acela
Contact Details
Train from New York Penn Station to Philadelphia
Ave. Duration1h 8mFrequencyHourlyEstimated price$29 - $180WebsiteAmtrak AcelaBusiness Seat - Child 2-12$29 - $90Business Seat - Seniors and Active Military$50 - $160Business Seat - Adult$55 - $180First Class - Child 2-12$90 - $160First Class - Senior Citizens and Active Military$170 - $280First Class - Adult$180 - $310

How many days does it take to drive from New York to Colorado?


Amtrak is a rail service that connects the US and three Canadian provinces. Covering 21,000 route miles (34,000km) Amtrak operates more than 300 trains daily. These medium and long distance intercity services operate at speeds of up to 240km/h, to more than 500 destinations. Founded in 1971, it is based in Washington, D.C. and offers four classes of travel: First Class, Sleeper, Business and Coach. Ticket fares are divided into five subclasses: Saver, Value, Flexible, Business and Premium. Amtrak trains are known for their wide seats, plug-in power, big windows and storage capabilities.

Rome2rio's guide to Amtrak
Contact Details
Train from New York Penn Station to Philadelphia
Ave. Duration1h 20mFrequencyHourlyEstimated price$35 - $55WebsiteAmtrakCoach Seat$35 - $55Premium$250 - $350Flexi Coach Seat$55 - $85Business Seat$50 - $75
Train from New York Penn Station to Chicago Union Station
Ave. Duration19h 32mFrequencyTwice dailyEstimated price$130 - $190WebsiteAmtrakCoach Seat$130 - $190Premium$430 - $600Flexi Coach Seat$260 - $390Business Seat$280 - $400
Train from Chicago Union Station to Denver
Ave. Duration18h 15mFrequencyTwice dailyEstimated price$140 - $200WebsiteAmtrakCoach Seat$140 - $200Premium$450 - $650Flexi Coach Seat$280 - $410Business Seat$300 - $430

How many days does it take to drive from New York to Colorado?

Ticket machine

How many days does it take to drive from New York to Colorado?

Silver Star exterior


How many days does it take to drive from New York to Colorado?

Inerior seating


How many days does it take to drive from New York to Colorado?

Dining Car


How many days does it take to drive from New York to Colorado?

Train exterior


How many days does it take to drive from New York to Colorado?

Approaching Amherst, MA


How many days does it take to drive from New York to Colorado?

Business Class seating


How many days does it take to drive from New York to Colorado?

Pennsylvanian exterior


How many days does it take to drive from New York to Colorado?

Pennsylvanian exterior


How many days does it take to drive from New York to Colorado?

Pennsylvanian interior


How many days does it take to drive from New York to Colorado?

Crescent line dining car

Train Web

How many days does it take to drive from New York to Colorado?

Crescent line lounge

Train Web

How many days does it take to drive from New York to Colorado?

Carolinian to Greensboro


How many days does it take to drive from New York to Colorado?

Carolinian interior


How many days does it take to drive from New York to Colorado?

Standard Amtrak coach interior

Wiki Travel

How many days does it take to drive from New York to Colorado?

Standard Amtrak train


How many days does it take to drive from New York to Colorado?

Amtrak Northeast Regional

Amtrak’s Northeast Regional train service serves the US’ busy northeast corridor from Virginia to Massachusetts; major stops include Boston, Providence, New York City, Philadelphia, Washington DC and Baltimore. Amenities include Wi-Fi, a quiet car, cafe and business-class seating, and travelling with a small dog or cat is permitted. Book at least 14 days in advance for a cheaper Saver Fare.

Rome2rio's guide to Amtrak Northeast Regional
Contact Details
Train from New York Penn Station to Philadelphia
Ave. Duration1h 23mFrequencyHourlyEstimated price$20 - $120Schedules atamtrak.comBook atamtrak.comChild 2-12 with paid adult$20 - $60Reserved Coach Seat$35 - $120Business Class Seat$65 - $160

How many days does it take to drive from New York to Colorado?

Northeast Regional exterior

The Hook

How many days does it take to drive from New York to Colorado?

Northeast Regional interior


Bus operators

How many days does it take to drive from New York to Colorado?

Greyhound USA

Greyhound is a leading bus company based in Dallas, Texas, serving over 3800 destinations across North America, Mexico and Canada. Greyhound carries around 18 million passengers a year who travel 5.4 billion miles (8.6 billion km) a year on their fleet of around 1700 vehicles. For travel flexibility, you can board or get off a Greyhound bus at official Greyhound stations, partner stations and curbside stops. There are around 230 Greyhound stations across the US where you can both catch your bus and buy tickets, that are also available on the official website and via the mobile app.

Rome2rio's guide to Greyhound USA
Contact Details
Phone+1 214-849-8100/[email protected]
Bus from Newark to Denver
Ave. Duration43h 30mFrequencyOnce dailyEstimated price$240 - $340Websitegreyhound.comEconomy$240 - $340Flexible$340 - $490
Bus from New York to Denver
Ave. Duration44h 25mFrequencyOnce dailyEstimated price$240 - $340Websitegreyhound.comEconomy$240 - $340Flexible$350 - $500

How many days does it take to drive from New York to Colorado?

Greyhound interior


How many days does it take to drive from New York to Colorado?

Greyhound exterior


How many days does it take to drive from New York to Colorado?

Greyhound exterior


Want to know more about travelling around United States

Rome2rio's Travel Guide series provide vital information for the global traveller. Filled with useful and timely travel information, the guides answer all the hard questions - such as 'How do I buy a ticket?', 'Should I book online before I travel? ', 'How much should I expect to pay?', 'Do the trains and buses have Wifi?' - to help you get the most out of your next trip.

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More Questions & Answers

How long is the flight from New York to Colorado?

There is no direct flight from Newark Airport to Colorado Springs Airport. The quickest flight takes 6h 16m and has one stopover.

Search flights

Where does the New York to Colorado bus arrive?

New York to Colorado bus services, operated by Greyhound USA, arrive at Denver station.

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What is the time difference between New York and Colorado?

Colorado is 2h behind New York. It is currently 22:17 in New York and 20:17 in Colorado.

Where does the New York to Colorado train arrive?

New York to Colorado train services, operated by Amtrak, arrive at Denver station.

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Can I drive from New York to Colorado?

Yes, the driving distance between New York to Colorado is 2861 km. It takes approximately 28h 29m to drive from New York to Colorado.

Get driving directions

Which airlines fly from Newark Airport to Colorado Springs Airport?

Delta, American Airlines and United Airlines offer flights from Newark Airport to Colorado Springs Airport.

How many days does it take to drive from New York to Denver?

The direct drive from Denver to New York City is 1778 mi (2860 km), and should have a drive time of 1 day 1 hr in normal traffic.

What is halfway between New York and Colorado?

Halfway between New York and Colorado The town that marks the exact halfway point is actually Walcott, Iowa. The closest zip code to the midpoint is 52773. The exact latitude and longitude coordinates are 41° 36' 15" N and 90° 43' 23" W. The closest major city that is roughly halfway is Madison, WI.

Can I take a train from New York to Denver?

There are 4 daily trains from New York to Denver. Traveling by train from New York to Denver usually takes around 45 hours and 54 minutes, but the fastest Amtrak train can make the trip in 41 hours and 35 minutes.

How far is Colorado from New York by bus?

How long is the bus ride from New York to Colorado Springs? The average travel time between New York and Colorado Springs is around 2d 1h, although the fastest bus will take about 1d 19h. This is the time it takes to travel the 1631 miles that separates the two cities.