How many hours is 10 days in GTA?

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vedder72 9 years ago#1

Just got them..

Is it better to just save many times in a row til 10 days is up?

Or can I go about my business switching back into them whenever I swap back to Michael and eventually the 10 days will pass..

strangecity 9 years ago#2

10 straight days.

If there is no god then there are no rules

Zantrax 9 years ago#3

Sorry to hijack your thread but it's related, will Michael switch out of them randomly if you switch to another character? That would be very irritating if the AI switched the clothes because you switched to another character.

Pacman2dx 9 years ago#4

Yes he will switch out of them if you switch to another character .. I had about 6 days completed of him wearing the uniform - switched to Trevor for about an hour or so, came back to Micheal to find he was wearing a suit .. and the counter starts all over again from one.

ICEman_Morgs 9 years ago#5

The easiest thing to do is just keep sleeping/saving - only takes a few minutes to skip enough time.

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GT: Morgneto

Casul346 9 years ago#6

Pacman2dx posted...

Yes he will switch out of them if you switch to another character .. I had about 6 days completed of him wearing the uniform - switched to Trevor for about an hour or so, came back to Micheal to find he was wearing a suit .. and the counter starts all over again from one.

Hey look who doesn't know what the word cumulative means.

Zantrax 9 years ago#7

Casul346 posted...

Pacman2dx posted...
Yes he will switch out of them if you switch to another character .. I had about 6 days completed of him wearing the uniform - switched to Trevor for about an hour or so, came back to Micheal to find he was wearing a suit .. and the counter starts all over again from one.

Hey look who doesn't know what the word cumulative means.

Except it's consecutive and not cumulative.

airtamis 9 years ago#8

But it's not. It says cumulative in the note at the top of the screen.

AlmightyCheeks 9 years ago#9

its cumulative


Casul346 9 years ago#10

Zantrax posted...

Casul346 posted...
Pacman2dx posted...
Yes he will switch out of them if you switch to another character .. I had about 6 days completed of him wearing the uniform - switched to Trevor for about an hour or so, came back to Micheal to find he was wearing a suit .. and the counter starts all over again from one.

Hey look who doesn't know what the word cumulative means.

Except it's consecutive and not cumulative.

LOL I love when ignorant trolls can't read.

The game clearly says cumulative.

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  3. Epsilon Robes - is in 10 cumulative days or 10 consecutive days ?

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GTA 5 is one of the most astounding achievements in game development, from its far-reaching boundaries of the open world to subtle nuances that add authenticity. The world of GTA 5 is one that truly inspires a lot of awe and has long been the subject of much fascination among the fanbase and game developers.

Rockstar Games have made a habit out of putting out cultural landmarks in gaming, and that kind of reputation is built on their impeccable attention to detail. This comes at the cost of extremely taxing developmental cycles and tedious work hours.

GTA 5 truly is an extraordinary feat in game development and one that excels on seemingly every front in terms of re-creating a life-like, authentic experience.

From NPC dialogues to a realistic day-night cycle, GTA 5 truly is an immersive experience that is unparalleled, even in 2020. One of the game mechanics that players love to manipulate is the day-night cycle as it can be used to the player's advantage, especially when manipulating stocks.

GTA 5: How long is a day in the game?

Players, in order to reap the rewards of manipulating the stock markets by doing Lester's Assassination missions in GTA 5, tend to advance game time by saving as the Stock Market takes a day or two to reflect the changes.

According to most sources, a day in GTA 5 takes 48 real-life minutes, and saving the game will advance the game clock differently for different characters.

When Michael goes to bed in order to save the game, it advances the game clock by 6 hours; 8 hours for Franklin, and Trevor sleeping the longest for 12 hours. By saving the game twice as Trevor, players will be able to advance an entire day in GTA 5.

Therefore, players can use this information when planning to manipulate the stock market in the game.

For comprehensive guides and walkthroughs, check out SK GTA Wiki

Edited by Rachel Syiemlieh

Thank You!

How do you skip 10 days in GTA?

To progress the time faster, use the SAVE function at the Safehouse but do NOT save the game (press the Circle/B button to leave the Save menu)! This will advance the time by 6 hours faster each time without the need to actually save. In total, Save the game 40 times to reach ten days.

How long is a day in GTA?

One of the major differences in the HD Universe is that time now moves at a rate of one in-game minute for every two real-life seconds. Therefore, one in-game hour is now two real-life minutes and one in-game day is now 48 real-life minutes.

How do you make 10 days go by fast in GTA 5?

Going to sleep The most reliable method to speed up time is by sleeping. GTA 5 protagonists simply need to go to bed.

How long does 12 hours take in GTA 5?

According to most sources, a day in GTA 5 takes 48 real-life minutes, and saving the game will advance the game clock differently for different characters. When Michael goes to bed in order to save the game, it advances the game clock by 6 hours; 8 hours for Franklin, and Trevor sleeping the longest for 12 hours.


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