How many kilometres is 17500 steps

If you're more metrically inclined, 17,501 steps is equivalent to approximately 13.34 kilometers, 13,335.92 meters, and 1,333,592.42 centimeters.

17,501 steps as a percentage of 10,000 steps

Many people aim to take 10,000 steps a day. While the correct number of steps per day is dependent on your individual health, ability, and walking goals, 10,000 is a pretty good number to shoot for because it amounts to approximately 4.73 miles per day. That'd be pretty good for most people!

If you walked 17,501 steps today, that would amount to 175.01% of 10,000. Wow! Easy there, cowboy! You're making the rest of us look bad.

How to walk more

If you'd like to walk more, the easiest thing you can do is increase your steps slowly and by a set percentage. For example, you can average your daily number of steps for the past week or month and try increasing it by 5% each week after this. You would do that by mutiplying your daily average by 1.05. So if this week's average was 17,501 steps a day, next week you would try to walk about 18,376 steps a day, the week after that you would try for 19,295 steps a day, and so on. Then you could stop at a number you feel is sustainable for daily walking.

How to calculate your own stride length

Calculating your own stride length can be valuable if you have a pedometer that requires you to enter your own stride length.

Because stride length varies from person to person and is influenced by leg length, walking speed, and walking style, not everyone will have the same stride length. In order to determine your own stride length, simply walk a known distance, such as 20 feet, and count your steps as you go. Then divide the distance by the number of steps.

Relevant HSA expenses

If you have an HSA as part of your health insurance plan, you may be wondering if pedometers or other step-tracking devices like Apple Watches or Fitbits are considered eligible expenses. While it's possible you can use your HSA to pay for these devices, you may need a letter of medical necessity. It's also possible your specific plan already considers these to be eligible items, but because it's not typical you should check with your plan or benefits administrator first.

Explore step amounts similar to 17,501


The information on this page is intended to be an educational reference and is not to be taken as medical advice. If you think you're having a medical emergency, please call 911 immediately.

Free online Length conversion. Convert 18,000 steps to kilometer (pace to km). How much is 18,000 steps to kilometer? Made for you with much by CalculatePlus.

Try out the inverse calculation kilometers to steps.

Conversion table


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Have you ever counted your steps or looked at your Fitbit and said, “Whoa 17 000 steps! That’s a lot! I wonder how many miles is 17 000 steps?” You aren’t alone. It can be tricky to determine how far you’ve gone just by knowing how many steps you’ve taken — 17,000 steps is roughly 8 miles but this can vary depending on several factors.

Let’s dive into why this changes and how you can utilize this milestone to create some healthy habits for yourself.

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How Long Does it Take to Walk a Mile?

How Many Steps is 5 Miles for Walking, Running, and Cycling?

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How Many Miles Is 17,000 Steps?

The actual distance for 17,000 steps can vary depending on several factors. One of the best ways to determine how far you will walk — based on steps — is to consider the following variables.

  • Height
  • Gender
  • Pace
  • Step count

A female standing 5’ 11 inches tall, walking 17,000 steps at a brisk walk, would end up walking about 9 miles. But your overall distance also changes if you adjust any of these variables.

Walking 17,000 Steps — Practical Examples

What if you don’t have a pedometer? Are there some practical examples of walking that far? Yes! You can estimate your distance using commonly used measurements. No, not yardsticks or mile markers. How about a track, a city block, or time?

How Many Laps of a Running Track Are 17,000 Steps?

On a standard track, the distance of one lap is 400 meters on the inner lane. So, we get a rough result of one mile if we do that four times. On average, 17,000 steps is 8 miles. So, to get your 17,000 steps on a track, you would need to complete 32 laps altogether.

How Many City Blocks To Walk 17,000 Steps?

Determining distance using city blocks can get tricky since not all city blocks are equal. However, it’s roughly an average of 20 city blocks to travel a distance of one mile. Since you will take about 2000 steps in a mile, we can estimate about 100 steps per city block. All of this results in a range of 160 to 170 blocks to reach your 17,000 steps!

How Long Should I Walk To Reach 17,000 Steps?

The answer lies in the pace. For example, walking at a brisk pace of at least 100 steps a minute will take 170 minutes or just under 3 hours.

Finding the right speed is vital in maintaining a comfortable routine that fits your needs. So we recommend measuring how long it takes you to walk 100 steps at a pace that works for you.

How Many Steps a Day Does the Average Adult Take?

How many steps the average adult takes in a day is another question with many variables. 

Most of us know that our activity level plays a part, but it isn’t always that simple. Here are just some of the variables to consider.

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Culture
  • Routine
  • Job
  • Country

With these examples in mind, knowing that the typical step counts can range from less than 5,000 to more than 12,500, depending on the sample you take, makes sense.

How Many Steps Is Enough To Stay Healthy?

With the wide variety of steps for the average person, knowing how long you have to walk to maintain health is the first step in keeping an eye on a healthy routine. According to a new study, mortality rates decreased on steps of up to 7,500, with diminishing returns above that. This evidence counters a current trend of 10,000 or more.

How Many Steps Should I Walk To Lose Weight?

While knowing the step count necessary to be healthier is a great start, some may also want to lose weight. Therefore, you should shoot for 10,000 steps as an overall goal to start shedding some pounds.

Ten thousand steps are about 4.5 to 5 miles and between 400 and 600 calories. Use this easy Steps to Calories Calculator to work out how many calories you burn. Reaching your goal will make a difference in your overall mood and help you begin shedding weight. Of course, keep in mind that you’ll also need to follow a healthy diet and keep an eye on the number of calories you eat. 

How To Walk 17,000 Steps a Day — Use These Tips

You now know how far you need to walk and even how many steps you need to stay healthy and lose weight. I know it sounds difficult, but you can do this. Maintaining a healthy routine is one of the trickiest parts of staying fit. With these easy tips, you can keep it up.

Get a walking buddy

Our minds tend to want to give us all the reasons to quit and few reasons to continue. Unfortunately, not everyone is successful at countering this negative chatter, and it can be helpful to be with someone with the same goal. By having a buddy there, they can motivate you to do better and support you when you want to quit.

Use a walking plan or schedule that works for you

Setting up a routine that fits into busy schedules can be difficult. However, a plan or program that works for you will help keep you on track and give a structure that can motivate you to meet your goals.

Keep track of your steps: smartwatch, fitness tracker, apps

New gadgets, apps, and websites pop up all the time. These will help you track your goals and routines. For example, something as simple as a smartwatch will allow you to watch how many steps you accumulate over a day just by doing your everyday routine.

Keep yourself motivated with rewards

Your hard work in your new routine can be an excellent reward. Sometimes, however, treating yourself to a bonus can be a powerful motivator to keep going. For example, watching a movie and eating popcorn without butter can feel like a well-earned treat after pushing yourself.


Seventeen thousand steps may seem like a lot, but it can become less daunting when we look at the key takeaways.

  • How many miles is 17,000 steps? Roughly 8 miles
  • There are many ways to track distance
  • Shoot for 7,500 to stay healthy
  • 10,000 daily steps will help you lose weight
  • The buddy system, gadgets, and rewards are great ways to stay on track.

By shifting perspective, you can change your relationship with your routine and overcome new obstacles.

Lose weight through behavior change, not fad dieting

Noom’s 5-minute quiz unlocks a weight loss program customized for you so you can manage your health and form habits that last.

How far is 15000 steps in km?

(That's over 10 miles or 16 km!). So, through a combination of pure self-experimentation and natural daily movement patterns, I've discovered that about 15,000 steps per day seems to be my sweet spot.

How far is 10,000 steps in km?

What does 10,000 steps look like? Ten thousand steps equates to about eight kilometres, or an hour and 40 minutes walking, depending on your stride length and walking speed.

How long is 20000 steps in KM?

How far is 20,000 steps in miles/km? For a person with an average walking stride length between 2.2 feet and 2.5 feet, it adds up to roughly 10 miles (16 km).

How many steps make 1 km?

According to a study published in the ACSM's Health & Fitness Journal, someone of average height and weight will take around 1,400 steps to walk one kilometre at a regular pace. This figure changes to between 900 and 1,100 steps for a kilometre when running, due to the increase in stride length.

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