How many MLB players are white?

Professional Baseball Player Statistics By Gender

1.7% of professional baseball players are women and 98.3% of professional baseball players are men.

Gender Pay Gap For Professional Baseball Player

Women Earn 82¢ For Every $1 Earned By Men

Professional Baseball Player Male to Female Ratio

We compared this job title with other job titles to see how gender percentages varied. As you can see, 19d cavalry scout and baseball player have the biggest difference in gender.

Job TitleMaleFemale
Harpist 8% 92%
Actress 8% 92%
Modern Dancer 8% 92%
Professional Baseball Player 98% 2%
Assistant Varsity Football Coach 98% 2%
Baseball Player 98% 2%
19D Cavalry Scout 99% 1%

Professional Baseball Player Statistics By Race

The most common ethnicity among professional baseball players is White, which makes up 78.0% of all professional baseball players. Comparatively, there are 7.2% of the Hispanic or Latino ethnicity and 6.8% of the Black or African American ethnicity.

  • Black or African American, 6.8%
  • American Indian and Alaska Native, 0.4%

Professional Baseball Player Wage Gap By Race

Unknown professional baseball players have the highest average salary compared to other ethnicities. Hispanic or latino professional baseball players have the lowest average salary at $58,064.








Black or African American

Unknown $82,521
White $61,756
Black or African American $72,759
Asian $63,095
Hispanic or Latino $58,064

Browse Most In Demand Jobs

Professional Baseball Player JOBS

Professional Baseball Player Age Breakdown

This chart breaks down the ages of professional baseball player employees. Interestingly enough, the average age of professional baseball players is 40+ years old, which represents 40% of the population.

40+ years

30-40 years

20-30 years

Types of Professional Baseball Player Degree Levels

The most common degree for professional baseball players is bachelor's degree 82% of professional baseball players earn that degree. A close second is associate degree with 11% and rounding it off is high school diploma with 4%.

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Professional Baseball Player Wage Gap By Education

Professional baseball players with a Bachelors degree earn more than those without, at $74,194 annually. With a High School Diploma degree, professional baseball players earn a median annual income of $72,522 compared to $47,374 for professional baseball players with an Associate degree.








High School Diploma or Less

Some College/ Associate Degree

High School Diploma or Less $72,522
Bachelor's Degree $74,194
Some College/ Associate Degree $47,374

Professional Baseball Player Employment Statistics

Company Size

We created this chart to show you the average size of companies that typically hire professional baseball players.

< 50 employees

50 - 100 employees

100 - 500 employees

500 - 1,000 employees

1,000 - 10,000 employees

> 10,000

The Types Of Companies Professional Baseball Player Work In

Employees with the professional baseball player job title have their preferences when it comes to working for a company. For instance, most professional baseball players prefer to work at private companies over public companies.





Top Industries Hiring Professional Baseball Players




Non Profits

Health Care

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Professional Baseball Player Turnover And Employment Statistics

The Average Number of Years That Professional Baseball Player Stay in a Job

By looking over 1,068 professional baseball players resumes, we figured out that the average professional baseball player enjoys staying at their job for 1-2 years for a percentage of 36%.

Less than one year

1-2 years

3-4 years

5-7 years

8-10 years

11+ years

Comparing The LGBT Ratio of Professional Baseball Players with Other Job Titles

After finding the gender ratio, we wondered if the percentages of LGBT persons were different as well. Using the data below, you can see how other job titles compare to professional baseball players.

Job TitleLGBTJob Openings
Vocalist 8.82% 13500.00%
Swim Coach 9.28% 15,871
Clairvoyant 11.39% 600.00%
Professional Baseball Player 14.59%
Assistant Technical Director 16.02% 73,081
Chaperon 21.16% 25300.00%
Illusionist 23.07% 15700.00%

Assistant Technical Director

Professional Baseball Player

Foreign Languages Spoken By Professional Baseball Players

The most common foreign language among professional baseball players is Spanish at 90.9%. The second-most popular foreign language spoken is Czech at 3.0% and Portuguese is the third-most popular at 3.0%.

Professional Baseball Player Jobs

What percentage of MLB are white?

The most common ethnicity among professional baseball players is White, which makes up 78.0% of all professional baseball players. Comparatively, there are 7.2% of the Hispanic or Latino ethnicity and 6.8% of the Black or African American ethnicity.

What nationality are most baseball players?

List of active Major League Baseball players by country of birth.


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