How many times can you reuse tape in extensions


Tape hair extensions are becoming increasingly popular. Their subtle and discreet finish is too good to let pass! But many people have this questions in mind: are tape in extensions reusable? Of course, they also ask how to reuse tape in hair extensions once they are removed!

Although tape hair extensions need to be adjusted every 4-6 weeks, the same hair can be reused once it has been re-taped. 

If you want to know how to reuse tape hair extensions yourself read on, alternatively your hairdresser may know how to reuse tape hair extensions and can do the whole process for you!

Step by step- how to reuse tape hair extensions

  1.  After you have removed the tapes from your hair, apply lots of solvent to the tapes to get the excess glue off your tapes.
  2. Once they no longer feel so sticky, you will need to wash them well. You will need to wash them with shampoo a couple of times to get the solvent out.
  3. Give them a really good condition so that they are left silky but do not apply this conditioner to the bond area.
  4. Once they are air dried, they should no longer feel sticky at the top where the tape was.
  5. Find the bump side of the tape as this is the side where the tape goes.
  6. 6. Using the ZALA blue tape (available on our online store) unroll enough to cover the length of the piece, trying not to touch the sticky side of the tape too much.

  7. Move any stray hairs out of the way.
  8. Position the tape over the piece and do not press down properly until it is placed perfectly.
  9. Once it is evenly placed over the piece, apply pressure over the tape.
  10. Snip the tape so there is no excess tape on the ends or top of the piece.

Your extensions should now be good as new to re apply!

Now that we’ve answered this common question: can you reuse tape in extensions, it is your turn. But please do not attempt this yourself if you are unsure on how to reuse tape hair extensions. Consult a professional so that you are left with beautiful hair!

So you want to get tape-in hair extensions, huh?

You’ve done all your research. You’ve checked all the brands. Plus, you’ve read every single article about the kinds of hair extensions, and now you’ve made up your mind. You want to get tape-in hair extensions. Not clip-in hair extensions, not halo hair extensions. You want tape-ins, not anything else.

However, there’s one more question that’s been bugging your mind for a while now: How long do tape in hair extensions last? And until you know the answer, you can’t be 100% sure of your decision.

How long do tape-in hair extensions last?

The short answer is, six to eight weeks up to nine to ten weeks, depending on which expert you consult.

The long answer is, it really depends on a lot of factors, as well as the quality of the tape-in hair extensions you’re buying.

Factors that affect the lifespan of tape-in hair extensions

  • your daily hair care regimen
  • your personal hair growth
  • the quality of your tape-in hair extensions

Your daily hair care regimen

How long do tape in extensions last depending on your daily hair care? The answer varies depending on what your regimen entails. Tape-in hair extensions are meant to be reused for up to three to four times but stay on your hair majority of the time. This means that if you don’t take care of your own hair, where the tape-ins are attached, then they’re bound to not last long, either.

Your personal hair growth

Using tape-in hair extensions is pretty simple. You ‘tape’ them to your hair using medical grade adhesive and leave them there for a few weeks until your hair grows long enough that they start to get noticeable. When that happens, you have to move them up, and the process is repeated.

So, how many times can you reuse tape in extensions? Typically, you can reuse your tape-in extensions up to three times. But the thing is, the action of removing and replacing them over and over again is damaging for tape-ins. This means that the faster your hair grows, the more frequently you’ll have to move them up, and the more damage they’ll sustain over time. Hence, if your hair grows longer faster, it probably means your tape-ins won’t last as long either. At least, not as long as on someone whose hair doesn’t grow as fast.

But, how long can you keep hair extensions in? Well, you can continue to wear your tape-in wefts for 4-8 weeks until you need to move them up. The exact time to keep the extensions in depends on how fast your hair grows.

The quality of your tape-ins

Anything that’s good quality is most likely to outlive something that’s poorly made. If you choose hair extensions that are non-Remy and cheaply made, then you better not expect them to last as long as Remy human hair extensions. ZALA Hair, for example, uses only the best quality for our ZALA tape-in hair extensions, making sure that each one will last as long as you need them to.

Are you thinking of getting tape-in hair extensions now? For more ideas, check out the ZALA blog!

Can you reuse tape in extensions?

Reusable: Tape in extensions are reusable for up to a year, they are good for 3-4 applications. Being able to reuse your hair extensions is such a benefit, especially if you have had your extensions customized with a cut or color. Once you remove the tape extensions you clean them, add new tape, and then re-apply them.

How long can you use the same tape in hair extensions?

Generally, tape in hair extensions can remain in your hair for between six and eight weeks, at which point you will need to go back to the salon to have them re-taped to the appropriate length.

How many uses do you get out of tape extensions?

The quality of the tape extensions will also impact how long they last and how many times you can reuse them. For our Pro Deluxe line, expect around 3 uses. On the other hand, you can expect to get 10-20 uses from our Premium Tape Extensions.

How many times can you reuse tape?

The law of averages For most, you can expect to get anywhere from 6-10 reusable recordings on your VHS tape before you'll begin to see a noticeable dip in audio and visual components.


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