How many visits are required for a crown?

Dental crowns are artificial caps that are placed over your damaged, worn or misshapen tooth. They are used to protect the tooth below and restore aesthetics. Crowns are custom made and colour matched to your teeth, so won’t disrupt your smile. Crowns are both a restorative and cosmetic dental treatment, restoring structure and enhancing the appearance of discolouration, gaps and misalignment. The dental crown procedure is common and can be done in two dental visits. 

At Boon Dental we’re experts in dental crown procedures.  In this article, we will discuss the dental crown procedure, covering preparation and aftercare. 

Problems dental crowns solve

Dental crowns are a very common restorative and cosmetic dental treatment. Dental crowns are versatile in that they are used to treat a range of issues. Our dentists may recommend a dental crown as a solution to one or more of the following problems:

  • Severe tooth damage 
  • Severe tooth decay
  • Cracked teeth
  • Weakened teeth
  • Discoloured teeth
  • Misshapen teeth 
  • Excessively worn teeth
  • Misaligned teeth

Before a dental crown procedure

In the first appointment, your dentist will prepare your tooth for the crown. This usually involves X-rays of the tooth and surrounding area. This is to thoroughly examine the roots of your teeth, as well as the surrounding bone. This is an important step to ensure there is no infection below the tooth’s surface. 

Your dentist will then administer a local anaesthetic before preparing your tooth to make room for the crown. Once this is done, they will take an impression of your tooth and send it off to a special lab where your crown gets made. This usually takes two to three weeks. So, your dentist will place a temporary crown on your tooth in the meantime. 

During a dental crown procedure 

At your second appointment, your temporary crown will be removed and your new one permanently fitted. Your dentist will ensure the colour, shape and size are correct before cementing it in place. They may use a local anaesthetic to numb the area first. Once the crown has been fitted your dentist will check your bite to make sure it’s perfect. They will also give you aftercare advice. 

After a dental crown procedure

There isn’t too much downtime after a dental crown procedure. Your mouth may be numb from the anaesthetic so be careful not to chew on your lips or inside of your cheeks. Once the anaesthetic wears off you may feel some sensitivity. Your new crown may also feel odd at first, this is normal and takes some getting used to. It should subside and feel completely normal after a few days. It is recommended that you avoid eating chewy or hard food for the first 24hrs. 

It is important to care for your crown as you should with all your teeth. This means regular brushing (twice a day) and flossing once a day. You should use fluoride-based toothpaste to maintain strength in your teeth. When properly cared for your crown can last many years. 

Speak to Boon Dental about dental crowns

At our dental clinic, our philosophy is to deliver an exceptional dental experience for every one of our patients, in a relaxed and comfortable setting. We believe in treating all our patients with compassion and offering quality dental care using state-of-the-art equipment to help people achieve happy and healthy smiles.

Dental crown procedures are common. They are a great way to protect damaged teeth while looking completely natural. At Boon Dental we’ve performed countless dental crown procedures. Our dentists are experts in the area. If you’d like to know more then give us a call. 

Protect a weakened tooth and prevent it from breaking. Or to hold the tooth together if parts of it are cracked. 
  • Support and cover a tooth that has a large filling and little structure remaining.
  • Cover teeth that are badly stained or misshapen.
  • Restore an eroded or broken tooth
  • Cover a tooth following root canal treatment.
  • Hold a dental bridge in place.
  • Cover a dental implant.

    Types of dental crowns

    Dental crowns come in a variety of guises which include:

    • Metal
    • Porcelain fused to metal 
    • All-ceramic or all-porcelain
    • All-resin
    • Pressed ceramic

    When you do need a dental crown, your dentist will discuss your best options based on dental needs, aesthetics, lifestyle, and budget. 


    What to expect during the dental crown procedure? 

    Traditional crowns typically require two or more dental visits, although in some cases, a dental crown can be made in the dental clinic and fitted the same day (more about that later). 


    The first visit 

    The first dental visit starts with an examination of the affected tooth. The dentist will take x-rays of the tooth and the bone around it. They may have to perform a root canal before the dental crown procedure if there is:

    • Tooth decay
    • Injury to the tooth’s pulp
    • Risk of infection 

    (pulp is the soft tissue at the core of your teeth that contains a network of nerves, blood vessels and connective tissue)

    When you do need a dental crown, the dentist will file down the top and sides of the tooth receiving the crown to make room for it. How much tooth is shaven off depends on the type of dental crown you have. All-metal dental crowns are thinner than porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM) or all-porcelain crowns and don’t need as much of the tooth removed. If too much of the tooth is missing due to injury or decay, the dentist will build up the tooth structure using a filling material that the crown can cover. 

    After reshaping the tooth, the next step is for the dentist to take an impression using dental putty. The dentist also takes impressions of the teeth above and below the tooth that is receiving the crown to ensure the bite is unaffected by the crown.

    The dentist then sends the impression to the dental lab that will be making your bespoke dental crown. While you wait for your permanent crown, the dentist will fit you with a temporary crown to protect the tooth and prevent infection.


    The second visit 

    At the second visit, your dentist will remove your temporary crown and replace it with a custom crown. The crown is then ‘dry tried’ to check for colour and fit. Finally, if all is well, the new crown is cemented in place.


    Same-day dental crowns

    Remember we mentioned earlier that some clinics offer same-day dental crowns? Welcome to Beyond Dental Care. We have invested in CEREC (Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramic) technology to make it easier and more convenient for patients needing dental crowns

    The dental crown procedure starts similarly to that of traditional crowns. First, our dentist removes any decay from the tooth and shapes it for a perfect fit inside the crown. Following these steps, the making of the crown takes a different direction. 

    In the same-day crown procedure, our dentist uses a hand-held wand or scanning device in your mouth to take digital images of the tooth. The CEREC software uses these images to create a 3D model of the tooth. The digital model is then delivered directly to the CEREC milling machine conveniently located in our clinic. Patients can watch while the machine creates their bespoke crown from a single block of porcelain. In less than 20 minutes, the crown is ready to be fitted and cemented in place by the dentist. 

    Patients benefit from a hassle-free dental crown procedure that takes up far less of their time than with traditional crowns. 


    How long do dental crowns last?

    Patients can expect their crowns to last between 5 and 15 years. How long your crown lasts depends on the level of wear and tear it receives, how well you maintain oral hygiene, and any habits relating to your mouth, including:

    • Biting your fingernails
    • Chewing on hard food like ice
    • Teeth clenching and grinding (bruxism)
    • Using your teeth to remove bottle tops or open packaging.

    Hopefully, this article has answered the question of ‘when do you need a dental crown?’

    If you suspect you may need dental crowns or you require a replacement crown, then why not schedule an appointment with the team at Beyond Dental Care. We utilise the latest technologies and techniques to deliver high-quality dentistry at all times. 

    Can crowns be done in one visit?

    1. Single visit crowns only take two hours to place. While traditional porcelain crowns take two or three visits over the course of several weeks to place, your same day crown can be designed, milled, and placed in about two hours. That really is it—at the end of your appointment, you'll have your complete restoration.

    How long is the second visit for a crown?

    Once the permanent crown is created and has been delivered to our office, you will return for a second appointment. At this appointment, we will bond the permanent crown to your existing tooth. It typically takes around 20 or 30 minutes to complete this process.

    How long does it take to get a permanent crown?

    The initial appointment usually lasts about two hours. It then generally takes two to three weeks for the lab to make the permanent crown, and removal of the temporary crown and placement of the permanent crown usually takes an additional 30 minutes.

    How long does it take to prepare a tooth for a crown?

    Preparing Your Tooth for a Dental Crown This step typically takes 50 to 90 minutes to complete. First, your dentist will remove any decay if present and measure your tooth's outer portion to ensure the crown will fit properly and precisely.


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