How much does a 30 pack of beer cans weigh in kg

Are you traveling and wondering how much of your favorite canned beer you can take along? First, you must get the facts straight by answering one question: how much does a can of beer weigh?

Mostly, the weight of the beer depends on the manufacturer and the density. Nonetheless, this article will show you how beer weight is calculated.


  • How Much Does a Can of Beer Weigh?
    • How Much Does an Empty Beer Can Weigh?
  • How Does Beer Density Affect Its Weight?
  • Related Questions
    • How Much Does a 16 Ounce Can of Beer Weigh?
    • Why Choose Beer Cans Over a Bottled Beer?
    • How Much Does a 24-Case of Canned Beer Weigh?
  • Conclusion

How Much Does a Can of Beer Weigh?

Usually, a 12 ounce can of beer, the recommended serving size, weighs 0.78 pounds. However, to get to 0.78 pounds, we ought to relate the weight of the beer to that of water. Typically, alcohol is lighter than water, though the proteins and carbohydrates in the beer give it some weight.

Nonetheless, it is assumed that beer has the same weight as water despite the proportion of the three ingredients determining its weight. So, the beer weighs 8.34 Pounds or 128 Ounces, just like a gallon of water.

To get the pounds per 12 ounces can, we divide 12 by 128, which equals 0.094 gallons/can.

Finally, 0.094 gal x 8.34 lb/gal = 0.78 lbs

A 12 ounce can of beer also comes with a range pack of 6, 12, 18, 24, and 30. To get the total weight, you multiply 0.78 pounds by the number of cans in the package.

How Much Does an Empty Beer Can Weigh?

The weight of beer cans changes over time. For instance, aluminum cans of beer weighed approximately 0.0365 pounds or 16.6 grams in the early 1990s. According to the Australian Aluminum Council, an average aluminum can weighs 0.0330 pounds or 14.9 grams (30% less because of less metal used).

In other words, it would take you at least 32 to 34 empty aluminum cans to get one pound!

How Does Beer Density Affect Its Weight?

Typically, beer density is affected by the moisture content of the ingredients and brewing temperature. In other words, a slight change in any of the two factors affects the density of the beer and, consequently, the weight.

Beer is made of four ingredients according to the famous German Purity Law Beer of 1516. They include:

  • Water
  • Malt
  • Hops
  • Yeast

Each of the ingredients has its moisture content. However, water is used as a reference point when measuring other liquid substances. In other words, beer density can be referred to as the amount of water within the beer.

Therefore, beer with a lower moisture content has a higher density and is heavier and vice versa. Additionally, temperature affects the beer density and, in return, its weight. Usually, brewers use water’s highest density of 4 degrees as a reference point.

Related Questions

How Much Does a 16 Ounce Can of Beer Weigh?

A 16 ounce can of beer weighs approximately 1.03 pounds.

Why Choose Beer Cans Over a Bottled Beer?

In terms of weight, the canned beer weighs less than bottled beer. Typically a glass bottle weighs more than an aluminum can. Therefore you can easily transport or ship a bigger can load than bottled beer.

How Much Does a 24-Case of Canned Beer Weigh?

A single can of beer weighs 0.78 pounds. Therefore, a 24 pack of 12-ounce cans will weigh; 0.78*24= 18.72 pounds.

Additionally, you have to factor in the case weight. Normally, a 24-pack case of canned beer measures 16*16*24 inches and must include its weight in the final tally.


Knowing the weight of one can of beer gives you the option to decide how much you can ship or carry to your upcoming picnic. Additionally, you can comfortably calculate the percentage of alcohol content if you are making your beer.

It’s not uncommon for the same amount of beer to come in two different containers, with the former being lighter and the latter being heavier. After a five-mile hike and a weight loss of only two pounds, the difference could seem insignificant.

What Beers Come In A 30 Pack?

  • BEER FROM BUSCH, INC. 12 Oz Cans by Anheuser Busch. A mere $2.19 is required for this item.
  • The Coors Banquet Lager. Dozens of 12oz Cans
  • Genesee Ice 12-ounce cans (single, six-pack, thirty-pack)…
  • Genesee Beer, brewed by Genesee Brewing Co., comes in a 12-ounce can.
  • Genesee Brewing’s Genesee Light beer comes in a 12-ounce can.
  • Pabst Blue Ribbon is a Miller Brewing Company beer. Cans of 12 ounces…
  • The Narragansett Lager in a can (12oz). It is possible to purchase a single unit, a 6-pack, or a 30-pack.

How Much Do Beers Weigh?

A single can of beer weighs roughly 0 grams. The density of the beer influences its weight. For the sake of this computation, we’ll use beer, which has an average mass of 8 grams, the same as water. Weight: 34 lb. Based on the volume of water.

Does Coors Light Come In 30 Packs?

Beer (12oz Cans)

How Much Does A 24 Case Of Beer Weigh?

BrandContentPriceBudweiser24-12oz. Cans$18.99Busch (regular & light)30 pack cans$17.99

How Much Does A 15 Case Of Beer Weigh?

How much does a case of beer weigh?? If you’re buying a whole case, expect to pay anywhere from 35 to 42 pounds (15 and 19 kilograms). Beverage cans and bottles in various sizes can be found in a range of beer case sizes.

How Much Does A Pack Of Beer Weight?

One case of 12 ounce canned beer weighs about 20 pounds. The weight of a 36-pound case of beer, divided into 24 12-ounce bottles, is about 3.3 tons. As you carry more beer, the difference becomes more noticeable.

How Much Does A 6 Pack Of Bottled Coke Weigh?

Weight7 PoundsVolume16.9 Fluid Ounces

What Is A 6 Pack Of Beer Equivalent To?

Six PacksBeers530636742848

What Beer Comes In 30 Packs?

  • A 30-pack of “Anheuser-Busch – Bud Light” cans.
  • Anheuser-Budweiser Busch’s comes in 30-packs of 12-ounce cans.
  • A case of 30 cans of Anheuser-Busch Busch…
  • Thirty 12-ounce cans of Anheuser-Busch Busch’s Light, packaged in an 18-pack.
  • Anheuser-Busch brews include the following: x usch – Natural Ice Michelob Ultra (30-pack 12oz cans) (30 pack 12oz cans)

How Much Is A 30 Pack Beer?

BrandContentPriceBudweiser30 pack cans$22.99Budweisercase 24-12oz. Bottles$19.99Budweiser24-12oz. Cans$19.99Busch (regular & light)30 pack cans$18.99

Why Is Beer Sold In 30 Packs?

Why is this so difficult to understand? Increases in the price of beer are becoming more commonplace. The 30-pack of beer used to be an affordable way to save money for beer consumers. Tanczos Beverage proprietor Dan Tanczos adds, “The store would either give away six cans for free or charge a few additional pence.”

Who Has The First 30 Pack Of Beer?

Coors and Coors Light beer cans in 30-packs. “Silver Bullet” was created in 1978 as a low-carb diet supplement.

How Much Do 30 Beers Weigh?

Drink/CompanyCans or Bottles?Pack WeightBlue Sky Cane Sugar Co.Cans22.2 pounds

How Much Does A Full Beer Weigh?

A full keg of Anchor beer, weighing in around 140 pounds, should hold about 40 gallons of liquid. The empty weight is approximately 30 pounds. Depending on the brewery (and we’ve had several), beer can weigh anywhere from 10 pounds to 110 pounds. Beer and water have the same mass when it comes to measurements like weight. Weight: 34 lb. Per gallon, you get two gallons. Two pounds

How Heavy Is 16 Oz Beer?

How many pounds is that in kilograms? It holds 16 ounces of beer and weighs 16 ounces. Although the exact weight depends on the type of brand, the total weight is usually around 5 oz.

Does Coors Make A 24 Pack?

Clean malt tastes and a low bitterness characterize the Rocky Mountain Refreshment beer in cans. Despite its low calorie content, Rocky Mountain Brewing Company’s low-calorie beer is packed with delicious flavors. A brewery, the Coors Brewing Company, is one of many.

Do They Sell 30 Packs Of Bud Light?

30 cans of America’s most popular beer. This blue cardboard carton contains 30 cans of Bud Light. It is a good idea to have one of these with you when you go out (except for craft beer snobs, who will shun you).

How much does a 30 can case of beer weigh?

A 30-pack of canned beer's weight can go from 24.5 to 31 pounds. However, its exact weight will depend on the variety and brand. Beers with lower specific gravity, such as ales and lagers, will be lighter. On the other hand, heavier types, such as porters and stouts, will be heavier.

How much does 24 cans of beer weigh?

With 16oz Cans/Bottles A 30-pack of beer typically weighs around 30 pounds, and 24 cans or 12-pack of beer typically weighs about 24 pounds.

How much does a can of beer weigh in kg?

A can of beer can weigh approximately 0.78 lbs or 0.34 kg for a 12 oz can and 1 lb for a 16 oz can.

How heavy is a 6 pack of beer?

A six pack of 330ml beers of Carlsberg weighs about 1980 grams. The larger size beer cans weigh more. A four pack of 500ml beer cans weighs 2100 grams.


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