How often do dogs need flea and tick treatment

You probably already know it's important to protect your dog from flea and tick bites, but are you familiar with how often you need to use a dog flea treatment for effective coverage?

Flea and tick bites can irritate your dog's skin or make him sick, as often these pesky insects carry diseases like Rocky Mountain spotted fever and Lyme disease. These pests  can be a threat year round, but they're especially problematic in the summer when their populations flourish. How often you have to treat your canine companion will depend on which products you use, so here is a helpful guide to help you remember when it's time to treat Fido.

  • Flea collar: Products like Hartz® UltraGuard Plus® Flea & Tick Collar for Dogs are able to protect your pooch against these pests for up to seven months.
  • Flea spray: A short-term solution can be to use Hartz® UltraGuard Plus® Flea & Tick Spray for Dogs. This only kills and repels the bugs for up to seven days, but it will stop flea eggs from hatch for as long as 30 days.
  • Flea drops: Hartz flea drops will protect against bugs, eggs, larvae and reinfestation for up to 30 days at a time.
  • Flea shampoo: Shampoos like Hartz® UltraGuard Plus® Flea & Tick Dog Shampoo with Aloe will kill any fleas and ticks on your pet, and protect against reinfestation for two weeks.

This content is provided by the flea and tick experts at Hartz. We believe in offering safe, effective and affordable parasite prevention for every dog and cat.

Congratulations on the new addition to your family! Your new friend will give you years of unconditional love and companionship. As a responsible pet owner you will want to do the best for your new pup, so here are the basics of puppy care.

Pet Insurance

You can now insure your pet’s health.  Most insurance policies cover a huge range of accidents and illness—even referral to specialist centres.  Ask us for brochures from the best insurance providers, or ask your home and contents insurer about pet insurance.

Click here for more information on pet insurance.

6 to 12 weeks of age

At this age most puppies are finding their feet and exploring their new home.  They prefer being fed a good quality puppy food 3-4 times daily.  We recommend using Royal Canin Puppy Food as it is a complete diet with all the vitamins and minerals needed for growth. There are special formulations for small breed and large breed dogs.


Potentially fatal diseases that all puppies should be vaccinated against include Parvo-virus, Distemper, Hepatits  and Kennel Cough.  Your puppy should be vaccinated at 6 weeks, 9 weeks and 12 weeks of age.  Three days after the final vaccination it will be safe to take your puppy to parks or kennels.

Intestinal Worming

All puppies should be wormed every 2 weeks with Drontal puppy tablets (at 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 weeks of age).  Intestinal worms can cause illness and death in young dogs, and can be transmitted to people where they can cause serious problems in young children.


Fleas are the single biggest cause of itching in dogs, and on the Sunshine Coast, they are active all year around.  Fleas are everywhere and can quickly infest your home and dog.  We recommend using a monthly flea treatment, such as Simparica which can be started at 8 weeks.  Simparica is a tasty chew that is given monthly to protect against fleas and ticks.  Alternatively, Bravecto Spot On can also be used from 8 weeks old, and will help prevent fleas and ticks for 6 months.  Please speak to us about other options for flea control.

Paralysis Ticks

Unfortunately no product can give 100% protection, so daily searching is recommended if you live in a tick area.  The newer tick and flea products are highly effective, convenient and safe to use.  Cheaper product are often ineffective, as there is a much higher chance that fleas will be resistant to the chemical and won’t be affected.  Some supermarket products can also be toxic if too much is given at one time.  Simparica treats both fleas and ticks for one month, and Bravecto Spot On will treat both fleas and ticks for 6 months.  Ask us about which product is right for you.


It is now compulsory for all puppies to be microchipped when between 8 and 12 weeks of age.  The chip, which contains a code unique to your pet, is approximately the size of a grain of rice, and is injected under the skin between the shoulder blades.  We can do this when your puppy is in for their 2nd or 3rd vaccination.


All dogs must be registered with the Sunshine Coast Regional Council by the time they are 12 weeks of age.  Please visit their website to download the relevant form.

Puppy Pre-school

Why not join our Puppy Pre-school!  Puppy socialization is a vital part of being the owner of a well rounded dog.  This four week course suits puppies aged 8-16 weeks, and is held here at the veterinary surgery.   In addition to basic training, your puppy will learn how to socialize with other dogs and people, which should reduce the chance of unwanted behavioural problems such as fear biting and aggression later in life.

Puppy Training Information

12 weeks to 6 months of age


Prevention for heartworm must be started at this time.  Mosquitoes transmit this deadly disease between dogs.  We strongly recommend the Pro-Heart injection which is a long lasting injection.  The first injection is given at 12 weeks of age, with a booster given at 6 months, then again at 15 months.  Following this, heartworm injections can be given yearly with the annual vaccination.  Alternatively, monthly chews or spot-on treatments are available to control heartworm.

Intestinal Worming

Continue to worm against intestinal worms monthly.


Continue to provide flea treatments monthly with Simparica or 6 monthly with Bravecto Spot On.

Paralysis Ticks

Continue to provide treatments monthly with Simparica or 6 monthly with Bravecto Spot On.

6 months of age


A Pro-Heart booster injection is given at 6 months of age.


Both male and female dogs benefit from desexing at this age.  Neutering prevents unwanted litters, reduces reproductive diseases, hormone-related conditions and cancer of the reproductive organs.  In addition, behavioural problems can be controlled such as aggression, roaming, territorial marking and other inappropriate sexual behaviours.

From 6 months old plus


Annual vaccinations will ensure that your dog remains protected against the more common diseases.  A reminder letter will be posted to you when your dog is due.


Annual heartworm injections will ensure that your dog remains protected against heartworm disease, and can be done at the same time as the annual vaccination.  A reminder letter will be posted to you when due.

Do dogs need flea and tick every month?

Do dogs need flea and tick medicine every month? The best way to prevent and ward off fleas is to keep your dog on flea and tick medication year-round. Most preventative medications, both topical and oral versions, need to be taken monthly to remain effective.

Do dogs need flea and tick medicine all year?

Yes! Keep your pets on flea and tick protection all year round! It is common today to hear people say “I don't give my pet flea and tick prevention in the winter there is no need, since it is so cold". This is a myth that is still believed today.

What months do dogs need flea and tick medicine?

Although fleas and ticks are a threat to pets year-round, these pests become most active during the warmer months, starting as early as March in some areas of the United States. Find your state on the map shown here to learn where and when your pets are most at risk for fleas and ticks.

Should I give my dog heartworm and flea tick every month?

Most prescription products for flea, tick, and heartworm prevention are given monthly. We strongly recommend giving preventatives year-round: the heartworm parasite is transmitted by the mosquito, which can resurge unpredictably.


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