How often should you master bate

The topic is generally the brunt of jokes and gets many laughs in movies and comedy routines, but a new study is highlighting a serious side: Frequent masturbation may significantly reduce a man’s risk of prostate cancer.

According to Harvard University researchers men who have 21+ orgasms a month could reduce their odds of prostate cancer by 33%; researchers concluded that more frequent rates of masturbation were associated with lower rates of prostate cancer.

31,925 men were surveyed regarding how often they engaged in self love, tracking the participants for 18 years recording which men developed prostate cancer; men were assessed the year before the questionnaire, when they were in their 20s, and again when they were in their 40s.

This is not the first study to find regular climaxes can help keep a man’s family jewel area healthy, but it is the first to come up with an actual solo sex quota. Despite all of the research experts don’t fully understand why orgasms are important to better health. Ejaculation is believed to help flush out toxins and bacteria which build up in the prostate.

Keep in mind hand shandies are not the only way to enjoy obtaining better health. Ian Kerner, PhD notes, “There isn't a difference in whether the ejaculation happens via masturbation or with a partner. So making sex a priority is also helpful.”

Benefits beyond the prostate flush include pleasure and relaxation. “It's an opportunity to engage in self-care. Masturbation can also be a healthy distraction mechanism and a natural way of regulating anxiety.”

Simply masturbating 21+ times a month is not enough to guarantee to avoid prostate cancer, but added to a healthy diet full of organic produce, getting enough sleep, managing stress, being active and exercising will go along way. Kerner recommends a plant based diet and incorporating plenty of fish rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, as well as “consuming red foods such as tomatoes that are rich in lycopene, as well as soy products that contain isoflavones, along with getting regular physicals that include a prostate exam, and plenty of exercise.”

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“Masturbation is a healthy habit”, you would have heard this from Dr. Karthik Gunasekaran of Metromale Clinic & Fertility Center a hundred times if not thousands. There are some branches of science that are against this opinion but modern science didn’t find any evidence in support of those claims. Every man is free to masturbate any number of times a day or week depending on his libido. There is no upper limit on how many times a man can release his sperm.

What are the benefits of masturbation?

  1. Masturbation calms down a man’s urge to have sex once the semen is ejaculated.
  2. Masturbation doesn’t need a partner
  3. Masturbation doesn’t involve sex with another person, so there is no fear of pregnancy or transmission of any Sexually Transmitted Infection.
  4. Masturbation, a man’s “happy time” can be any time during day or night and any place with a toilet.

However, masturbation is not always good if it starts hurting in different unexpected ways. In here, let’s look at when you should start realizing that masturbation is doing more bad to you than good.

When you should stop masturbation or when does masturbation become too much?

  1. When you start hurting your penis – Masturbating more frequently can injure your penis foreskin or result in build of scar tissue in the shaft of your penis or even lead to peyronie’s disease causing the penis to curve and result in painful erections.
  2. When you are thinking about masturbation while you are at work – If you are thinking about masturbating while at work or in office or if you prefer to visit toilet to masturbate even if you will be late to a meeting by few minutes, you should realize that masturbation has taken you over into it’s grip and you are soon going to get into trouble at work.
  3. You stay away from friends and family – Are you avoiding social gatherings with friends and family? Are you skipping get-togethers by friends or don’t prefer to go to a party with friends just because you won’t be able to masturbate at that time when you are with them? This is a tell tale sign of addiction to masturbation. Social life and spending time with friends and family is very important for your mental health and by nature, man is a social animal after all.
  4. Not interested in having sex with your partner? Married men too masturbate; this is a fact. But how often do they masturbate and at what cost? Once in a while trying to keep yourself happy by all yourself is normal, but if you prefer masturbation instead of having physical intimacy with your partner is a big red flag.
    Emotional attachment is very important in a relationship and at the same time, physical relationship matters a lot and helps in keeping the emotional bond strong with your partner. If you are addicted to porn and are trying to make yourself happy by masturbating, you must see a sexologist and a sex therapist for counselling.
  1. Always masturbation in mind. While walking in a park, watching a movie or working at office, if you are not able to stop thinking about masturbation, you must definitely visit a sex therapist or a sex specialist who can counsel you.
  2. Prone Masturbation. Sure, some feel intense pleasure when lying down and masturbating than while standing or sitting. But, if you are lying on your stomach, pressing your hip to your bed or any other surface hard, applying more pressure on your penis and masturbating, you must stop immediately. Prone masturbation is bad. (Say it to yourself a hundred times if you love prone masturbation). Once you get addicted to prone masturbation, your penis may not get erect by applying normal stimulation by you or your partner. Your body expects intense and extreme pressure to feel the stimulation or to ejaculate. As a result you may end up having erectile dysfunction or ejaculation problems.

Thinking always about masturbation can take away your focus from the important aspects of your life such as studies (if you are a student) or work (if you own a business or working for someone else).

You realize that masturbation has taken you over, now what?

As soon as you realize that you are addicted to masturbation more than anything in life, the immediate next thing you must do is to see a good sex therapist near you. Initially you can start trying all by yourself to try and focus on the current situation (in whatever you are doing) and avoiding thinking about masturbation.  A strong will power that can hold you for a few weeks is all what will be needed to get yourself on track.

If you are failing to accomplish your mission by yourself, seek the help of an expert, a therapist who can guide you and may put you onto some medication as needed. “You need not feel ashamed or guilty when you present yourself to your sex therapist with your problem, you are not alone and there are many people who were counselled and treated successfully”, says Dr. Karthik Gunasekaran.


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