How old is Rexy in Jurassic World Dominion

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Rexy as she appears throughout the Jurassic Park franchise

Jurassic Park (1990; book)
Jurassic Park (1993; film)
Jurassic World Dominion (2022)
Michael Crichton
Steven Spielberg
Stan Winston (animatronic)
Steve Williams (CGI)
Buck and Doe (The Lost World & Dominion)[1]
Unnamed Tyrannosaurus (Jurassic Park III; deceased)
Big Eatie and Little Eatie (Camp Cretaceous)
Unnamed Ancestor (The prologue; deceased)
Isla Nublar (formerly)
Biosyn Sanctuary

Rexy (also known as Roberta[2]) is a fictional Tyrannosaurus appearing in the Jurassic Park franchise created by Michael Crichton, serving as a major antagonist in the original Jurassic Park novel and film, a supporting protagonist in Jurassic World, a minor character in Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, a minor antagonist in the second and third seasons of the Netflix TV series Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous, and the main dinosaur protagonist of Jurassic World Dominion.

Fictional background[edit]


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The prologue[edit]

65 million years ago, in the Cretaceous period, a Tyrannosaurus came face to face with a Giganotosaurus. They engaged in a duel but eventually the Giganotosaurus was victorious. As the tyrannosaur died, a mosquito then bit the dinosaur, leaving the DNA of the prehistoric predator to be found by InGen in the future. InGen would use the genetic material found within the mosquito to clone the species back into existence.

Jurassic Park[edit]

Rexy was hatched in 1988 inside the InGen Compound of Isla Sorna where she spent the first year of her life inside the lab being taken care of by its workers before being transported to Isla Nublar to live in the Tyrannosaur Paddock as an attraction for InGen's Jurassic Park.

When the inspection team constituting of vertebrate paleontologist Dr. Alan Grant, paleobotanist Dr. Ellie Sattler, chaotician Dr. Ian Malcolm, lawyer Donald Gennaro, and John Hammond's grandchildren Lex and Tim Murphy took a tour of Jurassic Park, initially Roberta was a no-show. Although computer technician Ray Arnold attempted to lure her to her paddock fence by tantalizing her with a goat, Rexy still refused to answer the call. Alan, observing this, surmised that it was because she wanted to hunt her prey rather than have it offered to her.

Later that night, a tropical storm forced the tour to be turned around sometime after the group visited the Triceratops Paddock. During this time Dennis Nedry shut down all electricity to the park, causing the Ford Explorer Tour Vehicles to shut down in front of the Tyrannosaur Paddock with its electrified fencing in the same state. At this point, Rexy revealed herself to the visitors by eating the goat left by the fence as bait, hunger probably having eclipsing her pride, and then touching the electric fence to see if her enclosure was still electrified. Gennaro, seeing that the fence was disabled left his Explorer and ran to the nearby restroom hut to hide. By that point, Rexy moved to the disabled fence and ripped it apart with her teeth before stepping out onto the road and roaring triumphantly. After exploring and investigating the Explorers, her attention was caught by the light that was emitted from a flashlight that Lex had turned on in the front Explorer. Unaware that the source of the light was inside the Explorer, she walked right to the front door and peered out into the jungle in front of the Explorer. It was not until Tim slammed the open door next to the carnivore shut that she discovered the source of the light.

Now confident that the light was coming from inside the Explorer and that there were interesting objects inside, Rexy set to attacking the mysterious vehicle in front of her, searching for a way to get at Lex and Tim to eat them. After failing to get at them through the Explorer's skylight, she flipped the car over and proceeded to savage the undercarriage and right rear tire whilst crushing it under her massive foot. Thanks to the heroic efforts of Alan and Ian, Rexy was briefly distracted. She followed Ian as he fled toward the Tyrannosaur Paddock Bathroom, where she injured the mathematician by flinging him into the air just as her head came crashing through the door, causing Ian to be buried in the wreckage as the shelter collapsed. The destruction of the building revealed the cowering Gennaro, whom she proceeded to devour while Alan rescued the kids inside the car. Before long, however, Rexy returned and pushed the vehicle over the cliff while Tim was still inside and pushing Lex and Alan off the edge with the car, though the three survived.

As Robert Muldoon and Ellie were in the Tyrannosaur Paddock investigating the whereabouts of the survivors and had found Ian. During the search, Muldoon and Ellie heard Rexy roar several times, each one sounding closer than the one before, and just before her ambush, Ian heard her footsteps. Rexy attacked suddenly, without warning, crashing through a line of trees where she began chasing them through a tree lined corridor. After a very close chase, she was unsuccessful in catching them and so finally gave up, letting the trio escape to the Visitor Center.

The next day, during Alan, Tim, and Lex's continued trek to the Visitor Center, they found themselves in the Gallimimus Enclosure, where they witnessed a stampeding herd of Gallimimus. They ran alongside the dinosaurs momentarily before hiding behind a fallen log and watched as the herd was suddenly ambushed by Rexy who came roaring out of the bushes in their path, stumbling a Gallimimus. This individual tried to run away, but was too slow to react, and Rexy lunged at it, catching the dinosaur in her jaws before proceeding to shake the smaller animal to death. Alan, Lex, and Tim watched in amazement as the predator started to feast on the carcass. Lex begged Alan for them to go, to which Alan obliged. However, Tim continued to stare in fascination and so had to be forcibly taken away by Alan. She never fully consumed this Gallimimus and its remains were still present in the location where it had died by October 6, 2002, almost a decade later.

The T.Rex later made her way to the Visitor Center, entering the lobby through the uncompleted side and grabbed a Velociraptor from mid-air just as it was to pounce on Alan, Ellie, Tim, and Lex, then crushed it in her jaws. Using the distraction that she provided, the humans fled. Meanwhile, the alpha raptor, the Big One, pounced on her. Rexy snapped at her but could not reach her as the raptor continued to rip and tear madly. Rolling her head, the Big One fell into the her mouth where she was killed and then thrown against the Tyrannosaur skeleton, bringing it down with a crash. Having conquered her prey, Rexy let out a mighty bellow in triumph as the "When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth" banner fell to the ground.

In the aftermath of the incident, Rexy went wild and lived on Isla Nublar for about a decade,[note 1] scaring off herbivores such as Gallimimus, Parasaurolophus, abandoned goat herds, and carrion (notably the corpse of a Triceratops that had died earlier), as well as attempting to hunt the Brachiosaurus. During this time, she had also developed a particularity severe case of ragged tooth.[note 2]

Jurassic World[edit]

According to the Masrani backdoor, during the construction of Jurassic World, Vic Hoskins and his team of InGen Security Division troopers encountered Rexy on April 19, 2002.[note 3]

Sometime later or during the encounter with InGen Security, Roberta was captured and put back into captivity where she lived in the T. rex Kingdom attraction of the dinosaur park.[note 1] She was still fed goats like before, but to bring her out, a flare would be thrown to get her attention. She served as one of the most popular attractions, particularly at feeding time, and was apparently quite content with her life in captivity.

Roberta mainly stayed in her paddock for most of the incident until Claire Dearing told Lowery Cruthers to open her enclosure's door and let her out after Claire's nephew Gray Mitchell told her that another dinosaur was needed to help kill the Indominus rex. Using a flare, Claire guided her to the Indominus and threw the flare at the hybrid. Crashing through Main Street's mounted Spinosaurus skeleton, Rexy challenged the I. rex with an almighty bellow, not knowing exactly what this new creature was but identifying it as a threat. When the hybrid refused to back off, or show any signs of retreating, the fight had begun.

Initially, Roberta had the advantage, landing several bites to the I. rex's neck, but she was fighting from a territorial standpoint whilst the hybrid was aiming to kill and the tables were quickly turned, with Rexy getting thrown down against the Jurassic Traders Outpost, destroying it in the process and almost killing Owen Grady, Gray, and Zach Mitchell.

However, before the Indominus could kill her, Blue, the surviving Velociraptor, intervened by lunging onto the I. rex, giving Rexy time to get up off the ground. Now fighting to kill, with Blue latched onto the hybrid, Roberta grabbed the Indominus dragging her and slamming her body into the nearby buildings of Main Street. At one point, Blue rode on her back while she smashed the I. rex into one of the buildings. She finally flung the hybrid near the edge of the Jurassic World Lagoon where the Mosasaurus that resided there leaped out of the water to snatch the I. rex and drag it underwater, drowning the hybrid. After the fight, Rexy and Blue looked at each other for a brief moment. Despite a previous animosity and hostile encounter with raptors, Rexy decided to spare Blue either because she is too injured and exhausted, and/or because she doesn't see her as a threat. Either way, Rexy limped away to recover from the injuries she sustained from the fight.

In the aftermath of the incident, Rexy walked onto the Control Center helipad and took in the ruined park that had become void of any people, warming her wounds in the rising sun before letting out a roar, claiming the island as hers and the other dinosaurs' once again.

Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom[edit]

A group of mercenaries was on Isla Nublar to retrieve a bone sample from the I. rex's remains at the bottom of the park's lagoon, which also still housed its surviving Mosasaurus. As they prepared to pick up one of their men, Robert entered their campsite located in the ruins of Main Street and proceeded to chase him, stepping on the tablet that controlled the gate which connected the lagoon to the ocean in the process. She chased the man towards the edge of the lagoon, but he got away by climbing onto the helicopter's ladder. Despite grabbing the ladder with her jaws and using her strength to pull her potential prey to her, the mercenaries got away, and Rexy was left roaring into the night. The tablet that she stepped on prevented the doors of the lagoon from closing completely, allowing the Mosasaurus to escape into the open ocean.

By June of 2018, Rexy was still roaming around the area is Isla Nublar, hunting herbivores and carnivores at the time. As it was showed in Blue VR, Rexy entered into the cloud of smoke at Baryonyx and Blue, roaring at both predators in and attempts to intimidate them. Baryonyx charged first, but Rexy simply uses her head to knock the Baryonyx onto a large rock, causing the spinosaurid to audibly break bones, effectively killing it. Blue then jumped on Rexy, just as The Big One did in the previous incident. before the fight can continue, the sound of the helicopter was distracted Rexy. As two more helicopters pass by, she leaves the scene, leaving Blue behind.

During the destruction of the island by the eruption of Mount Sibo, Owen and his group encountered her again, after she had inadvertently saved them from an attacking Carnotaurus, fatally subduing the meat-eating bull. She later left the dead Carnotaurus behind as the volcano erupted, with the shockwave from the eruption prompting her to flee the scene, followed by the other dinosaurs that caused a stampede. After Owen helped Claire and Franklin escape their sinking Gyrosphere and reached the shore, they spotted a helicopter carrying her thanks to the efforts of another team of mercenaries led by Ken Wheatley, proving that Eli Mills' claim of saving the dinosaurs was partially true. She and the other dinosaurs were loaded them on to their cargo ship, the Arcadia, and took them to the Lockwood Manor as Isla Nublar burned.

Sometime later on, Owen and Claire found Rexy sedated in a truck, where they needed to get some of her blood for transfusion for Blue, who had been shot awhile back by one of Wheatley's mercenaries. As they got some of her blood, Claire rode on the theropod’s back while trying to hand the blood bag to Owen. After being locked in by one of the mercenaries, Owen looked into Rexy's eye as she awoke from her sedation. Finding herself in an enclosed space with people around her, she started to panic and break free of her restraints, with Owen being forced to jump through her snapping jaws to get out of the truck.

Later, Rexy was lured to her cell located beneath the Lockwood estate with a goat in order have her prepared to be sold off to wealthy buyers in an auction set up by Eli Mills and Gunnar Eversol.

However, some poisonous gas was released into the holding cell during Blue's brawl with some mercenaries, threatening to kill the dinosaurs yet again. Rexy was eventually freed along with the other dinosaurs through Claire opening all the cell doors and Maisie, who had just lost her grandfather and learned of her true origin, opening the gate that set them all free and allowing Roberta to escape the manor. Before she left the premises, however, the theropod caught and ate Mills after scaring off a lone Carnotaurus that had tried to join the feast. Finishing off what little remained of Mills, she roared triumphantly before bringing one of her massive feet down on the I. rex's only surviving bone fragment and DNA sample as she stomped off into the woods, crushing it to smithereens and with it any chance of other hybrids being created. After she escaped, Rexy broke into a zoo and roared at a male lion, who stood his ground by angrily roaring back at her.

Jurassic World Dominion[edit]

In the prologue, Rexy is seen running from a helicopter attempting to tranquilize her. She finds herself at a drive-in theater where she flips over cars and breaks through the screen of the theater as the helicopter finds her again. They fire a tranquilizer dart at her but it misses and hits a Chrysler Sebring instead (mostly thanks to the driver almost hitting Rexy), breaking the windshield without harming the passengers inside. Rexy evades the helicopter again and escapes back into the wilderness.

At some point, Rexy was filmed attacking an Apatosaurus. However, she was repelled when the sauropod hit her with its tail.

On January 21, 2022, she encountered Blue and skier Michaela Shiffrin and scared them out of her territory.

After three years being chased by the Department of Fish and Wildlife, she was finally captured and transported to Biosyn sanctuary in June of 2022, where she disputes territory with another apex predator which was the same dinosaur that killed her ancestor 65 million years ago, the Giganotosaurus. When they compete for a deer kill, she is shown retreating quickly.

When Lewis Dodgson burns the Giant locusts to cover-up evidence, as the insects were on fire broke out the laboratory and this led to a wildfire on the sanctuary. All the animals were ordered through a brain implant to take cover on the facility. There, Rexy and the Giganotosaurus came into conflict. Though they seemed relatively equal at first, Roberta is immediately overpowered and knocked unconscious, but Alan Grant, Ellie Sattler, and Ian Malcolm attempt to distract the larger predator in an effort to save Rexy and their friends who are about to get crushed under a pipe being pushed over by her weight. Finally, Kayla Watts fires a flare which lands by the Therizinosaurus, distracting the Giganotosaurus, and giving the older dinosaur enough time to recover. Rexy later then joins forces with the Therizinosaurus to defeat the larger/stronger predator, pushing it onto the massive claws of the herbivore, impaling the larger carnivore and killing it instantly. Declaring the threat eliminated, the Therizinosaurus and Rexy share a victory roar as Kayla's chopper flies away from the sanctuary.

At the film's conclusion, Rexy is briefly at the BioSyn sanctuary standing alongside two other Tyrannosaurs, finally finding a family of her own. These two Tyrannosaurs happen to be none other than the Buck and Doe from Isla Sorna.


Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous[edit]

In February of 2016, Rexy was encountered by the stranded members of Camp Cretaceous while she was hunting a Parasaurolophus. She successfully killed the herbivore, dragging it off to feed.

She built a nest out of trees, rocks, and animal bones (including the Spinosaurus skeleton) in her enclosure, the T. rex Kingdom which, along with Main Street, she claimed as her territory. What she also had in her territory was the beacon the kids wanted to use to send for help. To what extent and for what purpose was unknown. After an encounter with Sammy Gutierrez, she nearly killed Kenji Kon and Darius Bowman, but was drawn away by a voice recording and cardboard cutout of Brooklynn, which allowed Darius and Kenji to activate the beacon.

Later, Mitch and Tiff were led by Sammy and Darius to Main Street where Rexy attacked the two, getting electrocuted repeatedly on the face by the hunters before they retreated, after which she broke free of the building she had unintentionally gotten stuck in. She then turned her attention to the kids, chasing them until Brooklynn used an Innovation Center hologram of a Tyrannosaur to distract her. However, Rexy eventually realized it was a trick when the hologram glitches and wandered off.

She was seen chasing after a herd of dinosaurs, attacking a Sinoceratops and the campers. She eventually devoured Mitch, who got caught in his own snare trap and was abandoned by Tiffany.

She appears on the dock and attacks the helicopter containing a mercenary, Kenji, Ben and Sammy in June. Despite biting the helicopter, the mercenary manages to escape and fly the helicopter. Rexy then kills the mercenary Hansen on the dock and chases Darius, Brooklynn and Yasmina. She finds Yaz hiding and starts chasing after her. She almost eats Yasmina, but stops when Darius and Brooklynn throw rocks at her. She now starts chasing Darius and Brooklynn. She chases them into some trees and tries to eat them. However, when she hears a voice coming from Main Street, she leaves to investigate.



The animatronic was nicknamed Roberta in Phil Tippett's storyboards for the first film;[3] however, the film itself addressed her as Rexy, an affectionate nickname given to her in the original novel, Jurassic Park: The Game, The Evolution of Claire, and Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous.


In the film canon for Jurassic World, Rexy is a 13.5-meter-long (44.3 feet) and 5.5-meter-tall (18 feet)[4] predator with a dull gray, brown and some orange color scheme with degradation color zone running down her neck, back and tail. In the first film, she appeared to be quite robust and muscular. After her fight with the Velociraptors in the first film, she gained three large scars going down the right hand side of her neck and face, making her easily recognizable. In the fourth and fifth films, her appearance changed noticeably, with the stripes on her back having become very faint, her skin tightening, and the shape of her head losing its musculature. Her body became thinner, but she somehow regained mass after the fall of Jurassic World, becoming more robust by 2018 and had a few more scars after her fight from the Indominus rex. In Jurassic World: Dominion, she is just as robust as her appearance in the original film, the splotching around her eyes has darkened considerably, and the striping along her snout and back has darkened as well. Her arms have become more supinated, similar in appearance to the real animal.


Rexy was the largest carnivore living on Isla Nublar; as such, she is a fearless, bold, powerful and a domineering beast that walks the line between heroine and villainess, largely motivated by two goals: Keep intruders off her territory and eat any prey that she finds there. Even twenty-plus years older, she was still relentless and very vigorous. She was shown roaring and launching herself at the Indominus rex the first moment she saw it. She also appears to be fairly efficient at stealth, as she caught Dr. Grant, Ellie Sattler, Lex and Tim Murphy, and Eli Mills completely by surprise, as neither of them saw or heard her coming.

In many circumstances, her own hunger and hostility was unintentionally helpful to others, such as her feeding on the Velociraptors chasing Alan Grant, Ellie Sattler, Lex Murphy, and Tim Murphy and thus indirectly saving them. Additionally, her brawn and ferocity is partnered with a good dose of intelligence, as she checked her fence to see if it was working when the saboteur Dennis Nedry shut down all power to the park. During her battle with the Indominus rex, she knew not to attack Blue after Blue helped her defeat the Indominus because she was exhausted from the fight as well as acknowledging the smaller theropod's help. She also demonstrated a capacity to remember certain individuals and grudges, as shown when she encountered Mitch trapped in one of his own snares after he stuck a cattle rod up her nose and painfully electrocuted her. She did not eat him immediately, but studied and sniffed him for a few seconds before narrowing her eyes and roaring before proceeding to eat him,[5] as well as never attempting to attack Owen and Claire (with the exception of when they did the blood transfusion with her, as she likely viewed them as a threat at that moment) after they helped her in her battle with the Indominus rex. The extent of her intelligence is once again demonstrated during her fight against the Giganotosaurus, especially when the Therizinosaurus joined the fight and distracted the larger and more powerful theropod. Taking advantage of the distraction and the intimidating stance the third theropod took, Rexy smartly opted to slam the Giganotosaurus into the claws of the herbivore. It's unclear if she recognized Alan, Ellie and Ian Malcolm during this encounter despite having met them all nearly thirty years before and having nearly killed Ian. However, as pointed out by Alan, she was completely uninterested in the group either way and instead she was intently focused on fighting the Giganotosaurus, but she was still protecting them once again.

Production background[edit]

For the first film, Stan Winston's team created an animatronic T. rex that stood 20 feet (6.1 m), weighed 17,500 pounds (7,900 kg), and was 40 feet (12 m) long.[6] At the time, it was the largest sculpture ever made by Stan Winston Studio.[7] The studio building had to be modified for the construction of the animatronic.[8] The studio building had to be modified for the construction of the animatronic.[8] Horner called it "the closest I've ever been to a live dinosaur".[6] The animatronic was used in a scene set during a storm, depicting Rexy as she breaks free from her enclosure. Shooting the scene was difficult because the foam rubber skin of the animatronic would absorb water, causing the dinosaur to shake from the extra weight. In between takes, Winston's team had to dry off the dinosaur in order to proceed with filming.[8][9] Winston's team initially created a miniature sculpture of Roberta, serving as a reference for the construction of the full-sized animatronic. ILM also scanned the miniature sculpture for CGI shots of the animal.[10]

One scene in the film depicts Rexy chasing a Jeep.[11][12] Animator Steve Williams said he decided to "throw physics out the window and create a T. rex that moved at sixty miles per hour even though its hollow bones would have busted if it ran that fast".[13] In the film, it is stated that the T. rex has been recorded running as fast as 32 miles per hour,[14] although scientists believe that its actual top speed would have ranged from 12 to 25 miles per hour.[14][15][16] In the novel and its film adaptation, it is stated that the T. rex has vision based on movement, but later studies indicate that the dinosaur had binocular vision, like a bird of prey.[15][17] The T. rex roar was created by combining the sounds of a baby elephant, a tiger, and an alligator.[11][18][19]

In the first film, Rexy was originally supposed to be killed off. Halfway through filming, the film's director, Steven Spielberg realized that the T. rex was the star of the film and decided to have the script changed just before shooting the death scene. The changes resulted in the final ending, in which the T. rex inadvertently saves the human characters by killing a pack of velociraptors.[20][21][22][23][24] Spielberg had the ending changed out of fear that the original ending, without the T. rex, would disappoint audiences.[25]

The physical appearance of Rexy in the early Jurassic World films is contrary to new discoveries about the dinosaur. For consistency, the films have also continued to depict the dinosaur with its wrists pointing downward at an unnatural angle, whereas the real animal had its wrists facing sideways toward each other.[26] The Jurassic World Dominion prologue features the animal lightly covered in protofeathers.[27][28] In response to fan criticism about the T. rex being portrayed as weak in battles, Trevorrow noted that this individual would be near the end of its life during the Jurassic World films.[29]


Ever since the release of the first Jurassic Park, Rexy has frequently been cited by film critics and industry professionals as one of the most Iconic fictional dinosaurs of all time. Rafarl Sarmiento from Screen Rant listed her as the best dinosaur In The Jurassic Park franchise, stating "The T-Rex is both awe-inspiring and horrific, but at the end of the day, it's just an animal (that actually existed) fulfilling its instinct. Yet it carries an aura of grand showmanship, something that really represents the spectacle that Jurassic Park could offer."[30]


  1. ^ Reyes, Mike (June 13, 2022). "Is The Lost World: Jurassic Park Still Canon? Jurassic World Dominion's Writers Have Thoughts". CinemaBlend. Retrieved June 16, 2022.
  2. ^ "'Jurassic Park's' T-Rex Official Name Revealed". comicbook.
  3. ^ "'Jurassic Park's' T-Rex Official Name Revealed". comicbook.
  4. ^ "Field guide report: Tyrannosaurus rex". Jurassic World Dominion Dinotracker.
  5. ^ Eric Elrod (director); Josie Campbell (writer) (January 22, 2021). "Chaos Theory". Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous. Season 2. Episode 8. Netfilx.
  6. ^ a b Corliss, Richard (April 26, 1993). "Behind the Magic of Jurassic Park". Time. Archived from the original on June 14, 2008.
  7. ^ "Jurassic Park's T-Rex – Sculpting a Full-Size Dinosaur". Stan Winston School of Character Arts. December 15, 2012. Retrieved January 5, 2014.
  8. ^ a b c Effron, Lauren; Gowen, Gwen (May 22, 2018). "'Jurassic Park' turns 25: Behind-the-scenes moments you may not have known about the iconic summer thriller". ABC. Retrieved September 28, 2020.
  9. ^ Shay & Duncan 1993, p. 110–1.
  10. ^ MacManus, Christopher (April 10, 2013). "Making the dinosaurs of 'Jurassic Park'". CNET. Retrieved September 29, 2020.
  11. ^ a b Shay & Duncan 1993, p. 144–6.
  12. ^ Acuna, Kirsten (July 11, 2014). "How 4 Minutes Of CGI Dinosaurs In 'Jurassic Park' Took A Year To Make". Business Insider. Retrieved September 25, 2020.
  13. ^ Shone, Tom (2004). Blockbuster: How Hollywood Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Summer. Free Press. pp. 213, 217. ISBN 0-7432-3568-1.
  14. ^ a b "'Jurassic Park' was a lie: T. Rex couldn't run fast, scientists say". Fox News. July 18, 2017. Retrieved September 25, 2020.
  15. ^ a b Blitz, Matt (May 16, 2014). "Jurassic Park Lied to You: T-Rex Had Great Eyesight Really". Gizmodo. Retrieved September 25, 2020.
  16. ^ Eisenberg, Eric (April 22, 2021). "Sorry Jurassic Park, New Research About The T-Rex Blows A Hole In Some Iconic Scenes". CinemaBlend. Retrieved June 6, 2021.
  17. ^ Jaffe, Eric (June 28, 2006). "Sight for 'saur eyes: T. rex vision was among nature's best". Science News. Retrieved January 15, 2014.
  18. ^ "How They Designed The T-Rex Roar in 'Jurassic Park'". Film School Rejects. December 16, 2020.
  19. ^ "How Jurassic Park Created the T-Rex Roar". May 5, 2022.
  20. ^ Alexander, Bryan (April 3, 2013). "20 years later, 'Jurassic Park' reopens in 3-D". USA Today. Retrieved September 29, 2020.
  21. ^ Chitwood, Adam (December 17, 2015). "The T. Rex Almost Had a Different Fate in 'Jurassic Park'". Collider. Retrieved September 25, 2020.
  22. ^ Jackson, Matthew (December 19, 2015). "Little-known Sci-fi Fact: Jurassic Park's most iconic dinosaur was supposed to die". Syfy Wire. Retrieved September 25, 2020.
  23. ^ Shay & Duncan 1993, p. 118.
  24. ^ "Return to Jurassic Park: Making Prehistory". Jurassic Park (Blu-ray ed.). 2011.
  25. ^ Jones, James Earl (Host) (1995). The Making of Jurassic Park (VHS). Universal.
  26. ^ Woodward, Aylin (July 10, 2020). "The 'Jurassic Park' franchise got many dinosaurs wrong. The venomous Dilophosaurus was actually 20 feet long and poison-free". Business Insider. Retrieved September 28, 2020.
  27. ^ Purslow, Matt. "Jurassic World Dominion Prologue Breakdown with Director Colin Trevorrow". IGN. Retrieved November 24, 2021.
  28. ^ Armstrong, Vanessa (June 9, 2021). "The First 'Jurassic World: Dominion' Footage Offers A Franchise Origin Story And A Whole Bunch Of T-Rex Action". /Film. Retrieved November 24, 2021.
  29. ^ Weiss, Josh (June 20, 2022). "Was the T. rex 'weak' in 'Jurassic World Dominion'? Colin Trevorrow defends our favorite dino". Syfy. Retrieved June 28, 2022.
  30. ^ Sarmiento, Rafarl (May 19, 2020). "The 10 Best Dinosaurs In The Jurassic Park Franchise, Ranked".


  1. ^ a b Jurassic World director Colin Trevorrow as well as Industrial Light and Magic members Geoff Campbell and Steve Jubinville have stated that the T. rex from Jurassic World was indeed the same individual that appeared in Jurassic Park.
  2. ^ A Dinosaur Protection Group article suggested that ragged tooth is most common in carnivores such as the T. rex and Velociraptor.
  3. ^ In the archived message "WEEK 3" of the Masrani backdoor Vic Hoskins writes about "staring a seven-ton predator in the eyes" in the first year of construction of Jurassic World, in which InGen Security was on Isla Nublar to defend the construction workers there. The only predator known on Isla Nublar that reaches this weight is Tyrannosaurus and since there was no other T. rex confirmed to have been on the island at the time of the Jurassic Park Incident the creature encountered by Hoskins was the T. rex.

Is Rexy alive in Dominion?

rex is murdered by a Giganotosaurus and a mosquito drinks its blood – the same mosquito found in amber and whose dino DNA is used to clone the T. rex who later stands victorious at the end of “Dominion.”

How did Rexy get her scars?

Rexy displays scars all over her body, most notably three large gashes running down the right hand side of her neck and face from what she received during a fight with two Velociraptors in 1993, making her easily recognizable.

Will Rexy have a baby?

No, because she is no longer in her prime. If she was, there would still be no other male tyrannosaurs around to mate with on Nublar.

How old is the T Rex in Jurassic World 3?

Rex had an average lifespan of 28 years, so our Rexy would be near the end of her life in Dominion. Even at that age, she found the strength to rise up and avenge her own death, 65 million years later.


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