How tight should oil filter be reddit

level 1

Hand tight and a little extra, with a small amount of oil on the gasket

level 2

Is hand tight, as tight as you can get it by hand?

level 2

My co worker would tighten them with a fucking wrench.

level 2

Hand tight varies from person to person. There are instructions on the side of the can and its usually gasket contact plus 3/4 or 1 turn. lubricating oil is recommended, as mentioned.

level 2

Yep as tight as you can get it BY hand There is always some oil left on the base Remember to check the old filter for the gasket

level 1

On my Miata I put the filters loose enough to scare people because it’s hard to get to. It’s been fine.

Like I mean tightening it with 2 fingers and not trying that hard loose.

When I go to take it off it’s always tighter than when I put it on.

So you really don’t need much!

level 2

I've done that on every car I've ever had, it's never been an issue. Till the gasket seats, then a little more, with just a couple fingers on it.

level 2

At our shop we service miatas, many of which are track cars, and sometimes spec. Miata race cars, and we actually torque them to 15 ft. lbs. because otherwise they fall off on the track. Only sometimes, but that’s a bad day when it does happen

level 2

Never had any issue taking my own oil filters off. Gasket contact and a skoche more. Always able to take them off with one hand

level 1

I know the answer. You know the answer. There is an idiot in my house, however, who agrees that the oil filter should be so tight that screwdrivers rip through it, even after you finally break it loose, you are still using something for leverage!

Edit: I couldn't get enough leverage with the oil filter wrench.

level 2

Where you get them sweet garage blankets?

level 2

Clearly, people who don’t understand how threads work/fail.

level 2

I've had to use a screwdriver more than once on filters I've put on myself. What's the problem?

How tight should an oil filter be tightened?

The general rule of thumb is that oil filters should be hand tight, plus an additional quarter turn. This will ensure that the filter is secure, but not too tight. Over-tightening can cause damage to the filter or your car, and it can also make it difficult to remove the filter in the future.

Are you supposed to tighten oil filter?

Every reputable oil filter is designed to seal for tens of thousands of miles with no more than a good hand-tightening. You don't need a wrench unless you have one of those deeply recessed filters with no space around it for your hands.

What happens if the oil filter isn't on tight enough?

If your oil filter is loose and leaking, it could be causing your engine to lose oil pressure. When a vehicle has leaked out all of the engine oil, the oil pump does not have fluid to circulate. This starves your engine of lubrication and can cause it to seize up or damage parts.

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