How to clean a silicone pipe with glass bowl

If you've just purchased the Small Silicone Pipe w/ Removable Glass Bowl from The Vape Mall, you're probably eager to use it right away. This high-quality, heat-resistant pipe is beloved by many for its ability to deliver a smooth and satisfying experience.

However, before you fill that bowl and start using it, it's important to know how to care for it properly. By being careless, you just may end up with a pipe that's broken or doesn't work well. Fortunately, caring for your Small Silicone Pipe w/ Removable Glass Bowl is easy and requires very little time.

So, here’s what you do:

Clean It Regularly

No matter how careful you are, your Small Silicone Pipe w/ Removable Glass Bowl is going to get dirty. Once it's dirty enough, it'll become clogged, making it virtually unusable. You'll know that it's clogged if you get very little smoke while using it.

The good news is that this pipe is exceptionally easy to clean. Simply hold it under running water, positioning its mouthpiece directly beneath the spout of your sink. This will flush out any dirt and debris, making it look and feel like brand new. Just make sure that you remove the glass bowl first.

Cleaning your glass bowl is even easier. If it's only mildly dirty, running it under water should do the trick. If it's coated in gunk, consider cleaning it with a paper towel that's soaked in vodka. Then, give it a good rinse.

Store Your Pipe in a Safe Place

It's unwise to leave your pipe on any old surface if you have children or pets in your home. Doing so could result in it getting knocked over and breaking. It's always recommended that you store your pipe in a small, safe compartment like a drawer or cabinet. Even better, consider finding a small case for it so that it won't get dusty or dirty.

Be Cautious When Traveling

If you're going to take your pipe on the road, invest in a durable case. Carrying it around in your pocket or purse can make it vulnerable to breaking or getting dirty.

Keep the Glass Bowl Inside the Pipe

It's a good idea to always keep the glass bowl inside of the pipe when you're not using it. The glass bowl is small and easy to misplace due to the clear material.

Wash Your Hands Before Using It

For the sake of hygiene, always wash your hands before handling the pipe. After all, our hands are quite dirty. Constantly handling the mouthpiece with unwashed hands can result in bacteria and gunk that shouldn't be anywhere near your mouth.

Tender Loving Pipe Bowl Care

Caring for your Small Silicone Pipe w/ Removable Glass Bowl is extremely important if you want to be able to enjoy it for a long time. By following these tips, you'll find that it delivers incredible satisfaction for years to come.

Anyone who has been using a pipe for a decent amount of time realizes that it needs to be cleaned, otherwise it simply won’t deliver the same satisfying pulls of smoke that it used to. If you are using a pipe with a removable glass bowl, the process of cleaning is actually quite simple compared to pipes that do not have this removable feature.

The Importance of Cleaning Your Bowl Regularly

Many of us simply fail to realize the importance of cleaning their bowl regularly until something goes wrong. Each time you fire a hit, a little bit of resin builds up along the bowl, along with some ash. Gradually, this can cause the bowl to get clogged, preventing the necessary airflow that makes it easy to inhale.

This gunk can then negatively impact the way in which your smoke tastes. After all, the taste of ash and burnt resin is not exactly tasty. Beyond that, it can make your hits harsher due to inhaling trace amounts of this buildup, which can cause you to cough, or at the very least irritate your throat.

Do All Pipes Have a Removable Glass Bowl?

Before we begin talking about the cleaning process, take note that this information only applies to pipes that have a removable glass bowl. Not all pipes have this feature, and it is actually quite new to the market. If you have a pipe that has a stationary bowl, then you’ll need to clean it using more traditional methods.

How to Clean and Attach Your Pipe’s Removable Glass Bowl

Now, we can talk about thoroughly cleaning your removable glass bowl.

  • Keep mind this should be done about once a week, give or take, if you are a daily smoker.
  • Occasional pipe smokers, once every other week should be fine.
  • Also, if a particular smoking session produces an unusual amount of debris, then you can clean it sooner.

Step #1: Carefully remove the glass bowl from the pipe, making sure your hands are clean and dry. Because it’s made of glass, dropping it could destroy it, and leave you without the ability to smoke.

Step #2: Place the piece into a small dish that allows you to fully submerge it. Use some sort of object to weigh it down, such as a drinking glass. Then, fill the bowl with warm water, and add two tablespoons of isopropyl alcohol, and two tablespoons of salt. Allow it to soak for fifteen minutes. This solution will gently lift debris and other impurities off of the surface of the glass, making it easy for you.

Step #3: After fifteen minutes have passed, you can check on the glass bowl. If there is still debris on its surface, you can use a cotton swab to gently dislodge it. The soaking solution should have broken up the debris so that it easily wipes right off.

Step #4: Rinse the removable glass bowl under running water for about fifteen seconds. Be careful not to drop it. This will remove the alcohol and salt, which could interfere with the flavor of your next smoking session. Let it dry for about 20 minutes.

Step #5: Carefully reattach the bowl to the pipe. Each pipe is different, but most of them allow you to simply press the bowl into place.

Removeable Glass Bowls Can Become Pricey If Replaced Too Often

Cleaning your glass bowl is incredibly important if you want to continue to enjoy quality smoking sessions. The good news is that the cleaning process is actually quite simple and quick. Make sure to clean your bowl regularly to enjoy flavorful and smooth smokes for a long time to come. Hence, it is crucial once again to keep this tiny little piece of hardware clean on a regular basis.

Can you clean silicone with alcohol?

Here are some options for cleaning: Rubbing Alcohol: This is one of the easiest and most common methods of sterilizing medical grade silicone. This will kill off any bacteria that may be present, as well as dust or particles.

How do you clean a removable pipe bowl?

Then, fill the bowl with warm water, and add two tablespoons of isopropyl alcohol, and two tablespoons of salt. Allow it to soak for fifteen minutes. This solution will gently lift debris and other impurities off of the surface of the glass, making it easy for you.

Can you boil a silicone pipe to clean it?

Silicone pipes can be cleaned by following the same step-by-step process used for glass pipes, for the most part. However, silicone pipes offer a lot of advantages, especially those who are concerned about damaging their pipes – you can boil silicone bongs or pipes all day and can expect a super clean pipe at the end.

How do you clean a rubber glass pipe?

Soap and Water Because silicone provides a non-stick surface, you won't find the rock hard, baked-on resin that you typically find on glass pipes, bongs and other pieces. With a little effort, mild soap and water, you can give your piece a thorough cleaning.


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