How to find coral reef in Minecraft Bedrock

Coral reefs are structures that generate in warm ocean biomes. They consist of multiple clusters of coral blocks, coral and coral fans. These clusters come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, and colors, ranging from a few blocks of brain coral on the ground to large tree-like structures of fire coral.


Coral reefs generate throughout warm ocean biomes (though not deep warm oceans), densely covering the sea floor. Coral reefs generate at constant elevation y level. Although they can generate on underwater ravine floors, they do not generate on deep ocean floors.

In Bedrock Edition, the coral reef structures are stored in the coralcrust folder.[more information needed] Therefore, players can manually load every piece of coral reef structure using structure blocks, for example: coralcrust/outcropping1 loads one of coral reef variant structure.


Coral reef structure

A coral reef consists of a few clusters of coral blocks, each of a particular type. Sometimes, these clusters include dead coral, andesite, diorite, or granite blocks.‌[Bedrock Edition only]

Coral reefs are usually topped with coral, and sometimes coral fans and sea pickles. The coral and coral fans are not necessarily the same type of coral as their support blocks; in fact there are often multiple types on the same reef. In Bedrock Edition, coral reefs occasionally include dead coral fans.


  • crust1
  • crust2
  • crust3
  • crust4
  • crust5
  • outcropping1
  • outcropping2
  • outcropping3
  • outcropping4
  • outcropping5
  • outcropping6

[more information needed]


Java Edition1.1318w10d18w16apre11.14November 28, 2018Bedrock Edition1.4.0beta
Added coral reefs, previously teased at MINECON Earth 2017.
Coral fans now generate in coral reefs.
The title screen panorama now showcases a coral reef.
A hotfix for 1.14 snapshots replaces the title screen panorama, which no longer shows a coral reef.
Added coral reefs.
The title screen panorama now showcases a coral reef.
The title screen no longer showcases a coral reef.


Issues relating to "Coral reef" are maintained on the bug tracker. Report issues there.



  • A coral reef viewed from above.

  • A coral reef that generated in a ravine.

  • A view of coral reefs.

  • A view of a coral reef close-up.

  • A coral reef as of snapshot 18w14b.

In other media[]

  • Official coral reef artwork.

Are coral reefs in Minecraft bedrock?

Coral reefs generate at constant elevation y level. Although they can generate on underwater ravine floors, they do not generate on deep ocean floors. In Bedrock Edition, the coral reef structures are stored in the coralcrust folder.

How do you get coral in Minecraft bedrock?

Coral and Dead Coral can be mined instantly but can be obtained only when mined with a Silk Touch enchanted tool. Coral generated in warm oceans. Dead coral can only be obtained with a Silk Touch pickaxe.

Where can you find a coral reef in Minecraft?

In Minecraft, a coral reef is a structure that spawns naturally in the game. It a colorful underwater structure that is filled with coral, plants and tropical fish. It is found in the Warm Ocean biome.


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