How to find verdant planet NMS

It's all green, trees everywhere...

but has "aggressive" sentinels, damnit. After about 30 planets, I finally find a paradise and if I even look at a sentinel, he's on my ass.


guess I'm back to exploring some more.

How to find verdant planet NMS
The subject of this article is from the NEXT update.

The information from this article is up-to-date as of 28 October, 2018.

The subject of this article is from the NEXT update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 28 October, 2018.

How to find verdant planet NMS
Galaxy Euclid
Region Vezdarupp Expanse
Star system Jabberwocky Prime
Moon of Egestheal Kaber
Biome Lush - Verdant moon
Weather Pleasant
Resources Sb Pf Co Cu
Sentinels Passive
Flora Frequent
Fauna Ample
Discovered by nafulton1
Discovery platform PS4
Updated NEXT

Verdant is a moon in No Man's Sky.


Verdant is a moon circling Egestheal Kaber in the Jabberwocky Prime star system on the PS4 version of No Man's Sky universe.

Alias names[]

Verdant was originally named Kosho 71/Q2, but the calm weather and lush vegetation prompted the original inhabitants to change the name to Verdant.

All Original: Kosho 71/Q2
PS4 Current: Verdant (Moon)

Moon Biome[]

How to find verdant planet NMS

Star bulb groves can be seen glowing softly in the night on Verdant

Biome - Lush


  • Baali Basin
  • Loydnaea's Bounty
  • Nogpor Encampment
  • The Echlora Plains
  • Dauru Platform
  • Lochig Dale
  • Eusiu Woodland

Notable locations[]


  • Gek


The following resources can be found on this planet.

  • Albumen Pearl
  • Star Bulb
  • Cobalt
  • Paraffinium
  • Copper


The Whispers of Zeal pistol can be found at the minor settlement at +46.91, +65.16 on Verdant.


    How to find verdant planet NMS
    The subject of this article is from the Frontiers update.

    The information from this article is up-to-date as of 15 February, 2022.

    The subject of this article is from the Frontiers update.
    The information from this article is up-to-date as of 15 February, 2022.

    Biome - Lush
    How to find verdant planet NMS
    Type Biome
    Description Earth-like planets.
    Updated Frontiers

    Lush is one of the Biome varieties.


    How to find verdant planet NMS

    A mountainous Earth-like world

    How to find verdant planet NMS

    A lush planet undergoing corruption. Signs include bioluminescent grass and the presence of bubbles normally found in exotic bubble cluster worlds.

    Worlds with lush biomes are characterized by colorful grass covering most of the surface. These are essentially the Earth-like planets. Depending on the amount of flora, trees can be sparsely found or sprawl into lush forests. Occasionally, one can find "Barren Lush" worlds where there is an almost, if not complete lack of flora, save for hostile vine whips. When viewed from space, it looks like it's covered by a carpet of grass. The resources Paraffinium, Star Bulb and Nitrogen can be found here.

    These planets have the most varied types of Genera.

    Some planets in survival and permadeath exist without aggressive sentinel presence.

    Yellow stars in Norm and Harsh galaxies have 2x higher chance to have lush planets, yellow stars in Lush galaxies have 4x higher chance, and yellow stars in Empty galaxies have the same chance as other star types.

    As of Origins, some lush planets are undergoing exoticification or some form of corruption. There are multiple signs:

    • The presence of bioluminescent grass and flora.
    • Objects normally found in exotic planets are present and plentiful.
    • Storms don't affect hazard protection.
    • Abnormal weather (e.g. Corrupted Blood)

    Name generation[]

    How to find verdant planet NMS

    A lush planet with different colors.

    The biome type is indicated in the information panel when the player exits their starship. This is procedurally generated by adding one of the following prefixes to the Planet or Moon text.

    The sequence is taken from the game file.

    1. Rainy
    2. Verdant
    3. Tropical
    4. Viridescent
    5. Paradise
    6. Temperate
    7. Humid
    8. Overgrown
    9. Flourishing
    10. Grassy
    11. Bountiful


    How to find verdant planet NMS

    Some lush planets can be rather Earth-like.

    • The weather here is the most ideal, as day and night temperatures don't enable hazard protection.
    • Superheated rainstorms can occur. Hazard Protection drain is similar to being in a storm on a hot biome.
    • Extreme weather lush worlds have seemingly everlasting rain, with superheated rainstorms occurring frequently. These storms are significantly more powerful, draining Hazard Protection in a similar rate as extreme heat storms in hot biomes.


    How to find verdant planet NMS

    Extreme lush planets are rainy and have scalding hot rain storms.

    SequenceClear (No storms)NormalExtreme
    1. Temperate Boiling Puddles Boiling Superstorms
    2. Light Showers Sweltering Damp Intense Heatbursts
    3. Mild Rain Superheated Drizzle Superheated Rain
    4. Refreshing Breeze Dangerously Hot Fog Boiling Monsoons
    5. Humid Choking Humidity Broiling Humidity
    6. Pleasant Mostly Calm Painfully Hot Rain
    7. Balmy Occasional Scalding Cloudbursts Torrential Heat
    8. Mellow Usually Mild Blistering Floods
    9. Beautiful Blistering Damp Scalding Rainstorms
    10. Blissful Lethal Humidity Outbreaks Torrid Deluges


    A multitude of lush worlds have been observed to enter exotification, most common the bubble exotic corruption. This may imply that all bubble exotic worlds may have come from lost gaia worlds. A typical sign for exotification is the ship computer alerting the traveller to a boundary failure.

    • How to find verdant planet NMS

      Mitanlei Prime's visual Exotification

    • How to find verdant planet NMS

      Ship warning about Exotification

    Civilised space[]

    • The lush biome is one of the 2 biomes to be considered candidates for Garden Worlds by the Arcadia Project, alongside the frozen biome.

    Additional Information[]

    • The name generation and weather with their sequence are extracted from the 1.77 version of NMS_UPDATE3_ENGLISH.MBIN game file.
    • Atmosphere

    Release history[]

    • Prior to 1.38 nearly all gaia planets in survival and permadeath had aggressive sentinel presences forcing the player to face some challenge at all times on any given biome.
    • Prior to 1.38, lush worlds in certain areas experienced acid storms instead of cold storms.
    • As of 1.38, heatstorms were added to lush worlds instead of acid storms. It would also replace most if not all cold storms. This coincided with the addition of desert worlds with nightly freezing temperatures.

    What is a verdant planet in no man's sky?

    Summary. Verdant is a moon circling Egestheal Kaber in the Jabberwocky Prime star system on the PS4 version of No Man's Sky universe.

    What is the rarest planet in NMS?

    1) Temporary planet Temporary planets are one of the rarest planet types found in No Man's Sky, which can be identified from space by their small hexagonal and square shapes on the surface. This planet type falls under Exotic biomes, added with the Atlas Rises update.