How to get Arthurs hat back Red Dead Redemption 2

This page of the Red Dead Redemption 2 guide describes how to retrieve a lost hat or other headgear. The character will lose their headgear if they take melee damage, fall off their horse, or collide with an obstacle.

Last update: Friday, September 23, 2022


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A hat is an important piece of garment of every cowboy - this is also true in Red Dead Redemption 2. Sadly, your character can easily lose his hat due to, i.e. getting hit in a fist-fight or hitting an obstacle. Check this page to learn how to retrieve your hat (or other headwear).

Losing a hat in RDR 2 isn't that important but it can be irritating when you lose your favorite hat bought at a store.

  1. Look around the place where you have lost your hat. There is a good chance that it hadn't disappeared yet which means that you will be able to pick it up.
  2. Go back to your gang hideout if you can't find the hat. Head to Arthur's tent and interact with the chest containing your pieces of clothes (see the picture 1). Go to the Hats tab and select the headwear from the list. Hats are assigned to you permanently when you receive them or purchase at a store.

Additional note - This chest also has all other pieces of clothes owned by your character. Go back to it when you have to, i.e. change winter clothes to those fit for summer.

The process of retrieving your hat can be "automatized" - you won't have to go back to the clothes chest every time you lose a hat. You can do that by assigning a hat to your horse's inventory. Highlight the hat you want to assign, and press the button to add it to your horse's inventory (Square is the default button on PlayStation 4).

While on horse, you can open the wheel menu (L1 in default) and then go to the last tab - Horse. You can now select the previously assigned hat (the picture above shows an example).

in the epilogue i bought some new clothes in blackwater and suddenly arthurs trademark hat is gone - is this a glitch or how do i get it back? ..

it is replaced by the .. hmm other characters trademark hat now ..

Your hat in Red Dead Redemption 2 is not just part of your outfit – it’s part of who you are. Yes, it’s that important. Since it isn’t nailed to your skull, it can fall off easily when you jump or get hit. Getting it back is a simple process, but if you forget to pick it up, you’re in for a nasty surprise once you realize it’s missing. Thankfully, there are ways to get it back even if you have no idea where you left it. In this guide, we’re going to show you how to get your hat back in Red Dead Redemption 2.

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Red Dead Redemption 2 How to Get Your Hat Back

How to retrieve Arthur’s hat in RDR 2?

If you drop your hat during a fight and notice immediately, you can just approach it and pick it up once the danger is over. Even if you pick up the wrong hat – because you can take other people’s hats as well – you can just approach yours and you’ll get the prompt to swap it.

If you notice only after you’ve left the scene of the crime, there are still ways to retrieve it without going back. For instance, you can use a wardrobe. There’s one in Arthur’s tent in your camp, but there’s also one in every hotel. Simply open up the wardrobe, scroll down to the hats section and choose any one you like.

The easiest way to reequip your hat, though, is from the horse menu. While you’re on the horse, open up the weapons wheel. Press R1 until you get to the horse wheel, then look in the lower right corner. You’ll see Arthur’s hat there, along with the last one you equipped at the wardrobe.

As you can see, there’s plenty of ways to get your headgear back after you’ve lost it. After all, what’s a cowboy without a hat?

If you end up getting stuck at another point, you might want to check out some of the other guides we have. We've written about mysteries like the missing person Gavin, the Rhodes Gunsmith prisoner, the locked door at Valentine doctor. We also have instructional guides that show how to rob stores without getting bounty or where to sell jewelry and gold bars. If it's collectibles or key items you're after, we've found all the Penny Dreadful comic books, Chick's treasure map location, or that famous pipe for Dutch. Finally, if you don't care to explore the map yourself, you could take a look at our Watson's Cabin and Catfish Jackson's Homestead locations guides. In the latest Red Dead Online Moonshiners Update you'll have a chance to find Navy Revolver and Best Shack Locations.

TAGS news, red dead redemption 2 guides

Written by: Pavle Djordjevic aka Ketchua

Ketchua has been writing about games for far too long. As Señor Editor, he produces words (and stuff) for Gosunoob. There are a lot of words (and stuff) there, so he's terribly busy. Especially if you need something.


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  1. P

    PlayStation CEO

    R1??? Nah son you mean LB. Gotta play this on Xbox One’s the best version by a mile. Or is power out of Vogue again until PS5??? Can’t keep track of the script flips.

    Why don't I have Arthur's hat?

    Instead, to get Arthur's hat back, players will just need to summon their horse. Remember, the higher the horse loyalty level the further away a horse will hear Arthur's whistle. Then, head to the horse inventory menu and look in the bottom right-hand side of the wheel.

    Can you get Arthur's hat back as John?

    Yes, you can get Arthur's stuff back as John in Red Dead Redemption 2.

    Where can I buy Arthurs hat after the bar?

    Near your horse, hold the left shoulder button to bring up the item wheel, then press the right shoulder button to get to the horse wheel. On the horse wheel, you can find the hats that you have stored on your horse (Arthur's Hat is stored there by default) in the bottom right corner.


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