How to give dog cbd oil

... is a question we hear all the time from health-conscious pet parents looking for a natural way to support their dogs. CBD is still pretty new to many people, including many of our four-legged friends. The good news is that we've been doing this for a while so if you're looking for an easy beginner's guide to CBD for dogs, you're in the right place!

Start with 2mg of CBD for every 10 lbs of dog weight.
For cats, start with 3mg of CBD for ever 10 lbs of weight.

If you've never given your dog CBD before, this is the perfect place to start. We use a high-quality broad-spectrum hemp extract in both our CBD oils and CBD treats, so your pet is definitely getting the good stuff no matter which form of CBD you choose.

Tip! If your pet  won't go for oil on it's own, you can offer CBD oil to them mixed with a little bit of their favorite treat. Might we suggest a spoonful of peanut butter?

Be consistent while you evaluate results.

Some dogs take CBD oil as part of their daily regimen, others only use it as an occasional supplement to deal with situational issues (like fireworks, trips to the vet, and being left alone). Whichever way you plan to use CBD with your dog, be consistent until you understand what works best for them.

We recommend giving your dog CBD 2x a day, 4-8 hours between servings, for at least 3 days to get a good baseline.

Don’t be afraid to experiment.

There is no one-size-fits-all CBD solution - factors such as your dog’s size, metabolism, and condition will all impact how CBD works for them. Finding a CBD oil dosage for anxiety may be different than finding one for joint mobility. Adjust by ½ serving as needed and go from there! (And don’t worry, CBD oil is safe and natural. Your dog will not overdose on CBD!)

In many cases, your pet will tell you if it’s time for more. You’ll notice they’re having symptoms again, and you can come to the rescue with a dropper or a biscuit. They’ll be grateful when you do!

CBD is becoming increasingly popular every day due to some of the amazing benefits it provides for your furry friends. Unfortunately dogs just know that they may not enjoy the taste or texture, that is why we have made this guide on how to give CBD oil to dogs. It will give you some ideas to encourage or trick your pup into getting CBD into their body.

How to give CBD oil to dogs

Mix it with a treat

It's no secret dogs like to eat and most have a favorite treat, this makes it easy to sneak your dog's heartworm medicine into their system and in this case the CBD. Oftentimes whatever treat your dog enjoys will hide both the flavor and texture of whatever CBD product you are sharing with them. This will allow them to get the CBD oil into their system and also make you look like the good guy for giving them a treat, a win-win scenario!

Some of the best treats to try are both healthy and with a strong flavor, you know your dog will love. These can be anything from dog biscuits to chicken jerky and everything in between as long as they are good for a dog’s health. One of the products we have had success with is Brown Beggars sweet potato slices.

Find a CBD product your dog will love

Every CBD product is similar but some have different flavors textures or overall compositions. This can make it tricky to make sure you are buying a product your dog will like but there are certain products that can help with this. Natural Doggie makes a CBD oil infused coconut oil that is great for dogs as most love the natural flavor of the product. Another great part about this product is that the coconut oil carries additional benefits that help boost your pet's health along with the CBD.

Some dogs are just picky towards everything and notice even the slightest change to their favorite snack. In these situations, it may be best to try and apply it directly to your dog's mouth through a dropper or a spoon. Though this method can be harder and might even make you feel a little bad it is effective at getting CBD into your dog's system which will ultimately help them out.

Add the CBD to your dog's food

One thing every dog needs is their food and most dogs don't hesitate to clean their bowls once they start eating. A simple way to get your dog to take their CBD is to add it directly to their daily food consumption. This will ensure they will eat it and will not be that much more of an extra step. Another benefit of this is that they will not be eating treats all day but rather their regulated dog food making sure they stay healthy.

Most dry dog foods will actually mask both the taste and texture of the CBD oil product, some wet food however may not be accepting of the compound and may separate in the bowl or on the plate. Make sure your dog is not passing up the CBD oil as they eat as some dogs have been known to be sneaky about this.

As with anything regarding your pet’s diet, it is wise to contact your veterinarian as sometimes they will have other options you can try. CBD is a great thing if done correctly and is 100% safe for dogs due to it being THC free. we hope this helped you solve the problem on how to give CBD oil to dogs. If you have any more questions check out our ultimate guide to CBD and feel free to leave a comment down below.

SitStay has been your working dog supply headquarters since 1995. From service dog vests, dog beds, and working dog equipment, to dog treats and dog training supplies. We've got you covered.

Meet The Author 

Grant Withers

Canine Specialist & Writer

Grant is an award-winning writer for SitStay with a passion for pets and especially dogs! Grant loves writing about furry little goofballs and aims to educate pet parents about anything and everything regarding their dogs.

Can I give my dog CBD oil without food?

Giving your dog CBD on an empty stomach will help increase the rate the effects come on, but is unlikely to increase the potency. As such, many owners administer CBD when they give their dog their daily food.

How long does it take for CBD oil to kick in for a dog?

How Long Does it Take CBD to Start Working? CBD takes 30-45 minutes to start working. As a rule, oils tend to kick in a little faster than biscuits or treat just because there are fewer ingredients for furry bellies to break down first. But there's no difference in effectiveness between the two.

Is CBD oil given orally to dogs?

Though there are some topical treatments, CBD oil is typically administered orally to dogs, and giving the correct dosage is imperative. “As is the case with any medication, success has everything to do with dosing,” Dr.


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