How to grab things in phasmophobia

Crucifix, camera, or flashlight. You need them all.

Phasmophobia may scare the crap out of you with its ghosts, but its tutorial is also pretty frightening. The game is still in very early access and has a development team of one, so we give it a pass on all of this. Still, if you’re just jumping into the viral ghost hunting phenomenon then you’ll need some help with how the controls work. This is especially true with items, since there’s lots of little hidden mechanics you need to keep in mind. So here’s how to pick up and drop items in Phasmophobia.

How to Pick Up and Drop Items

If you want to figure out what kind of ghost is haunting the house and make it out alive then you’re going to need to use a lot of items. Whether it’s the smudge sticks, crucifix, or camera the first step in using something is picking it up. This is easily done by looking directly at the item (the reticle will change slightly) and pressing E on keyboard or X on an Xbox controller. If you have space you will pick it right up and can switch to it with the scroll wheel or the Y button on controller. But what if you don’t have space? You can only carry three items at a time, so how do you drop something you no longer need?

This is also just a button press away, using G on keyboard and B if you are using a controller. Of course VR changes things, but the buttons will be unique based on which controller you have so just test each button or check the keybindings in the controls menu for extra help in these unique situations.

But for most players that should explain how to pick up and drop items in Phasmophobia, now go get those ghosts.

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How do you grab Phasmophobia?

All Phasmophobia PC Controls.
Move: W, A, S, D..
Look Around: Move Mouse..
Activate Item in Hand: Right-Click..
Interact: Left-Click..
Pick-Up Item: E..
Place Item: F..
Throw Item in Hand: G..
Toggle Flashlight while Holding Item: T..

Can't pick anything up Phasmophobia?

Sometimes you may have to place glowsticks on the ground next to salt to detect the ghost's footsteps. You might also need to place the crucifix and sensors around the location. If you want to pick those items back, you need to look at the item first. Next, press E (Keyboard) or X (Xbox controller).

How do you grab things in Phasmophobia VR?

Picking up an Object: To pick an object or item, press & hold the grip button according to your hand.

How do you use Phasmophobia objects?

To use a Spirit Box, you must be nearby (3m) or in the same room as the Ghost and the lights must be off. Then, you will be able to speak to the Ghost and ask it questions from four different categories - Difficulty, Location, Age, and Personal.

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