How to know if you have a soul tie with someone

In This Article

  • What are soul ties?
  • What causes a soul tie to form?
  • What is the difference between a soul tie and a soul mate?
  • 15 signs you might have a soul tie with someone
  • Types of soul ties
  • The pros and cons of having a soul tie relationship in your life
  • The takeaway

Are soul ties real? 

The conversation around soul ties raises a lot of mixed feelings in people. On the one hand, some believe that soul ties are evil and should be done away with immediately. Others think there’s nothing much about them.

To effectively answer this question, the first question one must answer is this: What are soul ties?

When you have discovered the true meaning of soul ties, you can start learning about the symptoms of soul ties, types of soul ties, and everything else to learn. 

The central focus of this article, however, will be on helping you understand what soul ties are and the signs of soul ties. 

What are soul ties?

A soul tie is a deep-seated connection you establish with someone. As the name implies, this connection is considered to be deeply rooted in your soul and is established after you have had sex with the person. 

A soul tie is also the knitting together of two souls after a deep emotional connection must have been established between them. Most times, this process is considered to be a spiritual connection. 

One of the classical signs of spiritual soul ties is that they are intense, overwhelming, and stronger than any kind of connection you must have felt to anyone else in your whole life. 

What causes a soul tie to form? 

Here are some of the causes of a soul tie. 

1. Sexual intercourse 

A soul tie can be formed after you have had sex with a person. From a medical perspective, oxytocin is released during orgasm, and this hormone plays a significant part in establishing a strong emotional bond between sexual partners. 

However, soul ties don’t always follow after orgasm. When you have sex with someone, you increase the chances that a soul tie with them would be formed. 

2. Close relationships with a person 

When you have spent a long time in a deep and emotional relationship with someone, a soul tie can be created.  

Related Reading: How to Feel Close and Connected With Your Partner

What is the difference between a soul tie and a soul mate? 

These two terms have been used to complement each other over time. It is assumed that one must have a soul tie with their soulmate. However, this may not be entirely true. 

As far as finding your soulmate is concerned, you feel the bond almost immediately. Many people who found their soulmates report that the connection just happened, and it was instantaneous or almost immediate. Your connection with your soulmate is deep and instantaneous (in most cases). 

This is not the case with soul ties. Soul ties take time to form, could even set in after you have slept with the person, or could happen much later down the line. Until the point the soul tie kicks in, you might not feel very strongly for the person. 

However, once a soul tie is established, the connection feels more intense than you might have with your soulmate. 

Related Reading: Soul Connection: 12 Types Of Soul Mates & How To Recognize Them

Wondering how to break a soul tie? Watch this video to know more.

15 signs you might have a soul tie with someone 

What are the signs of soul ties? Is there a way that you identify these better?

If you have been asking that question, here are 15 of them.

1. You feel a deep connection with that person 

As we have already said multiple times, soul ties go more profound than anything you have experienced before in your life. They are more intense than what you feel when you fall in love

If you feel a deep and even spiritual connection with someone, it could be a sign that you have established a soul tie with them.

2. They have perfect timing 

They probably waltzed into your life at a time that you consider life-changing. This could be when transitioning into a new phase or during a challenging time in your life. They came in and offered some sort of deep-seated comfort to you. 

In the same vein, they always seem to show up when you need them the most. Think about them, and a call or text from them will pop up.

Related Reading: 5 Signs Your Relationship Is Changing for the Better

3. You are obsessed with them 

You used to be a rational human until they happened to you. Now, you spend all your days thinking about them, how they are, what they are up to, and how this deep connection you feel toward them. 

At this stage, you cannot control your thoughts about them again. These thoughts control and overwhelm you instead.

4. You yearn for their approval 

Before making a decision, you may ask yourself, “what will they say, think, or do?” When a soul tie is at work, you will find yourself placing too much pressure on yourself to meet up to their standards. 

Their approval means a lot to you, and you would go to any length to get it.    

5. They get the most exaggerated reaction out of you 

You used to be a level-headed person who never lost your cool until they happened to you. When you have a soul tie with someone, one of the things you would notice is that they seem to get the biggest reaction out of you.

These could be positive or negative reactions, depending on what’s happening. 

Related Reading: 4 Tips on How to Get Rid of Negative Thoughts in Relationships

6. You use them as a benchmark

When you have a soul tie with a person, you find yourself using them as a yardstick to measure every other relationship in your life. 

You may find yourself judging every other person in your life from the standpoint of what this person would have done, and this would affect your relationships if left unchecked. 

In addition, you may even find yourself rebuffing every other relationship because of them.

7. You can’t seem to move on, even when you hate them 

This is one of the reasons why soul ties are considered dangerous on many levels.

Considering the deep-seated connection you may feel toward the person, you may find it impossible to let them go completely – even when it is obvious that they are not the right one for you and that your relationship with them may be toxic. 

You may hate them, but moving on from them becomes a herculean task. This is one of the dangers of soul ties. 

8. You freak out when it feels like you will lose them 

Consider this a continuation of the last point. Every time the random thought that they may move on from you crosses your mind, you may end up fracking out in extreme ways. 

What makes this even more dramatic would be that you may have never experienced these feelings in your life, regardless of how intense your past relationships may have been. 

9. They feel familiar 

This is one of the most common signs of a soul tie. Once a soul tie is established with someone, you begin to feel like you have known them from somewhere, even if this is not the case. 

Their faces look vaguely familiar, and everything they do reminds you of something you cannot quite place your hands on. You may get this feeling of deja vu. 

10. Your relationship with them feels unique

Especially, at the beginning of this soul tie. At first, it may feel as though you are just meeting this perfect person for the first time. Your senses are alert. You feel like you share something that cannot be explained with words.    

As a result, the only thing on your mind would be to release yourself into the relationship and enjoy everything that comes with it. 

Related Reading: 20 Effective Ways to Put Effort in a Relationship

11. You strongly believe that they complete you

Another sign of a soul tie is that you strongly believe that this person completes and complements you, even when this is not the case. They could be the most terrible person in the world, and this soul tie will still not let you see things categorically. 

This belief that someone completes and complements you can be a treasure as far as a healthy romantic relationship is concerned. However, if you uphold these beliefs when the relationship has gotten toxic, it could be because of these soul ties. 

12. You soon start losing yourself in the relationship 

This is one of the classical signs of an unhealthy soul tie. It is a terrible situation when you suddenly start losing yourself, your freedom, happiness, excitement, and peace of mind in a relationship

However, what’s worse is that if a soul tie is involved, you will find it almost impossible to take your stand and fight for what you know you should have; your sanity and peace. This is usually because you have lost the power to stick up for yourself.

13. You soon end up going against them when you are around them 

This is primarily the result of trying to be in their good books or get approval from them. To have them in your space and keep them from leaving, you may find yourself going against your code of conduct and doing things you wouldn’t have otherwise done. 

These could be mild attitude changes or deep-seated character modifications to keep them from walking out the door. 

Related Reading: How to Deal with Ignorance in a Relationship

14. You fantasize about them a lot

This is a simple example. You may have always been attracted to much taller and burly guys. All your life, you may have held this as ideal and dated only guys that suit this description.

However, when you establish a soul tie with someone, you may soon find yourself fantasizing about being with him, even if he is shorter than you and gangly. 

Related Reading: 11 Signs Your Soulmate Is Thinking of You

15. Even when you move on, you can’t fully enjoy your new relationship 

Another sign of soul ties is that when you finally move on (into a new relationship), you may still not be able to let go and enjoy the new relationship thoroughly. 

First, the soul tie connection will prevent you from establishing any strong bond with your new partner. If not curtailed, this can cause serious damage to your new relationship.

Types of soul ties 

There are many types of soul ties. Here are some of them. 

1. Protective soul tie 

This can form when someone swoops into your life during an insanely difficult period and saves you from the pain you are going through. 

As a result of the work they have done, you may find yourself getting more and more attracted to them until a soul tie happens. 

2. Sexual soul tie 

As the name implies, this may happen when you are sexually intimate with someone. When this happens, you have a connection that is beyond physical. You feel their energies around you, which can prove difficult to let go of, even after a long time has passed. 

Knowing how to eliminate these soul ties is essential, especially if you want to enjoy your romantic relationships moving forward. 

3. Permanent soul tie 

Usually, this would happen without the knowledge of either of the people involved. 

However, they would find out about it soon enough and may commit to making their connection work. These soul ties are mostly permanent and experienced by married couples.

This is after they must have tied the knot. 

Related Reading: What Keeps Couples Together: 15 Things You Must Know

4.  Spiritual soul tie

This happens when the connection between you becomes deeper than your emotions, feelings, and body reactions toward yourselves. A spiritual soul tie is considered to be the deepest of all.  

While breaking soul ties  (spiritual soul ties) isn’t easy, it is not impossible at the same time. 

The pros and cons of having a soul tie relationship in your life 

Here are some of the advantages and disadvantages of having soul tie relationships in your life. 

  1. As an advantage, soul ties can help you enjoy a strong and deep relationship with your soul mate (if you are blessed to have both connections with the same person). When this happens, you will enjoy the companionship you share with them. 
  2. Soul ties can help you build stronger and more profitable relationships with others. For example, when you have a deep emotional connection with someone, it becomes easy to have them as your friend and keep the relationship alive. 
  3. The major disadvantage of soul ties is that they can become a stumbling block to your happiness in the future. When you have moved on from the person you have a soul tie with, you may find it difficult to enjoy your new relationship. 
  4. Soul ties can easily drain you and keep you in the same spot for a long time. You can keep a toxic relationship simply because you fear losing that special connection with someone who shouldn’t have gotten it in the first place. 

The takeaway

Knowing what soul ties are is the first step you must take toward breaking them and moving on with your wholesome life. 

However, you can know what soul ties are, how they work, and how they can even limit your life and still choose to stay in the relationship. 

The decision to break them is up to you to make. If you feel overwhelmed, do not hesitate to seek professional help. 

Therapists will come in handy to help you make sense of what you are feeling and overcome these unhealthy emotions (if they exist for you). 

What happens when you have a soul tie with someone?

A soul tie is an intense spiritual connection between two people that results in a mutual learning experience.

What creates a soul tie?

Soul ties are typically formed through a physical, spiritual, social, or emotional connection, which can involve deep conversations and complete openness and vulnerability — but more generally, they blossom after sexual intercourse, certified relationship and life coach Joseph Moore says.

Can a soul tie be one sided?

But when you have a soul tie, it's often more of a sign of a one-sided soul tie. The betrayal in this type of relationship is when one person doesn't feel the same way about the other as they do. You may find that you're doing everything for them, but feel like you're not getting anything back.

What are examples of soul ties?

Soul ties can be physical, emotional, spiritual, or social. Physical soul ties are formed during sexual intercourse. When you have sex, your body releases oxytocin, known as “the bonding hormone,” which links you to your partner. Emotional soul ties form between two people with common feelings, including love.


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