How to say I have brown hair in spanish

more_vert Krestianson, a slight woman with hair, used to operate heavy machinery -- loaders and scrapers in the road-building industry -- before she took up bartending.

more_vert She is approximately 5ft 4ins, with hair and blue eyes.

more_vert Her hair, which she'd been growing out for months, now fell past her shoulders.

more_vert She is described as white, between 5ft 3ins and 5ft 6ins tall, of medium build with long, hair.

more_vert Hastings is aboriginal, five feet tall, 110 pounds with a medium build, long hair and brown eyes.

What does Cabello moreno mean in English? Spanish translations and examples in context.

Brown hair is translated in Spanish by...

Cabello moreno (m)
Brown hair

Example Sentences in Context.


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Shah Rukh has described his father in interviews as a 6.2 feet tall, good-looking man, with grey eyes and brown hair.

Shah Rukh ha descrito a su padre en entrevistas como un hombre alto, de 1,92 metros, guapo, de ojos grises y cabello casta�o.

His light brown hair was rather long, [...]

with soft waves in noticeably separate locks and ends that were slightly darker.

Su pelo casta�o claro era m�s bien [...]

largo, con suaves ondulaciones con notables mechones separados y que en las puntas su


color era ligeramente m�s oscuro.

Ian McKellen obviously relishes his role as the villain, giving it more

[...] flair than Dan Brown might have imagined.

Ian McKellen disfruta obviamente su papel como malvado, aport�ndole m�s

[...] donaire que el que Dan Brown podr�a imaginar.

[...] visited the field; Mr. Malloch Brown has and we can benefit from his [...]

No he estado nunca en el terreno; el Sr. Malloch Brown s�, y todos [...]

nos beneficiamos de su experiencia.

Count everything: days before vacation, people, flowers, books, steps as

[...] you climb, fingers, toes, blue eyes, brown hair.

[...] flores, libros, ojos azules, pelo casta�o, dedos de las [...]

manos, dedos de los pies, pelda�os de escaleras, d�as que faltan para las vacaciones.

In areas where you have psoriatic lesions, it is better to shave rather than removing the hair with a method [...]

that involves pulling out the hairs.

En las zonas donde tenga lesiones psori�sicas, es mejor afeitarse que extraer el pelo con un m�todo que tire de �l.

Other parents, Brown says, have to struggle to [...]

get schools to recognize their children's disabilities.

Otros padres, agrega Brown, tienen que batallar [...]

para lograr que la escuela reconozca la discapacidad de sus hijos.

White male, height 165cm (5'5"),

[...] medium build, light brown eyes, brown hair, left handed, scar on [...]

his right upper leg in groin area

Var�n blanco, altura de 165

[...] cm, complexi�n media, ojos marr�n claro, pelo casta�o, zurdo, cicatriz [...]

en el muslo derecho en la zona de la ingle

The dark brown hair lets go unnoticed in the vegetation [...]

in autumn when hunting is common.

El color casta�o oscuro del pelo le permite pasar [...]

desapercibido en la vegetaci�n de oto�o, cuando la cacer�a es m�s frecuente.

Gray hair, brown eyes, abundant [...]

De pelo canoso y ojos pardos.

[...] of studies that include the recounting of hair have shown a reduction of 80/90% in the amount [...]

of hair in the treated area


with three of four treatments.

La mayor�a de los estudios que implican

[...] recuento de vello han demostrado un 80/90% de reducci�n en la cantidad de vello del �rea tratada [...]

con tres o cuatro tratamientos.

Alopecia refers to hair loss in areas of skin that normally have hair.

[...] la p�rdida del cabello en las �reas de la piel que normalmente tienen cabello.

France and UK have agreed to step up their cooperation in the nuclear military area whilst maintaining their independence in terms of dissuasion said British Prime Minister Gordon Brown on 19th March.

Francia y el Reino Unido acordaron aumentar su cooperaci�n nuclear militar, al tiempo que conservan su independencia en materia de disuasi�n, seg�n anunci� el 19 de marzo el Primer Ministro brit�nico Gordon Brown.

I could never play Marilyn Monroe in a movie! I have brown hair!¡Nunca podría jugar el papel de Marilyn Monroe en una peli! ¡Tengo el pelo castaño!

b. tengo el pelo marrón

I have brown hair, but it gets lighter in the sun.Tengo el pelo marrón, pero se pone más claro en el sol.

c. tengo el pelo café

My sister looks just like me, except I have brown hair.Mi hermana se parece mucho a mí, salvo que tengo el pelo café.

¿Cómo se escribe Brown in English?

brown adjective (COLOUR)

¿Cómo es tu pelo in spanish?

What's your hair like?


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