How to stop the urge to pee

Kelly Burch is a New Hampshire-based freelance journalist writing about finances, health, family, and more. Her work has appeared in The Washington Post, The Chicago Tribune, and Forbes, among others. Follow her on

If you have unusual urges to urinate, your health care provider will check to make sure that you don't have an infection or blood in your urine. Your provider may also want to make sure that you're emptying your bladder completely when you urinate.

Your provider will look for clues that might also indicate contributing factors. Your appointment will likely include a:

  • Medical history
  • Physical exam, which may include a rectal exam and a pelvic exam in women
  • Urine sample to test for infection, traces of blood or other abnormalities
  • Focused neurological exam that may identify sensory issues or reflex problems

Tests of bladder function

Your provider may recommend tests to assess how well your bladder is functioning and its ability to empty steadily and completely (urodynamic tests). These tests usually require a referral to a specialist, but testing may not be necessary to make a diagnosis or begin treatment. Urodynamic tests include:

  • Measuring urine left in the bladder. This test is important if there's concern about your ability to empty your bladder completely when you urinate. Remaining urine in the bladder (post-void residual urine) may cause symptoms identical to those of an overactive bladder.

    To measure residual urine after you have voided, your doctor may request an ultrasound scan of your bladder. The ultrasound scan translates sound waves into an image, showing how much urine is left in your bladder after you urinate. In some cases, a thin tube (catheter) is passed through the urethra and into your bladder to drain the remaining urine, which can then be measured.

  • Measuring urine flow rate. To measure the volume and speed of your voiding, you may be asked to urinate into a device (uroflowmeter). A uroflowmeter catches and measures the urine, and translates the data into a graph of changes in your flow rate.
  • Testing bladder pressures. Cystometry is a test that measures pressure in your bladder and in the surrounding region as your bladder fills. During this test, your doctor uses a thin tube (catheter) to fill your bladder slowly with warm fluid. Another catheter with a pressure-measuring sensor is placed in the rectum or, for women, inthe vagina. The sensor tells how much pressure your bladder has to exert to empty completely.

    This procedure can identify whether you have involuntary muscle contractions or a stiff bladder that's not able to store urine under low pressure.

Your doctor will review the results of any tests with you and suggest a treatment strategy.

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  • Urinalysis


A combination of treatment strategies may be the best approach to relieve overactive bladder symptoms.

Behavioral therapies

Female pelvic floor muscles Open pop-up dialog box


Female pelvic floor muscles

Female pelvic floor muscles

A woman's pelvic floor muscles work like a hammock to support the pelvic organs, including the uterus, bladder and rectum. Kegel exercises can help strengthen these muscles.

Male pelvic floor muscles Open pop-up dialog box


Male pelvic floor muscles

Male pelvic floor muscles

The pelvic floor muscles support the bladder and bowel and affect sexual function. Kegel exercises can help strengthen these muscles.

Behavioral interventions are the first choice in helping manage an overactive bladder. They're often effective, and they carry no side effects. Behavioral interventions may include:

  • Pelvic floor muscle exercises. Kegel exercises strengthen your pelvic floor muscles and urinary sphincter. These strengthened muscles can help you stop the bladder's involuntary contractions.

    Your doctor or a physical therapist can help you learn how to do Kegel exercises correctly. Just like any other exercise routine, how well Kegel exercises work for you depends on whether you perform them regularly.

  • Biofeedback. During biofeedback, you're connected to electrical sensors that help you measure and receive information about your body. The biofeedback sensors teach you how to make subtle changes in your body, such as strengthening your pelvic muscles so that when you have feelings of urgency you're better able to suppress them.
  • Healthy weight. If you're overweight, losing weight may ease symptoms. Weight loss may help if you also have stress urinary incontinence.
  • Scheduled toilet trips. Setting a schedule for toileting — for example, every two to four hours — gets you on track to urinate at the same times every day rather than waiting until you feel the urge to urinate.
  • Intermittent catheterization. If you are not able to empty your bladder well, using a catheter periodically to empty your bladder completely helps your bladder do what it can't do by itself. Ask your doctor if this approach is right for you.
  • Absorbent pads. Wearing absorbent pads or undergarments can protect your clothing and help you avoid embarrassing incidents, which means that you won't have to limit your activities. Absorbent garments come in a variety of sizes and absorbency levels.
  • Bladder training. Bladder training involves training yourself to delay voiding when you feel an urge to urinate. You begin with small delays, such as 30 minutes, and gradually work your way up to urinating every three to four hours. Bladder training is possible only if you're able to tighten (contract) your pelvic floor muscles successfully.


After menopause, vaginal estrogen therapy can help strengthen the muscles and tissues in the urethra and vaginal area. Vaginal estrogen comes in the form of cream, suppository, tablet, or ring, and can significantly improve symptoms of overactive bladder.

Medications that relax the bladder can be helpful for relieving symptoms of overactive bladder and reducing episodes of urge incontinence. These drugs include:

  • Tolterodine (Detrol)
  • Oxybutynin, which can be taken as a pill (Ditropan XL) or used as a skin patch (Oxytrol) or gel (Gelnique)
  • Trospium
  • Solifenacin (Vesicare)
  • Fesoterodine (Toviaz)
  • Mirabegron (Myrbetriq)

Common side effects of most of these drugs include dry eyes and dry mouth, but drinking water to quench thirst can aggravate symptoms of overactive bladder. Constipation — another potential side effect — can aggravate your bladder symptoms. Extended-release forms of these medications, including the skin patch or gel, may cause fewer side effects.

Your doctor may recommend that you sip small amounts of water or suck on a piece of sugar-free candy or chew sugar-free gum to relieve dry mouth, and use eyedrops to keep your eyes moist. Over-the-counter preparations, such as Biotene products, can be helpful for long-term dry mouth. To avoid constipation, your doctor might recommend a fiber-rich diet or use of stool softeners.

Bladder injections

OnabotulinumtoxinA (ON-ah-boch-yoo-lih-num-tox-in-A), also called Botox, is a protein from the bacteria that cause botulism illness. Used in small doses directly injected into bladder tissues, this protein relaxes the muscles.

Studies show that it may be useful for severe urge incontinence. The temporary effects generally last six months or more, but repeat injections are necessary.

Side effects from these injections include urinary tract infections and urinary retention. If you're considering Botox treatments, you should be willing and able to catheterize yourself if urinary retention occurs.

Nerve stimulation

Sacral nerve stimulation device Open pop-up dialog box


Sacral nerve stimulation device

Sacral nerve stimulation device

During sacral nerve stimulation, a surgically implanted device delivers electrical impulses to the nerves that regulate bladder activity. These are called the sacral nerves. The unit is placed under the skin in the lower back, about where the back pocket is on a pair of pants. In this image, the device is shown out of place to allow a better view of the unit.

Regulating the nerve impulses to your bladder can improve overactive bladder symptoms.

One procedure uses a thin wire placed close to the sacral nerves — which carry signals to your bladder — where they pass near your tailbone.

This minimally invasive procedure is often done with a trial of a temporary wire implanted under the skin in your lower back. Sometimes it may be done as an advanced procedure in which the permanent electrode is implanted and a longer trial is performed. Your doctor then uses a hand-held device connected to the wire to deliver electrical impulses to your bladder, similar to what a pacemaker does for the heart. If it helps with your symptoms, a permanent, battery-powered pulse generator is surgically implanted to help regulate the nerve rhythm.

Percutaneous tibial nerve stimulation (PTNS)

This procedure uses a thin needle that is placed through the skin near your ankle to send electrical stimulation from a nerve in your leg (tibial nerve) to your spine, where it connects with the nerves that control the bladder.

PTNS treatments are delivered once a week for 12 weeks to help treat symptoms of overactive bladder. You will likely need maintenance treatments every three to four weeks to keep symptoms under control.


Surgery to treat overactive bladder is reserved for people with severe symptoms who don't respond to other treatments. The goal is to improve the bladder's ability to store urine and reduce pressure in the bladder. However, these procedures won't help relieve bladder pain. These procedures include:

  • Surgery to increase bladder capacity. This procedure uses pieces of your bowel to replace a portion of your bladder. This surgery is used only in cases of severe urge incontinence that doesn't respond to any other, more-conservative treatment measures. If you have this surgery, you may need to use a catheter intermittently for the rest of your life to empty your bladder.
  • Bladder removal. This procedure is used as a last resort and involves removing the bladder and surgically constructing a replacement bladder (neobladder) or an opening in the body (stoma) to attach a bag on the skin to collect urine.

More Information

  • Overactive bladder care at Mayo Clinic
  • Acupuncture
  • Biofeedback
  • Bladder removal surgery (cystectomy)
  • Botox injections
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Clinical trials

Explore Mayo Clinic studies testing new treatments, interventions and tests as a means to prevent, detect, treat or manage this condition.

Lifestyle and home remedies

These lifestyle strategies may reduce overactive bladder symptoms:

  • Maintain a healthy weight. If you're overweight, losing weight may ease your symptoms. Heavier people are also at greater risk of stress urinary incontinence, which may improve with weight loss.
  • Drink adequate amounts of fluid. Ask your doctor how much fluid you need daily. Drinking too much fluid can worsen your symptoms, but not drinking enough can make your urine become concentrated and can irritate the lining of your bladder. This increases the urge to urinate.
  • Limit foods and drinks that might irritate your bladder. Some foods and drinks that may irritate the bladder include caffeine, alcohol, tea, carbonated drinks, citrus juice and fruit, chocolate, spicy foods, and tomatoes. If any of these worsen your symptoms, it might be wise to avoid them.

Alternative medicine

No complementary or alternative therapies have been proved to successfully treat overactive bladder.

Research has suggested that acupuncture might help ease the symptoms of overactive bladder. Acupuncture practitioners treat you using extremely thin, disposable needles.

Complementary treatments may not be covered by insurance, so check with your insurance company first.

Coping and support

Living with overactive bladder can be difficult. Consumer education and advocacy support groups such as the National Association for Continence can provide you with online resources and information, connecting you with people who experience overactive bladder and urge incontinence. Support groups offer the opportunity to voice concerns, learn new coping strategies and stay motivated to maintain self-care strategies.

Educating your family and friends about overactive bladder and your experiences with it may help you establish your own support network and reduce feelings of embarrassment. Once you start talking about it, you may be surprised to learn how common this condition really is.

Preparing for your appointment

For overactive bladder, you're likely to start by seeing your primary doctor. After your initial appointment, you may be referred to a specialist in urinary disorders in men and women (urologist), a specialist in urinary disorders in women (urogynecologist), or a specialist in physical therapy for diagnosis and treatment.

Here's some information to help you get ready for your appointment, and what to expect from your doctor.

What you can do

  • Keep a bladder diary for a few days, recording when, how much and what kind of fluids you consume, when you urinate, whether you feel an urge to urinate, and whether you experience incontinence. A bladder diary may help determine why you have to get up to urinate at night.
  • Tell your doctor how long you've had your symptoms and how they affect your day-to-day activities.
  • Note any other symptoms you're experiencing, particularly those related to your bowel function.
  • Let your doctor know if you have diabetes, have a neurological disease, or have had pelvic surgery or radiation treatments.
  • Make a list of all the medications, vitamins or supplements you take; many medications can affect bladder function.
  • Write down questions to ask your doctor.

For overactive bladder, basic questions might include:

  • What are the possible causes of my symptoms?
  • Is my urine clear?
  • Do I empty my bladder well?
  • Is my pelvic floor muscle strength good enough for me to keep my bladder from contracting when I have an abnormal urge?
  • Do you recommend any other tests? Why?
  • What treatments are available, and which do you recommend for me?
  • What side effects can I expect from treatment?
  • Are there any dietary restrictions that could help?
  • How do my other health problems affect my bladder symptoms?
  • If I need to see a specialist, what can I expect?
  • Is there a generic alternative to the medicine you're prescribing?
  • Are there brochures or other printed material that I can have? What websites do you recommend?

What to expect from your doctor

Your doctor may use an overactive bladder questionnaire to make an assessment of your symptoms, asking questions such as:

  • How long have you had these symptoms?
  • Do you unexpectedly leak urine? How often?
  • What do your symptoms keep you from doing that you like to do?
  • During daily activities, such as walking or bending over, do you leak urine?

By Mayo Clinic Staff

Overactive bladder care at Mayo Clinic

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May 03, 2022


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Show references

  1. Urinary incontinence. Office on Women's Health. // Accessed Jan. 12, 2020.
  2. What is overactive bladder? Urology Care Foundation. // Accessed Jan. 12, 2020.
  3. Symonds I, et al. Prolapse and disorders of the urinary tracts. In: Essential Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 6th ed. Elsevier; 2020. // Accessed Jan. 12, 2020.
  4. Bladder control problems. National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. // Accessed Jan. 12, 2020.
  5. Overactive bladder FAQS. National Association for Continence. // Accessed Jan. 12, 2020.
  6. Overactive bladder. National Association for Continence. // Accessed Jan. 12, 2020.
  7. Ferri FF. Urinary incontinence. In: Ferri's Clinical Advisor 2020. // Accessed Jan. 12, 2020.
  8. Magowan, BA, et al. Female urinary incontinence. In: Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 4th ed. Elsevier; 2019. // Accessed Jan. 12, 2020.
  9. Lucacz ES. Treatment of urgency incontinence/overactive bladder in women. // Accessed Jan. 12, 2020.
  10. Lukacz ES. Evaluation of women with urinary incontinence. // Accessed Jan. 12, 2020.
  11. Flesh G. Urodynamic evaluation of women with incontinence. // Accessed Jan. 12, 2020.
  12. AskMayoExpert. Male urinary incontinence (adult). Mayo Clinic; 2019.
  13. AskMayoExpert. Female urinary incontinence and voiding dysfunction (adult). Mayo Clinic; 2019.
  14. Diagnosis and treatment of non-neurogenic overactive bladder (OAB) in adults: An AUA/SUFU guideline (2019). American Urological Association. // Accessed Jan. 12, 2020.
  15. Lukacz ES. Treatment of urinary incontinence in women. // Accessed Jan. 12, 2020.
  16. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Overactive bladder. Clinical Updates in Women's Health Care. 2020; // Accessed Jan. 6, 2020.
  17. Urodynamic testing. National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. // Accessed Jan. 12, 2020.
  18. Warner KJ. Allscripts EPSi. Mayo Clinic. Jan. 6, 2020.
  19. Bladder control problems and nerve disease. National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. // Accessed Jan. 12, 2020.
  20. Occhino JA (expert opinion). Mayo Clinic. Feb 27, 2020.


Associated Procedures

  • Acupuncture
  • Biofeedback
  • Bladder removal surgery (cystectomy)
  • Botox injections
  • Urinalysis
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News from Mayo Clinic

  • Mayo Clinic Q and A: Dealing with an overactive bladder June 01, 2021, 04:30 p.m. CDT

Products & Services

  • Book: Mayo Clinic Family Health Book, 5th Edition
  • Book: Mayo Clinic on Incontinence
  • Newsletter: Mayo Clinic Health Letter — Digital Edition
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Overactive bladder

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How do you stop the feeling of having to pee?

What if you really need to hold your pee?.
Do a task that will actively engage your brain, such as a game or crossword puzzle..
Listen to music..
Stay sitting if you are already sitting..
Read a book..
Scroll through social media on your phone..
Keep warm, since being cold can give you the urge to urinate..

How do I stop the urge to pee without peeing?

How to stop frequent urination.
Avoiding drinking fluids before bed..
Cutting back on alcohol, caffeine, artificial sweeteners and acidic foods or beverages..
Doing pelvic floor exercises (like Kegels) to help build your pelvic muscle strength and health..

Why do I feel like I have to pee after I already peed?

Do you have a urinary tract infection? UTIs can commonly cause urinary frequency. You may urinate small amounts and then feel like you have to urinate right after you've gone. These can also cause pain with urination, and your urine may have a different odor and color.


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