How to teleport to Bandit Camp Rust

{ "NoEscape Options": { "Block teleport when raid blocked": true, "Block teleport when combat blocked": true, "Disable respawn options when raid blocked": true, "Disable respawn options when combat blocked": true }, "Teleport Options": { "Amount of time to wait before teleporting (seconds)": 10, "VIP Times": { "compoundteleport.vip1": { "Amount of time to wait before teleporting (seconds)": 5, "Cooldown time (seconds)": 150 }, "compoundteleport.vip2": { "Amount of time to wait before teleporting (seconds)": 3, "Cooldown time (seconds)": 30 } }, "Cooldown time (seconds)": 300, "Block teleport if player is hostile": true, "Block teleport if player is building blocked": true, "Teleport command name (Outpost)": "outpost", "Teleport command name (Bandit Camp)": "bandit", "Teleport cancel command name": "canceltp" }, "Respawn Options": { "Allow respawning at Outpost": true, "Allow respawning at Bandit Camp": true, "Disable respawn options if player is hostile": false, "Cooldown time (seconds)": 300, "Force respawns to (None, Outpost, Bandit)": "None" }, "Version": { "Major": 2, "Minor": 0, "Patch": 7 } }

What the RUST teleport command does

The RUST teleport command, also known as the RUST tp command, allows admins to teleport a player’s character from one location to a specified location, object, or player. There are multiple tp commands and ways that teleportation works in RUST. Some teleport commands allow admins and moderators to teleport to the nearest person or entity, while others allow for them to teleport to a particular person, place, or coordinates in the game map. This post will teach you how to tp in RUST using console commands.

Some practical reasons for using the RUST teleport command:

  • Instantly travel across the game map to settle disputes
  • Help players that are stuck inside of the games underworld or geometry
  • Help players quickly get to each other in the game
  • Teleport to a special entity difficult to find on the game map
  • Teleport to a specific location to call in helicopters and airdrops

Who can enter the RUST teleport command

The RUST teleport command can be issued by RUST admins and moderators only. Some teleport commands require the administrator or moderator invoking it to be logged in to the game server, while others do not and work inside an RCON platform. Players that want teleportation will need to rely on administrators, moderators, or RUST plugins to teleport around the game.

RUST teleport command syntax

Some things to keep in mind for all of the teleport commands:

  • The RUST teleport command can kill admins, moderators, and players if they teleport to other players located inside buildings, caves, or monuments.
  • Request that the player or location being teleported to is outside, preferably in a flat area; otherwise, they risk being stuck, hurt, killed, or sent to the underworld.
  • Admins should turn god mode on before they teleport to prevent the above risks.
  • All of the RUST teleport commands support the teleportation of one player at a time.

RUST teleport command (1 of 9)

This command will instantly teleport the administrator or moderator that invokes it to the player with the server’s longest active session.

Note that this command does not work from RCON platforms and requires being logged into the game server, with additional players online, and no parameter is required to be passed with the command.

Use the command below:


RUST teleport command (2 of 9)

This command will instantly teleport the administrator or moderator that invokes it, to the player whose name was passed in as a parameter. It’s best to use quotes around the player’s name, in case they have spaces. The teleport command supports partial names to be passed in, so to ensure the correct player, be specific and use quotations to surround their name.

Note that this command does not work from RCON platforms and requires being logged into the game server, with the specified player logged in to the game server.

Use the command below:

teleport “playername”

RUST teleport command (3 of 9)

This command will instantly teleport the first player, to the second player passed in as parameters. It’s best to use quotes around the player names, in case they have spaces. The teleport commands support partial names being passed in, so to ensure the correct players, be specific and use quotations to surround their names.

Note that this command does work from RCON platforms and requires the specified players to be logged in to the game server.

Use the command below:

teleport “playername1” “playername2”

RUST teleport command (4 of 9)

This command will instantly teleport the administrator or moderator that invokes it, to a specified entity, however randomly found in the game world. Enter an item from the “Name” column of this RUST entity list. Quotes around the entity name are optional, as the entity names do not contain spaces.

Note that this command does not work from RCON platforms and requires being logged into the game server.

Use the command below:

teleportany entity

RUST teleport command (5 of 9)

This command will instantly teleport the invoking player, to the coordinates passed in. This will require passing in an X, Y, Z in this order, with parenthesis wrapped around the values. To get the location of your character, type in printpos, then copy that position to use later.

Note that this command does work from RCON platforms and requires the player to be logged into the game server.

Use the command below:

teleportpos (1,2,3)

RUST teleport command (6 of 9)

This command will instantly teleport the specified player to the administrator or moderator that invokes it. This teleport command functions more as a pull than a push.

Note that this command does not work from RCON platforms and requires being logged into the game server.

Use the command below:

teleport2me “playername”

RUST teleport command (7 of 9)

This command will instantly teleport the admin or moderator to the specified player’s nearest owned item.

Note that this command does not work from RCON platforms and requires being logged into the game server.

Use the command below:

teleport2owneditem “playername or steamid” “item”

RUST teleport command (8 of 9)

This command will instantly teleport the admin or moderator to the specified marker point on the in-game map. Simply press the G  button to open the in-game map and right-click on the map to place a marker, then issue the teleport command below.

Note that this command does not work from RCON platforms and requires being logged into the game server.

Use the command below:


RUST teleport command (9 of 9)

This command will instantly teleport the admin or moderator to a random authorized item of a specified player, using either their in-game name or Steam 64bit ID as an identifier. If no player ID is provided, it will teleport the admin to a random item that they are authorized on, if one exists.

Note that this command does not work from RCON platforms and requires being logged into the game server.

Use the command below:


How to use the RUST teleport command

Before initiating the teleport command, ensure the players involved are:

  • Ready for the teleportation.
  • If it’s an admin or moderator about to teleport to a destination, enable god mode to prevent the issues listed earlier.
  • If it’s a player, make sure their destination is outside in a safe location.

The RUST teleport commands differ, while some can be issued from RCON platforms, all of them can be issued while logged into the game server. Press the F1 key to first open the in-game console and type in the specific teleport command syntax listed above and press enter.

The command console will then display the following upon success:


How do you teleport to your base in rust?

/home NAME ~ To teleport to a home you've previously set. /tpr PLAYERNAME ~ Request a teleport to another player. You only need to use part of their name, but make sure it's unique. You'll get a warning if it isn't.

What is the teleport command in Rust?

The RUST teleport command, also known as the RUST tp command, allows admins to teleport a player's character from one location to a specified location, object, or player.

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