How to turn on post notifications on TikTok for someones account

TikTok is a mobile application that enables you to watch, create, and share small video clips. With the growth in video-sharing social networking applications, TikTok is one of the primary locations for short video content for many users. Are you worried about missing the latest TikTok happenings? Keeping up to date with the latest TikTok videos can be difficult, but turning on the post notification is one option to ensure that you don’t miss out. So how to turn on post notifications on TikTok?

To turn on post notifications on TikTok,
Method 1: Allow TikTok Notifications On Your Phone
Go to device settings > Tap on “Notifications” > Tap on “TikTok” > Toggle on “Allow notifications.”
Method 2: Turn On Post Notifications Via. TikTok App
Launch the TikTok app > Go to your profile > Tap on the hamburger icon > Tap on settings and privacy > Go to “Push Notifications” section > Tap on “Push notifications” > Enable Post Notifications.

If you want to have a more in-depth understanding of the topic, follow along!

Why Do People Use TikTok?

Take a few seconds and ponder yourself, What is the reason that excites you to use TikTok?

TikTok, formerly known as, is a Chinese app that allows you to create and share videos with your friends. Similarly, you can use it to share your creativity and passion by expressing them through videos.

Moreover, some tools like filters and speed control give you the experience of professionalism.

You can also use TikTok to gain popularity, build a portfolio of videos for your future career( if you are good at dancing, you can show your dancing skills), and as a source of entertainment.

Likewise, some people use TikTok to promote their brands it. Thus, you can use it as a business promotion platform as well.

Basically, it is used as a source of entertainment when you have free time. TikTok primarily shows video content of around 15-20 seconds, but this option of video creation can be expanded up to a maximum of one minute.

Post notification is simply text messages. Whenever the person you have followed has posted some videos, you will get notified through messages on your phone. Also, you will have the option to restrict their notification too.

Well, is there a post notification option on TikTok? Yes.

You will have access to enable or disable the post notifications of the people you have followed. Generally, people prefer to get notifications of those profiles whom they have followed.

Thus, whenever they post something, you will get notifications.

How To Enable Post Notification On TikTok?

Whenever you get likes or comments on your post, you will receive a popup message on your mobile devices. This is a push notification.

If you are worried about the latest TikTok buzz and challenge, it might be worth making sure that your push notifications are enabled. Similarly, if you frequently use TikTok then you would better enable the push notification.

You can enable the notifications from TikTok posts on your device from two different methods.

  • Method 1: Allow TikTok Notifications On Your Phone
  • Method 2: Enable Notifications Settings on TikTok App

Each of these methods is elaborated on below. So here’s how to turn on the post notifications on TikTok for each method you can apply.

Method 1: Allow TikTok Notifications On Your Phone

To get post notifications in your TikTok app, you must first allow your phone device to get these notifications from the TikTok app.

If you already have your TikTok notifications enabled on your device, then skip this part and move to method 2 below.

Allow TikTok Notifications On iOS

Follow this process to turn on the post notifications for TikTok on an iOS device:

Step 1: Go To Device Settings

On your iOS device, go to your phone’s settings which is the gear wheel icon.

Step 2: Tap on “Notifications”

Go to the Notifications in your device settings. From there, scroll down and find TikTok.

Step 3: Tap On TikTok

Then under the notifications section, tap on TikTok.

Step 4: Allow Notifications

The “Allow Notifications” option must be turned on to get notifications from TikTok.

Allow TikTok Notifications On Android

Similarly, the process to enable TikTok post notifications on an Android device are below:

Step 1: Go To Device Settings

Go to your phone’s settings by tapping on the gear wheel icon on your device.

Step 2: Get To Notifications

Tap on “Notifications” (if the version is older then you can go to the Sound And Notification tab and then move to App Notification). Scroll down and find TikTok.

Step 3: Tap On TikTok

Then under the notifications section, tap on TikTok.

Step 4: Allow Notifications

You can then turn on the “Allow Notifications” option.

Method 2: Enable Notifications Settings on TikTok App

Once the notification settings in your device are fixed, then you can move on to the notification settings in your TikTok app. For this, follow the given steps.

Step 1: Open TikTok App On Your Device

First, open the TikTok app on your device by tapping on it. You can then log in to your TikTok account with your login credentials.

Step 2: Go To Your Profile

Then tap on the Profile icon at the bottom right corner of your screen.

Step 3: Tap On The Hamburger Icon

From the profile page, tap on the hamburger icon at the top right corner of your screen.

Step 4: Go To Settings And Privacy

Next, you can move to Settings And Privacy. And then, scroll down to the Content & Activity section of the settings.

Step 5: Tap On Push Notifications

In this section, tap on the Push Notifications option.

Step 6: Turn On Push Notifications

Finally, turn on the push notifications option to enable notifications on TikTok.

Under the push notifications option, you can push notifications for multiple features. However, you can go to the ‘ Videos From Accounts You Follow’ section under Video updates. Toggle this option to turn it on.

Finally, you will be notified whenever someone you follow posts video content on the TikTok app.

How Do I Turn On/Off LIVE Notification For Other Profiles?

Getting instant notifications from TikTok lets you look at your favorite video makers’ posts early. Similarly, there is a LIVE notification option on TikTok which notifies you every time the user goes LIVE on TikTok. You may choose to either enable or disable TikTok LIVE notifications at any time.

Furthermore, even if you have forgotten the profile’s name, a LIVE notification will let you remember the particular profile.

Now, how can I turn on/off the LIVE notification?

Well, it’s not a hard job, nor it takes time. Here are the steps that lead you to turn on/off LIVE notification on TikTok.

Step 1: Open TikTok App

Open your TikTok application and sign in to your account

Step 2: Go To Profile

After that, go to your profile page by tapping on the Profile icon on the bottom right corner of the page.

Step 3: Tap On “Following”

Then tap the “Following” option to see all TikTok users whom you are following.

Step 4: Go To User Profile

Next, tap on the username that you want to turn off/get a notification about.

Step 5: Tap On The Bell Icon

After that, tap on the bell icon in the upper right. Now you will see a pop-up menu for the user.

Step 6: Choose An Option

Finally, you can choose from one of the options i.e. “All,” “Personalized,” or “None.”

Why Can’t I Turn On Post Notification On TikTok?

When you have followed someone, you will get a notification each time they post something, unless you turn off your post notification option. However, sometimes even without turning off this option, you will not be getting any messages.

This might be due to several reasons. A few reasons why you can’t turn on post notifications are listed here for you.

  • Updates Pending
  • Push Notification Is Turned Off
  • Phone Notification Not Allowed
  • TikTok Is Down

Updates Pending

When you have not updated your application, it might not function well. Similarly, your TikTok might be bugging you when you have missed its update for a long.

Push Notification Is Turned Off

Another reason why you can’t turn on this feature is if you have turned your Push Notification off. You need to have your push notification turned on for getting the post notification.

Phone Notification Not Allowed

Do check your phone notification option in settings. If they allow TikTok to notify you, then only you will get Post Notification from the apps.

TikTok Is Down

Sometimes, your TikTok application’s server may be down due to various reasons. So at such time, you need to have patience and wait for it.

Every application needs regular maintenance, so does TikTok too. Thus, at such time, post notification and even other features might not work temporarily.

Are People Notified When You Turn On Post Notification?

When you turn on post notifications, they will not know that you have turned it on in your TikTok application. It is just you who will know and get notified but not by your followed TikTok users. So, it’s completely anonymous for others.

In the same fashion, if you have turned on the notification of a specific user then it will not be notified to the other TikTok users as well.

For example: if you get a message that someone has uploaded a video on TikTok, then it will not notify that particular user regarding their post notification being activated in someone’s profile.

Also Read: How to Get Verified on TikTok?

Can You Know If Someone Has Your Post Notification On?

Just like you get the post notifications every time from someone you follow on TikTok, another user who has followed you might also receive the same. However, there is no inbuilt metric of knowing whether someone has made your Post Notification on.

Despite this, you can make some educated guesses based on the pattern. But even that might be just a coincidence.

For instance, if the same user repeatedly interacts with your post in a short duration, they might have turned on post notification. But, this is too hypothetical.

Thus, it can not be told if someone has turned on your post notification option.

Is Post Notification Effective?

Post notification enables you to get quick notifications from your favorite profile’s posts. But how effective are post notifications?

If you are eager to get the latest story, then it is the best option on TikTok. Similarly, not only will you get to know the latest happenings on TikTok quickly, but you will also be aware of the type of content they have posted.

Besides that, turning on post notifications entices you to watch for those posts as well. Also, you do not need to search for the profile as well. Rather, those posts shall automatically come in your notification when they make some posts.

Thus, all in all, yes, post notification is very effective unless you are in the wrong place. For instance, it would be better to turn it off while you are at work or meeting.

Why Should You Not Turn On Post Notification?

Do you get irritated by the constant notification on your phone’s screen? Or Have you ever accidentally opened the post through a sudden notification pop-up? This might be quite annoying.

Sometimes, you might get annoyed with the continuous post notifications from several people or even from a single person. Imagine you have followed too many profiles, and every time they post something, your phone will be showing a notification and alerting you that a new post has been posted

On top of this, it will drain your battery as well.

Suppose you are at your meeting or in some class. What might happen when your notification shall come in the middle of your boss’s speech or your teacher’s lecture?

Besides this, sometimes you might be busy working on a different activity or watching movies, playing video games, etc. In such a crucial time, how annoyed would you be when such a notification arises in the middle?

Moreover, at times your phone may be with someone else. Now in such circumstances, you might feel a bit awkward when your post notification arises.

Thus, in such conditions and situations, I would suggest you turn off your post notification option.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Some frequently asked questions on how to turn on post notifications on TikTok are below.

Where Is App Notification On TikTok?

All your app notifications on TikTok are within your privacy settings. There, tap on the Push notifications option, and you can set and manage all your notifications for the app from there.

How Do I Get Post Notifications On TikTok Live?

To get the notifications for TikTok live, you can go to the privacy settings, go to live settings, and then enable the option to “Get Recommended Live Notification.” You will then be notified of every live update.

Last Words

Post Notification is a useful option for updating yourself quickly and keeping track of the people you follow. Likewise, if you have turned on your TikTok notification, you will have a complete update of the buzz that’s happening in the TikTok world.

TikTok is not as old as some other applications, but in a short span, it has captured a global market. Turning on your post notification does not do any harm to your daily activities. It does make you more updated.

In recent times lots of content has been created in a short duration. If you miss one, you need to scroll down to find the particular video on TikTok. But if you turn on your post notification, you will get notified whenever something has been posted by people you follow.

Thus, this enables you to quickly look for those short videos and even save time scrolling from searching that video content.

However, notifications can become annoying when you receive too many simultaneously. So you must maintain a balance between when to turn on your post notification and when to turn off your post notification.

Similarly, only turn on post notifications of those users who post meaningful video content on their TikTok.

Download TikTok:

  • Android: //
  • IOS: //

Also Read

  1. How To Check TikTok Notification Settings?
  2. Why Is My TikTok Video Not Posting/Uploading? [6+ Problems And Solutions]
  3. How To Change Your Age On TikTok [Step-By-Step Guide]

Does TikTok notify when you view someone's video?

You can't see who views your TikTok videos, as the app lacks such a feature. TikTok offers users the ability to see how many times their video has been watched, but does not show which individual users or accounts view it.

Why can't I turn on post notifications on TikTok?

Open the TikTok app on your smartphone. Tap on 'Profile' in the bottom right corner of the Home screen. Once you've opened your profile, tap the three horizontal lines icon in the top right corner and select 'Settings and privacy' at the bottom. In the Content & Activity section, choose 'Push notifications.

How do I get TikTok to show notifications?

Go to the settings by choosing the settings option from your home screen. Now, look for Apps options and select them. Find TikTok and tap on it. Now, see if notifications are enabled or disabled.

How do I turn on post notifications?

Tap in the top right. Tap next to Posts, Stories, Reels or Videos to turn notifications on or off. Or tap next to Goes live and select any notification option.


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